
Manage Packages

The Manage Packages feature is available with Micro Focus Windows-based emulator clients, such as Reflection Desktop or InfoConnect Desktop.

Use Manage Packages to deploy configuration data to specified users. You can manage the macros and settings installed on each user's machine by uploading .msi files. Packages are available only with Windows-based clients.

The available packages are listed on this panel.

Configure a Package

First, you must create an .msi file that packages the files you want to deploy.

For example: with Reflection Desktop, use the Installation Customization Tool to package the files. Refer to the product documentation for information about which files you can include and how to use the tool.

Upload a new package

To add a package that can be centrally deployed:

  1. Click +ADD, and then BROWSE to the .msi file you want to upload.

  2. Add a Description for your reference.

  3. Click SAVE.


If you cluster an MSS server that contains packages for Windows-based sessions, the assignments and settings are replicated automatically. However, the package data must be manually copied to each server.

Update an existing package

You can replace an existing package with an updated version.

  1. In the list of packages, check the one you want to update and click EDIT.

  2. BROWSE to the newer version of the file. The file name must be the same.

The new configuration information is deployed to a user workstation when the user logs on.

Delete a package

To delete a package, check it from the list and click DELETE.

Deploy a package

Use Assign Access to assign packages to users or groups.