Represents data as a series of vertical columns whose height is determined by values in the data.
You can use the ColumnChart to represent a variety of different charts including simple columns, clustered columns, stacked, 100% stacked, and high/low.
'Declaration Public Class FlexColumnChart _ Inherits FlexCartesianChart
Name | Description |
alpha | the alpha transparency value of the object specified. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
automationClassName | a string containing the automation class name for the element. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
automationIndex | a string containing the automation index for the element. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
automationName | the name that can be used as an identifier for this object. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
className | the name of this instance's class, such as Button. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
clipContent | whether Flex clips the chart to the area bounded by the axes. Set to false to clip the chart. Set to true to avoid clipping when the data is rendered. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
columnNames | a list containing the names of all columns in the data. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
columnWidthRatio | a ratio of wide to draw the columns relative to the category width, as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1. |
currentState | the current view state of the component. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
dataTipMode | how Flex displays DataTip controls for the chart. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
description | a short description of the data in the chart. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
dragEnabled | whether you can drag items out of this chart and drop them on other controls. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
dropEnabled | whether dragged items can be dropped onto the chart. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
enabled | whether the component can accept user interaction. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
errorColor | the color of the component highlight when validation fails. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
errorString | the text that will be displayed by a component's error tip when a component is monitored and validation fails. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
firstVisibleRow | the index of the first visible child. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
focusEnabled | whether the component can receive focus when tabbed to. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
fontFamily | the name of the font to use. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
fontSize | the height of the text, in pixels. The default value is 10 for all controls except the ColorPicker control. For the ColorPicker control, the default value is 11. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
gutterBottom | The size of the region, in pixels, between the bottom of the chart data area and the bottom of the chart control. (Inherited from FlexCartesianChart) |
gutterLeft | The size of the region, in pixels, between the left of the chart data area and the left of the chart control. (Inherited from FlexCartesianChart) |
gutterRight | The size of the region, in pixels, between the right side of the chart data area and the outside of the chart control. (Inherited from FlexCartesianChart) |
gutterTop | The size of the region, in pixels, between the top of the chart data area and the top of the chart control. (Inherited from FlexCartesianChart) |
height | the height of the display object, in pixels. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
horizontalAxisRatio | the height limit of the horiztonal axis. (Inherited from FlexCartesianChart) |
id | the ID of the component. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
lastVisibleRow | the index of the last visible child. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
maxColumnWidth | how wide to draw the columns, in pixels. |
maximumDataTipCount | the maximum number of datatips a chart will show. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
mouseEnabled | whether this object receives mouse messages. The default value is true, which means that by default any InteractiveObject instance that is on the display list receives mouse events. If mouseEnabled is set to false, the instance does not receive any mouse events. Any children of this instance on the display list are not affected. To change the mouseEnabled behavior for all children of an object on the display list, use flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer.mouseChildren. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
mouseSensitivity | the distance, in pixels, that Flex considers a data point to be under the mouse pointer when the pointer moves around a chart. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
numAutomationChildren | the number of automation children this container has. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
numColumns | the total number of columns in the data available. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
numRows | the total number of rows of data available. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
paddingBottom | the number of pixels between the chart's bottom border and its content area. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
paddingLeft | the number of pixels between the control's left border and the left edge of its content area. The default value is 2. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
paddingRight | the number of pixels between the control's right border and the right edge of its content area. The default value is 0. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
