!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


C header file Migration Cookbook2.4.1.25
Caching pens and brushes OO Programming19.2.3
California traffic conditions
Web Services Distributed Computing6.3
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
CALL embedded SQL statement Database Access11.1
Call Interface
basic call to Dialog System Dialog System Guide7.1.2
sample programs Dialog System Guide17.7
Call interface Dialog System Character11.2.2 , 13.1
Data File Converter File Handling15.1.1.2
structure Dialog System Guide7.1.2
Call library
generate Dialog System Character12.2.4
Call Name Resolution Migration Cookbook2.4.1.5
Call prototype Language Reference3.4 , 4.2 , 5.2 , 8.25 , 12.4
example LR - Additional Topics6.1 , 6.1.1
CALL statement Language Reference12.4
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.4
DG I COBOL LR - Additional Topics12.3.1
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.3.1
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.4
Call-by-name routines Migration CookbookCh4
CBL_CHANGE_DIR Migration Cookbook3.1.1.4
mouse handling Character UIs9.2
Call-by-Number Routine - x"91" function 69 Migration Cookbook3.1.1.2
Call-by-Number Routine - x"d0" Migration Cookbook3.1.1.3
Call-by-number routines Migration CookbookCh4
CALL-RECOVERY Compiler directive Distributed Computing21.1.1 , 21.1.3
Callable codeset interface File Handling13.7
Callable File Handler Getting StartedA.1.1.2
See File Handler
Callable Rebuild File Handling14.7
Getting StartedA.1.1.3
Callable Sort Getting StartedA.1.1.4
Callable Sort Module File Handling7.2
Callback framework OO ProgrammingCh17
Called program not found RTS error OO Programming7.4.3
CALLFH Compiler directive File Handling7.1.6
Fileshare Guide2.1.1
Btrieve File Handling8.2.1
Calling program Dialog System Guide1.2
writing Dialog System CharacterCh13
Calling program function Dialog System Character10.1.1.6
CALLOUT Dialog System Character10.1.1.7
Dialog System Distributed Computing25.11.4
Callout function Dialog System Character10.1.1.7
callout request Distributed Computing25.11.4
CALLSORT Compiler directive File Handling7.2
Language Reference14.1 , 16.4
CANCEL Multi-threading3.5
Cancel library
generate Dialog System Character12.2.5
CANCEL statement Language Reference12.5
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.5
Canceling programs Multi-threading3.5
Canceling threads Multi-threading3.4.3
Cape Clear
Web Services Distributed ComputingCh4
.car file ES Deployment Guide1.2
CASE Compiler directive Language Reference5.2 , 12.4
OO Programming7.1.1
CASE directive Distributed Computing33.4 , 33.5
CASE On-line Help Builder directive Character UIsCh14
Case sensitivity UNIX Option Guide1.4
Case sensitivity off/on
dialog Dialog System Character10.2.6
Catalog Browser Database Access10.4.2
Java exceptions Distributed Computing10.6
Category of data Language Reference2.6
.cbl file Distributed Computing29.6 , , 31.4
cbl2xml utility Distributed Computing24.1
general format for Distributed Computing24.1.1
CBL2XML Wizard Distributed Computing24.1 , 24.1.2
cblksize Distributed Computing25.5.1
Cbllink Getting StartedA.1.1.5
Migration Cookbook2.4.1.6
CBL_ routines
mouse handling Character UIs9.2
CBL_ALLOC_MEM Migration Cookbook4.1.1.1
testing the value of a bit Character UIs9.2.2.2
CBL_CHANGE_DIR Migration Cookbook3.1.1.4
CBL_CLEAR_SCR Character UIs6.5
debugging repeatedly Getting Started13.6
debugging services Getting StartedCh13
CBL_GET_CSR_POS Character UIs6.5
CBL_GET_MOUSE_MASK Character UIs6.5 ,
CBL_GET_SCR_SIZE Character UIs6.5
CBL_HIDE_MOUSE Character UIs6.5
CBL_INIT_MOUSE Character UIs6.5 , 9.2.1
using to set the value of a bit Character UIs9.2.2.4
CBL_READ_KBD_CHAR Character UIs6.5
CBL_SCR_ALLOCATE_VC_COLOR Migration Cookbook3.1.1.5
