Create Account

IMPORTANT: The Micro Focus Partner Portal is built using Salesforce Lightning which only works in Chrome or Firefox.

By filling out and submitting this form, you acknowledge that you are creating one account that may be used to log in on and  The account information you provide below will be shared with Micro Focus and NetIQ solely for the purposes of validating your identity across these sites.  See our privacy policy for details.  Please do not create multiple accounts to access each company as it may restrict your ability to access locked resources.  Help

Basic Information

Certain web sites require that your email be validated before you can access these sites. Once you access one of these sites you will be directed on how to validate your email address.

Login Information

The username you select for your login needs to be unique. If the username you provide is already in use, you will be prompted to choose another one. Usernames can include letters, numbers, underscores and dashes. Spaces, periods, other punctuation and special characters are not allowed.

Your password must be at least 6 characters long, contain at least one letter, and at least one number or special character. Valid letters are A-Z or a-z, numbers are 0-9, and special characters are ~!@#$%^*()-_=[]{}|;:<>,.?.



* Required Fields