paddingTop | the number of pixels between the chart's top border and its content area. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
percentHeight | the number that specifies the height of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
percentWidth | the number that specifies the width of a component as a percentage of its parent's size. Allowed values are 0-100. The default value is NaN. Setting the width or explicitWidth properties resets this property to NaN. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
scaleX | the number that specifies the horizontal scaling factor. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
scaleY | the number that specifies the vertical scaling factor. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
selectedChartItem | the selected ChartItem in the chart. If multiple items are selected, this property specifies the most recently selected item. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
selectedChartItems | an array of all the selected ChartItem objects in the chart. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
selectionMode | whether ChartItem objects can be selected. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
showDataTips | whether DataTip controls for the chart show. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
showDataTipTargets | whether to show targets over the datapoints when showDataTips is set to true. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
tabChildren | whether the children of the display object are tab enabled. The default is true. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
tabEnabled | whether this object is in the tab order. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
tabIndex | the tab ordering of objects in a SWF file. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
Text | The text of the control. (Inherited from TestObject) |
textAlign | the alignment of text within a container. (Inherited from FlexCartesianChart) |
themeColor | the theme color of a component. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
toolTip | the text to display in the ToolTip. The default value is Nothing. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
useHandCursor | whether the pointing hand cursor appears when the mouse rolls over an element. The default value is true. If useHandCursor is false, the arrow pointer is used instead. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
Value | The value of the control, e.g.: text in a text control. (Inherited from TestObject) |
verticalAxisRatio | the width limit of the vertical axis. (Inherited from FlexCartesianChart) |
visible | whether the display object is visible. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
width | the width of the display object, in pixels. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
x | the x coordinate of the DisplayObject instance relative to the local coordinates of the parent DisplayObjectContainer. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
y | the y coordinate of the DisplayObject instance relative to the local coordinates of the parent DisplayObjectContainer. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
Name | Description |
CaptureBitmap | Saves a bitmap image of this object to a file. If you do not specify an absolute file name, the bitmap is saved to the default bitmap location on the machine that runs the Agent, which is %LOCALAPPDATA%/Silk/SilkTest/capturedBitmaps. The captured bitmap's pixels are stored in 32bit RGB order; when parsing the image the 4th byte (alpha channel) of every pixel must be ignored as it is used only for padding. In .NET, the constant System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb can be used for this purpose. (Inherited from TestObject) |
ChangeFocus | Changes the current focus. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
Click | Clicks on the object. (Inherited from IClickable) |
DoubleClick | Double-clicks a mouse button on the object. (Inherited from IClickable) |
DragCancel | Defines the value of the type property of the event object for a dragComplete event. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
DragDrop | Defines the value of the type property of the event object for a dragDrop event. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
DragStart | Defines the value of the type property of the event object for a dragStart event. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
Exists | Checks if any child object matching the locator exists for an object in the application under test. If the timeout parameter is passed the agent retries finding until the given timeout expires. If no timeout is specified and no object is found initially false is returned immediately. (Inherited from TestObject) |
Exists | Checks if an object exists in the application under test. (Inherited from TestObject) |
Find | Finds an object specified by an XPath locator. (Inherited from TestObject) |
FindAll | Finds all objects specified by an XPath locator. (Inherited from TestObject) |
GenerateLocator | Returns a locator for this object. (Inherited from TestObject) |
GetChildren | Returns the child objects of this object. (Inherited from TestObject) |
GetDynamicMethodList | Returns a list of methods (including their signature) that can be dynamically invoked on this TestObject. (Inherited from TestObject) |
GetParent | Looks up the parent of this object in the test application. (Inherited from TestObject) |
GetProperty | Returns the value of the specified property. (Inherited from TestObject) |
GetPropertyList | Returns a list of property names that can be retrieved for the given object. (Inherited from TestObject) |
GetRect | Returns the size and position of this object. Per default the returned coordinates are relative to the parent window that contains this object. (Inherited from TestObject) |