CBL_SCR_CREATE_VC Migration Cookbook3.1.1.5
CBL_SCR_DESTROY_VC Migration Cookbook3.1.1.5
CBL_SET_CSR_POS Character UIs6.5
CBL_SET_MOUSE_MASK Character UIs6.5 ,
CBL_SET_MOUSE_POSITION Character UIs6.5 , 6.5
CBL_SHOW_MOUSE Character UIs6.5
CBL_TERM_MOUSE Character UIs6.5 , 9.2.1
CBL_WRITE_SCR_TTY Character UIs6.5
CCI Configuring CCICh1
and Fileshare Configuring CCI7.2
and Mainframe Access Configuring CCI7.1
client protocol Fileshare Guide2.1.2.2 , 3.1
communications Fileshare GuideCh8
configuration utility Configuring CCI5.1.3
error messages Configuring CCICh10
Fileshare Guide9.2
Java connector architecture Distributed Computing8.2
server ES Config & Admin5.1
server protocol Fileshare Guide3.2
setting the API Distributed Computing25.5.1
setting the protocol Distributed Computing25.5.1
timeout Fileshare Guide8.4
trace Fileshare Guide8.3
unmanaged Java connection Distributed Computing8.4
CCI filenames Migration Cookbook3.1.1.6
CCI Servers ES Config & Admin5.4.2
cci.ini file Configuring CCICh9
CCIIPX configuration Configuring CCI3.2.1
CCINAMPU configuration Configuring CCI6.1.3
CCINETB configuration Configuring CCI4.2
CCITCP configuration Configuring CCI5.2.2.2
trace options Configuring CCI8.2.2
CCIAPPC configuration Configuring CCICh2
CCIINST.EXE support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CCIIPX configuration Configuring CCICh3
CCINAMPU configuration Configuring CCICh6
CCINETB configuration Configuring CCICh4
CCITCP configuration Configuring CCICh5
cci.ini file Configuring CCI5.2.2.2
direct connection Configuring CCI5.2.2
environment variables Configuring CCI5.2.2.2
UNIX Configuring CCI5.1.4
CCITCP2 daemon process Configuring CCI5.1.5
debug option Configuring CCI5.2.1
NT service Configuring CCI5.2.1
ccitcp2 daemon process Fileshare Guide8.2
CCITCP2 environment variable Configuring CCI5.
Fileshare Guide8.2
ccitcp2 support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CCITCP2.EXE support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CCITCP32.DLL support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CCITCPS_ environment variable Configuring CCI5.
CCITCPT_ environment variable Configuring CCI5.
ccitrace.log Configuring CCICh8
CEOF Dialog System Character10.1.1.21
.CFG Dialog System Character4.2.8
CFLD Dialog System Character10.1.1.21
CGI Distributed Computing26.1 , Ch32 , Ch33
building Distributed Computing29.4.1
CGI applications UNIX Option Guide2.7 , 7.2.5
publishing UNIX Option Guide7.1.1
CGI program
publishing UNIX Option Guide4.3
CGI Support Getting StartedA.1.1.9
CGI-based application GS - Additional TopicsCh2
CGI-Web application
what to use Getting Started1.2
CHAIN statement Language Reference12.6
panels Dialog System Character18.9
menu choice Dialog System Guide15.4 , 15.4
Compiler directive UNIX Option Guide2.2
CHANGED option LR - Additional Topics10.4.4
Changing installation location of Samba UNIX Option GuideA.3.4
char data type Database Access3.3.1
CHAR function Language Reference11.9.6
CHAR in SQL Migration Cookbook7.2.1
CHAR-NATIONAL function Language Reference11.9.7
get Character UIs6.5
Character array OO Programming15.2.3
Character data types Database Access3.3
Character palette
panel painting Dialog System Character7.4.5
Character representation
selection Language Reference2.6.4
Character set Language Reference2.1 , ApA
changing File Handling11.2.3
converting File Handling13.1
Getting Started5.15
data file File Handling10.2
Data File Editor Getting Started5.16
Character set supported on UNIX Dialog System Character16.3.2
Character, attribute byte Character UIs7.2
Character-mode applications Migration Cookbook2.2
Character-mode Dialog System Migration Cookbook8.2
Character-string Language Reference2.2.2
CHARSET Compiler directive Language Reference6.2.3
CHARSET"EBCDIC Compiler directive File Handling15.
