Execution Plan Properties Page

Execution Planning > Details View > <Execution Tree Element> > Properties

The Properties page offers detail on all properties and relevant information for the selected project, folder, execution plan, testing cycle, or configuration suite. You have the option of expanding and collapsing the information in each section on this page. This enables you to customize the information you see to your specific needs.


The Details section displays basic information about the selected element. For additional information, see Creating Execution Plans and Editing Elements of the Execution Plans Tree.

Execution Status

The Execution Status section displays information about the latest runs. The Status of last run displays the cumulated test status of the latest run of the execution plan, or the cumulated test status of all contained execution plans, for a folder or configuration suite. The Duration displays the duration of the latest run of an execution plan, or in case of a folder or configuration suite, the cumulated duration of the latest runs of all contained execution plans. In the simplest case, for automated tests on a single execution server or only manual tests, the duration is the time displayed for the latest run on the Runs page. If the last execution involved both automated and manual tests, only the automated or manual tests will be considered, depending on which test was executed later. If the execution plan contains multiple tests, the duration is measured from the time when the first test begins executing and ends when the last test completes execution. This includes the overhead time, which is needed for stopping/starting tests between executions.

For additional information, see Analyzing Test Runs.

Test Execution Setup

The Test Execution Setup section displays information about assigned tests or testers. For additional information, see Managing Execution Plans Folders and Configuration Suites and Test Assignment.


Attributes are freely definable characteristics that can be applied to execution plans. For additional information, see Execution Plan Attributes.


The Parameters section displays information about parameters, which are freely configurable input values to execution plans. For additional information, see Execution Plan Parameters.

Notifications and Reports

The Notifications and Reports section includes check boxes which allow you to check whether you want to be notified based on the outcome of the execution. Notification only works if an email server has been configured by your administrator. You also have to specify an email address for your account in <User Name> > User Settings . Additionally, you can trigger report subscriptions based on the outcome of the execution. The list of available reports is based on the reports that have a subscription defined. For additional information, see Managing Report Subscriptions.

Check Box Description
Execution finishing successfully Check to receive a notification email each time an execution run finishes successfully.
Execution finishing with not passed tests Check to receive a notification email each time an execution finishes with status not executed or failed.
Execution finishing with changed number of not passed tests Check to receive a notification email each time the number of failed or not executed tests changes in comparison to the previous run, when an execution finishes.

Result Cleanup Rules

Use the Result Cleanup Rules section to define rules to clean up old results and result files of execution plan runs. For additional information, see Automatically Deleting Results and Result Files.