GetStyle | Returns the style value for the given style. For available styles consider the Apache Flex sdk documentation. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
GetValues | Returns a matrix containing the automation values of all parts of the components. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
HighlightObject | Highlights this object. (Inherited from TestObject) |
ImageClick | Clicks on specified image asset. (Inherited from TestObject) |
ImageClickFile | Clicks on the specified image. (Inherited from TestObject) |
ImageExists | Returns whether the specified image asset exists. (Inherited from TestObject) |
ImageExistsFile | Returns whether the specified image exists. (Inherited from TestObject) |
ImageRectangle | Returns the object-relative rectangle of the specified image asset. (Inherited from TestObject) |
ImageRectangleFile | Returns the object-relative rectangle of the specified image. (Inherited from TestObject) |
Invoke | Dynamically invokes a method on the test object. (Inherited from TestObject) |
InvokeMethods | Dynamically invokes a sequence of methods starting at this TestObject. (Inherited from TestObject) |
MouseMove | Moves the pointer to the specified location in the object. This method is not supported for mobile Web applications. (Inherited from IClickable) |
Move | Moves the component to a specified position within its parent. Calling this method is the same as setting the component's x and y properties. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
PressKeys | Presses (but does not release) a set of keys or mouse buttons. (Inherited from IKeyable) |
PressMouse | Presses (but does not release) a mouse button in the object. This method is not supported for mobile Web applications. (Inherited from IClickable) |
ReleaseKeys | Releases a set of keys or mouse buttons. (Inherited from IKeyable) |
ReleaseMouse | Releases a mouse button. This method is not supported for mobile Web applications. (Inherited from IClickable) |
Select | Defines the value of the type property of the event object for a headerRelease event, which indicates that the user pressed and released the mouse on a column header. (Inherited from FlexChart) |
SetFocus | Sets the focus to this component. The component may in turn pass focus to a subcomponent. (Inherited from FlexObject) |
SetProperty | Sets the value of the specified property. (Inherited from TestObject) |
StartScreenRecording | Starts screen recording (Inherited from TestObject) |
StopScreenRecording | Stops screen recording (Inherited from TestObject) |
TextCapture | Returns the text in this object's visible area. (Inherited from TestObject) |
TextClick | Clicks in the center of the specified text. (Inherited from TestObject) |
TextExists | Returns whether the specified text exists. (Inherited from TestObject) |
TextRectangle | Returns the object-relative rectangle of the specified text. (Inherited from TestObject) |
ToString | Returns a string representation of the control. (Inherited from FlexDisplayObject) |
TypeKeys | Sends a set of keystrokes to the object. (Inherited from IKeyable) |
TypePasswordKeys | Types an encrypted password into an object, for example a text field. (Inherited from IKeyable) |
WaitForChildDisappearance | Waits until the specified child object does not exist or until the timeout is reached. If you don't explicitly pass a timeout using the optional timeout parameter, the timeout specified by the option OPT_WAIT_RESOLVE_OBJDEF will be used. An exception is thrown if the timeout is reached. (Inherited from TestObject) |
WaitForDisappearance | Waits until the object does not exist or until the timeout is reached. If you don't explicitly pass a timeout using the optional timeout parameter, the timeout specified by the option OPT_WAIT_RESOLVE_OBJDEF will be used. An exception is thrown if the timeout is reached. (Inherited from TestObject) |
WaitForObject | Waits for an object that matches the specified locator. If no object matches within an timeout an ObjectNotFoundException is thrown. The default timeout is 5 seconds and you can change the timeout by setting the value of the option OPT_WAIT_RESOLVE_OBJDEF. Use WaitForObject if the AUT takes a long time to display a specific object, for example when a transaction is processed before showing any results. By default, an action in the UI does not require a WaitForObject, because of the built-in synchronization. If you receive random timeout errors during normal script execution, consider increasing the default timeout instead of adding WaitForObject statements to your scripts. (Inherited from TestObject) |
WaitForProperty | Waits until the specified property has the specified value or until the timeout is reached.If you don't explicitly pass a timeout using the optional timeout parameter, the timeout specified by the option OPT_WAIT_RESOLVE_OBJDEF will be used. An exception is thrown if the timeout is reached. (Inherited from TestObject) |
WaitForPropertyNotEquals | Waits until the specified property has a value that is different to the specified value or until the timeout is reached.If you don't explicitly pass a timeout using the optional timeout parameter, the timeout specified by the option OPT_WAIT_RESOLVE_OBJDEF will be used. An exception is thrown if the timeout is reached. (Inherited from TestObject) |
WaitForScreenshotStable | Waits until the control is visually stable and does not change its position, by comparing screenshots taken with the specified interval. If you don't explicitly pass a timeout using the optional timeout parameter, the timeout specified by the option OPT_WAIT_SCREENSHOT_STABLE will be used. The default interval is 200 milliseconds. An exception is thrown if the timeout is reached. (Inherited from TestObject) |