Check box Distributed Computing28.2 , 31.3.3
attaching to data item Dialog System Guide5.1.4
selection Dialog System Guide1.3.6
Check digit
example Dialog System Character5.1.7.3
validation Dialog System Character5.1.7.3
validation menu Dialog System Character5.1.7.3
CHECKDIV Compiler directive Language Reference10.5.2.1
Checker Migration Cookbook2.4.1.14
if DNS configured UNIX Option GuideA.1.2
if NIS configured UNIX Option GuideA.1.2
Checking portability
in UNIX Option Getting Started20.4
CHECKNUM Migration Cookbook3.1.1.7 ,
CHIP Migration Cookbook3.1.1.7
CHKECM directive Database Access7.4 , 9.9
CHKECM(CTRACE) directive Database Access7.4 , 9.9
CHKECM(TRACE) directive Database Access7.4 , 9.9
Choose option
Adiscf Character UIs3.2.1.14
Class Language Reference3.6.1
OO Programming2.3 , Ch4
body Language Reference17.4
declaring OO Programming3.2
definition Language Reference17.2
extending OO Programming12.6
extension Language Reference17.3
identification OO Programming9.1.1
inheritance Language Reference3.6.8
initialization OO Programming4.5.2
intrinsic data OO Programming16.3
object Language Reference17.5
parameterized Language Reference3.6.11
OO Programming4.7
structure OO Programming4.2 , 12.1
tutorial OO ProgrammingCh9
Class Browser Getting StartedA.1.1.16
Migration Cookbook2.4.1.7
CLASS clause
Repository paragraph Language Reference6.2.4
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
Class condition Language Reference10.4.1.2
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.1.2 ,
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.1
Class Library Getting StartedA.1.1.16
reference OO Programming14.4
Class library Migration Cookbook2.4.1.8 , Ch5
OO Programming2.8 , Ch14
animating OO Programming14.6
features Dialog System Guide8.2.3
Class methods in Java Distributed Computing11.3.3
Class Object Migration Cookbook2.4.1.30
Class of data Language Reference2.6
Class Wizard Distributed Computing14.1 , 14.3..1
brief description Getting Started1.2
Class-id OO Programming9.1.1
Class-ID paragraph Language Reference5.3
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.2.3
Class-name Language Reference2.2.3.4
CLASS-OBJECT Migration Cookbook2.4.1.30
Classification of segments LR - Additional Topics3.1.2
CLASSPATH environment variable Distributed Computing7.2
UNIX Option Guide4.4
CLEAR Dialog System Character10.1.1.21
CBL_CLEAR_SCR routine Character UIs6.5
panel Dialog System Character7.3.4
Clear dialog
trap field Dialog System Character11.1.1.1
Clear field functions Dialog System Character10.1.1.21
Clearing a screenset Dialog System Character3.1.4
COM Distributed Computing16.1
connecting to mfclient Distributed Computing25.6
Fileshare Fileshare Guide1.2
maximum connections Distributed Computing25.6 , 25.10.3 , 25.12
starting Distributed Computing25.8
user written Distributed Computing25.2
Client area Dialog System Guide4.2
Client for Web Services
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh10
Client Generation Distributed Computing5.3
Client generation
adding to project Distributed Computing5.3.2
project confirmation message Distributed Computing5.3.2
Client on .NET for COM
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh11
Client requests
long-running ES Config & Admin2.5.4
short-running ES Config & Admin2.5.3
Client/server Distributed Computing26.1
Client/Server Binder
controlling the number of clients Dialog System Guide14.5
Client/Server Binding Distributed ComputingCh25
Dialog System Guide14.1
Client/Server binding
animating Dialog System Guide14.8
Client/Server Binding
audit trail Dialog System Guide14.10.1
authorization passwords Dialog System Guide14.9.2
communications link Dialog System Guide14.3.3
configuration file Dialog System Guide14.4.2
Client/Server binding
configuration file entries Dialog System Guide14.4.2.1
configuration file locating Dialog System Guide14.4.2.3
configuration file minimum entries Dialog System Guide14.4.2.2
connecting to mfclient Dialog System Guide14.5
Client/Server Binding
enabling server override Dialog System Guide14.9.4
Client/Server binding
file management Dialog System Guide14.10.5
Client/Server Binding
how it works Distributed Computing25.2
Client/Server binding
in-line configuration facility Dialog System Guide14.10.3
Client/Server Binding
limitations Dialog System Guide14.13
Client/Server binding
managing the server Dialog System Guide14.9
Client/Server Binding
maximum number of clients Dialog System Guide14.9.3
Client/Server binding
mfclient Dialog System Guide14.3.1
mfclisrv.cpy Dialog System Guide14.4.1
running an application Dialog System Guide14.7
Client/Server Binding
using with callout facility Distributed Computing25.11.4
Client/server binding
process Dialog System Guide14.2
Client/Server Bindings Getting StartedA.1.1.6
re-routing to another server Dialog System Guide14.10.2
Clients for services
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh9
clierrprog Distributed Computing25.5.1
Clipboard Dialog System Guide5.1.1.4
Clipping Dialog System Guide4.4
CLOSE statement Language Reference12.7
Report Writer LR - Additional Topics1.5.2
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.3.8
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.5
CLOSE WINDOW statement Character UIs8.3.2
CLOSED-WINDOW Dialog System Guide6.3.2.10
a project Getting Started4.10
a window Getting Started4.10
can't close Application Output window Getting Started4.10
Net Express Getting Started4.10
Output window Getting Started4.10
CLRF Dialog System Character10.1.1.18
.cls file OO Programming7.1.2 , 12.5.1
/cm option Fileshare Guide3.1 , 3.2 , 8.1
cmapclient.cs Getting Started11.3
CMPR2 Migration Cookbook6.4
Co-Writer Migration Cookbook2.4.1.16
Cob Migration Cookbook2.4.1.9
COBATTR environment variable Character UIs7.3
cobcall() method Distributed Computing9.2.3
COBCONFIG environment variable File Handling3.5 , 3.5.3
COBCPY environment variable UNIX Option Guide4.4
environment variable File Handling8.4
AS environment Licensing Guide1.4
COBDIR environment variable File Handling3.5
Fileshare Guide2.2
COBHNF environment variable Character UIsCh15
COBJVM environment variable Distributed Computing7.2
Cobkeymp Character UIsCh4
cobload() method Distributed Computing9.2.2
cobloadclass() method Distributed Computing11.3.2
concepts Language ReferenceCh2
examples LR - Additional TopicsCh6
fundamentals Language ReferenceCh3
introduction Language ReferenceCh1
language definition Language ReferenceCh4
object extensions Language ReferenceCh17
obsolete elements LR - Additional TopicsCh7
run-time error messages Fileshare Guide9.1
source format Language Reference1.2 , 3.10
windowing syntax Character UIsCh8
word Language Reference2.2.2.1
XML access from Distributed Computing24.1.6
XML-enabling Distributed ComputingCh24
COBOL Client for Web Services
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh10
COBOL data files
importing UNIX applications UNIX Option Guide5.2
COBOL Header Bar File Handling12.6.1
COBOL program Dialog System Character3.2
COBOL service
Debugging ES Config & Admin5.1
COBOL Source Information Migration Cookbook2.2
COBOL System Library Routines Getting StartedA.1.1.7
COBOL system library routines Migration Cookbook2.4.1.10 , Ch4
COBOL system-directing sentence Language Reference3.9.2.4
COBOL system-directing statement Language Reference3.9.2.3
COBOL values
preset in Interface Mapper Getting Started7.5.8
COBOL Web Service
creating using SOAP Toolkit GS - Additional Topics9.1
COBOL Web service
creating using SOAP Toolkit GS - Additional Topics9.2
COBOL Web Services
creating using SOAP Toolkit Distributed Computing6.2
COBOL Workbench
interface to Data Tools Migration Cookbook10.2.2
COBOL370 Migration Cookbook6.4 , 6.5.1
COBOL370 Compiler directive Language Reference8.26
CobolBean Distributed Computing9.2.6
CobolComp5 class OO Programming16.2.1
CobolCompX class OO Programming16.2.1
CobolNational Distributed Computing9.3.3
CobolPicX class OO Programming16.2.1
COBSQL Database AccessCh12
Getting StartedA.2.1.1
Migration Cookbook2.4.1.11 , Ch7
UNIX Option GuideCh6
and Informix Database Access12.7.5
and Oracle Database Access12.7.2
and Sybase Database Access12.7.4
building applications Database Access12.3
CP Database Access12.4
directives Database Access12.2.1
END-C Database Access12.2
ENDP Database Access12.2
examples Database Access12.6
operation Database Access12.2
Oracle 8 Database Access12.7.3
Oracle 8 Directives Database Access12.7.3.1
Oracle and Micro Focus COBOL Database Access12.7.3.3
Oracle migrating versions Database Access12.7.3.2
overview Database Access12.1
shipping applications Database Access12.3
troubleshooting Database Access12.7
COBSW=+Z Migration Cookbook6.3
cobtcp.so support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CODE clause LR - Additional Topics1.4.7
Code compatibility Migration Cookbook1.2
CODE-SET clause Language Reference8.6
and SQL Option Database Access10.12
configuring File Handling10.3
_CODESET File Handling13.7
COFF Dialog System Character10.1.1.2 , 20.2
COL special register LR - Additional Topics10.1
coll0.cbl program OO Programming22.1
coll1.cbl program OO Programming22.2
Collating sequence Language Reference10. , ApA
COLLATING SEQUENCE clause Language Reference6.2.2
MERGE statement Language Reference14.1
SORT statement Language Reference16.4
"collect" method OO Programming15.7
Collection framework OO ProgrammingCh15
tutorial OO Programming22.1
Color Dialog System Character3.4
Migration Cookbook2.2
display attributes Character UIs7.2.3
setting Distributed Computing35.3.1.5
Dialog System GuideA.2
Colorize Dialog System Character17.3
Colorize menu Dialog System Character4.2.8
Column GS - Additional Topics6.1.1
Column 73
windowing syntax Character UIs8.4
COLUMN clause Language Reference9.8
COLUMN NUMBER clause LR - Additional Topics1.4.13
COLUMN NUMBER phrase Character UIs8.3.3
additional reading Distributed Computing13.4
checklist Distributed Computing13.3
classes Distributed Computing14.3
clients Distributed Computing16.1 , 16.2
distributing Distributed ComputingCh17
Interface Mapper Distributed Computing13.2
messages Distributed Computing16.4
methods Distributed Computing14.3..2
overview Distributed ComputingCh13
properties Distributed Computing14.3..3
proxy Distributed Computing16.3 , 16.6
terminology Distributed Computing13.1
what to use Getting Started1.2
COM .NET Client on .NET
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh11
COM Automation
data type coercion Distributed Computing18.2
data type identifiers Distributed Computing18.4.2
data types Distributed ComputingCh18
event loops Distributed Computing14.4..1
multi-threading Distributed Computing15.3
object references Distributed Computing18.3
properties Distributed Computing14.3..3
registration Distributed Computing17.1
sample program Distributed Computing13.3
server classes Distributed Computing14.3..1
COM automation
client Distributed Computing16.2
COM error code Distributed Computing16.7
exception base number Distributed Computing16.7
exceptions Distributed Computing16.7
message type Distributed Computing16.4.1
COM Automation server
in-process Distributed Computing14.3..1
COM Automation servers
deploying Distributed ComputingCh15
registering Distributed ComputingCh15
self-registration Distributed Computing15.1..1
COM Class Library OO Programming14.1
COM Component Class Library OO Programming14.1
COM components
See COM objects
COM interface
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh7
basic tutorial on deploying Getting StartedCh8
deploying data files Getting Started8.5
finding data files Getting Started8.5
redeploying Getting Started8.3
COM mapping
Interface Mapper Getting Started7.5.3
COM object
creating using wizards GS - Additional TopicsCh8
deploying GS - Additional TopicsCh9
locating data files Distributed Computing2.5.1
setting environment variable Distributed Computing2.5.1
settings Distributed Computing2.5.2
starting Distributed Computing16.3
Web service GS - Additional TopicsCh9
COM objects Distributed ComputingCh14 , 18.3
registering Distributed ComputingCh15 , 17.1
remote Distributed ComputingCh17
SafeArrays Distributed Computing18.5.4
COM Registry File Generator Distributed Computing14.3.1
COM service
debugging repeatedly Getting Started13.6
COM service debugging
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh13
See also COM
context objects Distributed Computing19.2.3
GetObjectContext Distributed Computing19.2.3
Objectcontext methods Distributed Computing19.2.5
ojbectcontext class Distributed Computing19.2.2
ojbectcontext.dll Distributed Computing19.2.2
COM+ components Distributed ComputingCh19
building Distributed Computing19.2.6
creating Distributed Computing19.2
debugging Distributed Computing19.3
example Distributed Computing19.4
executing Distributed Computing19.3
structure Distributed Computing19.2.1
terminating Distributed Computing19.2.4
COM-REG special register LR - Additional TopicsCh9
Combined condition Language Reference10.4.2.2
Combined relation condition
abbreviated Language Reference10.4.3
AppTrack Licensing Guide3.5
postbuild UNIX Option Guide3.2.1.3
prebuild UNIX Option Guide3.2.1.3
Command line Character UIs3.1
Dialog System Character2.3
Distributed Computing25.8
Data File Converter Migration Cookbook10.2.2
Command prompt Getting StartedA.1.1.8
COMMAND-LINE function-name Language Reference12.1 , 12.13
Command-line sort Migration Cookbook2.4.1.42
in-line Language Reference3.10.5.1
Comment line Language Reference1.2.1.1 , , 1.2.2 , , 3.10.5
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.6 , 5.4
Comment-entry Language Reference1.2.2 , 2.2.8 , 5.1
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.6 , 5.4
Comments Dialog System Guide6.1.1
in Dialog System Getting Started18.7.2
COMMIT Migration Cookbook7.2.1
COMMIT in SQL Migration Cookbook7.2.1 , 7.2.1
COMMIT statement Fileshare Guide4.1
Language Reference12.8
COMMITFLUSH configuration option File Handling6.2
COMMON clause Language Reference5.2
Common Communications Interface Migration Cookbook2.4.1.12
CCI Configuring CCICh1
Common Gateway Interface Distributed Computing33.1
Getting StartedA.1.1.9
Common program Language Reference3.7.1
commsapi Distributed Computing25.5.1
run-unit Language Reference3.7
Communication across networks Getting StartedA.1.1.6
Fileshare Fileshare Guide2.1.2.2 , Ch8 , 9.2
Communications Module Migration Cookbook2.2 ,
Communications protocol Distributed Computing25.3
COMP usage Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 8.26
Microsoft COBOL LR - Additional Topics10.3.1
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.2.4
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.1.7.1
COMP-0 usage
Microsoft COBOL LR - Additional Topics10.3.1
COMP-1 usage Language Reference2.6.4.3
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.2.4
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.4.9
COMP-2 usage Language Reference2.6.4.3
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.4.9
COMP-3 usage Language Reference2.6.4.4 , 8.26
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.4.9
COMP-4 usage Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 8.26
COMP-5 Compiler directive Language Reference2.6.4.5 , 8.26
COMP-5 usage Language Reference2.6.4.5 , 8.26
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.1.7.1 , 13.4.9
COMP-6 usage
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.2.4
COMP-X usage Language Reference2.6.4.5 , 8.26
elements of collection OO Programming15.3
chart Dialog System Guide12.5 , 12.6
UNIX Option UNIX Option GuideApC
Compatibility of code Migration Cookbook1.2
Compilation group Language Reference4.2
example LR - Additional Topics6.4
Compiler Migration Cookbook2.4.1.14
remote DB2 server Database Access9.7.1
Compiler directive
ACCEPTREFRESH Language Reference12.1
ACTUAL-PARAMS Language Reference5.3
OO Programming4.7 , 6.4 , 7.1.1
ALIGN Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 12.4 , 17.1
OO Programming7.1.1
ALPHASTART Language Reference6.2.3
ANS85 Character UIs8.4
APOST Language Reference2.2.4.4
ASSIGN LR - Additional TopicsCh9
Language Reference6.3.2
AUTOLOCK Language Reference10.6.5.3
BYTE-MODE-MOVE Language Reference10.5.5 , 14.2
CALLFH Fileshare Guide2.1.1
CALLSORT Language Reference14.1 , 16.4
CASE Language Reference5.2 , 12.4
OO Programming7.1.1
CHARSET Language Reference6.2.3
CHECKDIV Language Reference10.5.2.1
COBOL370 Language Reference8.26
COMP-5 Language Reference2.6.4.5 , 8.26
CONSTANT Language Reference18.5
COPYEXT Language Reference18.1.1
COPYLBR Language Reference18.1.1
COPYLIST Language Reference18.1.1
CURRENCY Language Reference8.16
DATACOMPRESS Fileshare Guide4.6.2.3 , 6.3.1
DATE Language Reference5.9
DB2 Database Access9.7.2
DBCS LR - Additional Topics4.1 , 4.8
Language Reference14.2
DBSPACE LR - Additional Topics4.8 , 5.6
Language Reference14.2
DE-EDIT Language Reference14.2
DEFAULT-BYTE Language Reference5.2 , 7.6
DEFAULTCALLS Language Reference10.2 , 12.4
DG LR - Additional TopicsCh12
DOSVS LR - Additional TopicsCh9
DYNAM Language Reference12.4
EVALUATE Language Reference18.2.5
FASTCALLS OO Programming7.1.1
FASTLINK OO Programming7.1.1
FDCLEAR Language Reference16.14
FIXOPT OO Programming7.1.1
FLAG LR - Additional TopicsCh8
Language Reference3.1 , 10.5.5
FLAGSTD Language Reference5.1
FOLD-CALL-NAME Language Reference12.4
FOLD-COPY-NAME Language Reference18.1.1
for ISAPI programs Distributed Computing33.4
for NSAPI programs Distributed Computing33.5
IBMCOMP Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 6.2.3 , 8.23 , 8.26 , 12.4 , 17.1
IF Language Reference18.2.6
INTLEVEL Language Reference8.16
UNIX Option Guide2.1
JAPANESE LR - Additional TopicsCh5 , 5.6
KEYCOMPRESS Fileshare Guide4.6.2.3 , 6.3.1
LIBRARIAN Language Reference18.4.1
LINKCOUNT UNIX Option Guide2.4
LITLINK Language Reference13.2
MAPNAME Language Reference5.2 , 12.4 , 17.1
MF-OO Language Reference17.1
MFCOMMENT Language Reference1.2.1.1 ,
multi-threading Multi-threadingCh4
NATIVE Language Reference6.2.2 , 6.2.3
NCHAR LR - Additional TopicsCh5 , 5.6
ODOOSVS Language Reference8.15
ODOSLIDE Language Reference8.15
OLDBLANKLINE Language Reference9.5
OLDCOPY Language Reference18.1.1
OO program OO Programming7.1.1
OOCTRL Language Reference17.1
OO Programming7.1.1
OOCTRL(+P) Distributed Computing14.1
OOCTRL(+p-f) Distributed Computing7.3
OPTIONAL-FILE Language Reference14.7
OSVS Language Reference2.6.5.5 , 10.4
PANVALET Language Reference18.4.2
PERFORM-TYPE LR - Additional Topics11.3.9
Language Reference15.1
PROGID-COMMENT Language Reference5.2
QUOTE Language Reference2.2.4.4
RDFPATH Language Reference5.7 , 6.2.4 , 18.2.7
OO Programming7.1.1
REENTRANT Multi-threading2.1.3 , Ch4
OO Programming7.1.1
REPOSITORY Language Reference3.3 , 17.1 , 18.2.7
OO Programming3.5 , 7.1.1
RETRYLOCK Language Reference15.2
REWRITE-LS Language Reference14.7
RM LR - Additional TopicsCh11
SEQCHK Language Reference3.10.1.1
SEQUENTIAL Language Reference3.5.2 , 6.3.2
SERIAL Multi-threading2.1.2 , Ch4
OO Programming7.1.1
setting for servers UNIX Option Guide3.2.5
SOURCEFORMAT Language Reference1.2.2 , 5.1
STICKY-LINKAGE Language Reference10.2 , 13.2 , 16.3
SWITCH-TYPE Language Reference10.4.1.4
SYMBSTART Language Reference6.2.3
TRACE LR - Additional Topics2.3.1 , 2.3.2
TRUNC Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 14.2
using to optimize performance Multi-threadingCh4
VSC2 LR - Additional TopicsCh8
WARNING Language Reference10.5.5
WRITE-LOCK Language Reference15.5 , 16.14
XOPEN Language Reference12.1
ZEROLENGTHFALSE Language Reference10.4.1.2
Compiler directives Language Reference3.9.2.5 , 18.2
Migration Cookbook3.1.1.7 , Ch6
ANS85 File Handling4.3
ASSIGN"DYNAMIC" File Handling3.2.2
CALLFH File Handling7.1.6 , 8.2.1
CALLSORT File Handling7.2
CHARSET"EBCDIC" File Handling15.
DETECTLOCK File Handling8.5.2 , 8.6
FCDREG File Handling7.1.3
FILETYPE File Handling8.2.2 , 8.6
IDXFORMAT File Handling6.3.1
IDXFORMAT"4" File Handling2.3.3
IXNUMKEY File Handling7.
KEYCOMPRESS File Handling6.3.4
SEQUENTIAL File Handling2.1.1
setting for specific project UNIX Option Guide3.1.2
SIGN"EBCDIC" File Handling9.2.1
WRITELOCK File Handling8.5.5.1 , 8.5.7
Compiler directives for SQL Migration Cookbook7.2.1
Compiler Options Selection Aid Migration Cookbook2.4.1.15
Compiler-directing statement Language ReferenceCh18
Compiling Database Access7.7
DB2 Database Access9.7
Java programs Distributed Computing7.5
OO program OO Programming7.1
what to use Getting Started1.2
XML-enabled COBOL Distributed Computing23.4
Complete action bar Dialog System Character6.3.1.10
Complex condition Language Reference10.4.2
Complex type
creating in Interface Mapper Getting Started7.6.5
Complex types
Interface Mapper Distributed Computing2.4.2
Component Framework OO ProgrammingCh20
COMPOPT Migration Cookbook2.4.1.15
Composite of operands Language Reference10.5.4 , 12.2 , 12.14 , 14.3 , 16.8
Compound SQL
DB2 Database Access9.2
compress Distributed Computing25.5.1
COMPRESS On-line Help Builder directive Character UIsCh14 , Ch14
data File Handling6.3.3
data and key Fileshare Guide6.3
key File Handling6.3.4
on-line files Character UIsCh14 , Ch14
routines File Handling7.1.8
See COMP usage
Computational Dialog System Guide3.2.4.2 ,
See COMP-1 usage
See COMP-6 usage
Computational numeric field Dialog System Character5.1
See COMP usage
See COMP-0 usage
See COMP-1 usage
See COMP-2 usage
See COMP-3 usage
See COMP-4 usage
See COMP-5 usage
See COMP-X usage
COMPUTE in SQL Migration Cookbook7.2.1
COMPUTE statement Language Reference10.5.4 , 12.9
multiple results Language Reference10.5.6
Computer-name Language Reference2.2.2.1
CON Dialog System Character10.1.1.2 , 20.2
Concat operator
DB2 Database Access9.4.7
Concatenation expression Language Reference2.2.4.6
CONCATNAME configuration option File Handling6.2
CONCURRENCY Database Access4.5
Concurrency Migration Cookbook2.4.1.17
Concurrent Workbench Migration Cookbook2.4.1.18
Condition Language Reference10.4
evaluation rules Language Reference10.4.3.1
Condition-name Language Reference2.2.2.1 , , 2.5.1 ,
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics5.11.1.1
Condition-name condition Language Reference10.4.1.3
Condition-name rules Language Reference8.27
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.14.10
Conditional compilation Language Reference18.2.1 , 18.5
example LR - Additional Topics6.8
Conditional expression Language Reference10.4
constant Language Reference18.2.3
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.1 , 5.11.1
Conditional functions Dialog System Character10.1.1.16 , 20.2
Conditional record layout File Handling12.2 , 12.9.2
Getting Started5.7
Conditional sentence Language Reference3.9.2.2
Conditional statement Language Reference3.9.2.1
Conditional variable Language Reference8.13 , 8.27 , 16.3
Configuration Dialog System CharacterCh15
Distributed Computing25.1 , 25.3 , 25.5
Migration Cookbook2.4.1.3
CCIAPPC Configuring CCICh2
CCIIPX Configuring CCICh3
CCINAMPU Configuring CCICh6
CCINETB Configuring CCICh4
CCITCP Configuring CCICh5
Data File Editor File Handling11.3
Data Tools File Handling10.2
Directory Server ES Config & Admin2.3
DLC over 802.2 Configuring CCIApI , ApJ
enterprise servers ES Config & Admin2.4
File Handler File HandlingCh6
Fileshare Client Fileshare Guide2.1.2 , 3.1
Fileshare Manager Fileshare Guide6.6.2
Fileshare Server Fileshare Guide2.2.1 , 3.2 , 6.8
in-line Distributed Computing25.11.6
location of configuration file Distributed Computing25.5.3
minimum entries Distributed Computing25.5.2
options File Handling6.2
overriding Distributed Computing25.11.3
parameters Distributed Computing25.5.1
run-time Migration Cookbook3.1.1.10
service Distributed Computing2.5.2
SQL Option Database Access10.7
xfh2btr utility File Handling8.4
Configuration file Dialog System CharacterCh17 , 17.1
overriding entries Dialog System Guide14.10.2
Configuration parameters
ASCII VALUE Dialog System Character17.4
BEEP-EOF Dialog System Character17.5
BEEP-EOS Dialog System Character17.5
BEEP-INVALID Dialog System Character17.5
CONTROL BLOCK ANSI-CONSTANTS Dialog System Character17.2
CONTROL BLOCK MF-CONSTANTS Dialog System Character17.2
CUA-PALETTE Dialog System Character17.3
CURSOR-LARGE Dialog System Character17.5
DATA BLOCK FLAGS EIGHTY-EIGHTS Dialog System Character17.2
DATA BLOCK INDEXED BY CLAUSE Dialog System Character17.2
DATABLOCK Dialog System Character17.5
DATEFORM Dialog System Character17.5
DBCS Dialog System Character17.5
DECIMAL-POINT Dialog System Character17.5
EMPTY-DATE-BLANK Dialog System Character17.5
IGNORE-NUMERIC-SETCUR Dialog System Character17.5
NO OF PRINT LINES ON A PAGE Dialog System Character17.4
NOCLEAR-PATH Dialog System Character17.5
NOECHO-CHARACTER Dialog System Character17.5
PALETTE Dialog System Character17.3
SHADOW Dialog System Character17.5
SIGN-TRAILING Dialog System Character17.5
SUPPRESS-CURSOR-RIGHT Dialog System Character17.5 , 17.5
SUPPRESS-TO-BWZ Dialog System Character17.5
TERMINAL DOS8 Dialog System Character16.1.1
TERMINAL GENERIC8 Dialog System Character16.1.2
TIMEOUT-SAVE-DATA Dialog System Character17.5
Configuration Section Language Reference6.2
Configure enterprise server run-time environment Distributed Computing2.5.2.2
Configuring Character UIsCh3 , Ch4
Samba UNIX Option GuideA.3
SCP UNIX Option GuideA.1
server UNIX Option Guide3.2.1 , ,
Configuring a Web server GS - Additional TopicsApA
Configuring Adis Character UIsCh3
Configuring the IDE Getting Started4.7
Conformance Language Reference3.6.6
Conformance checking OO Programming3.3 , 3.4.1 , 3.5 , 4.7 , 6.3
CONNECT Database Access7.5
Migration Cookbook7.2.1
Connecting components OO Programming20.4
Connecting to a database Database Access7.5
Connecting to generic modules Dialog System Guide14.3
Connector ES Config & Admin1.6.3
ES Deployment Guide2.2
deploy ES Deployment Guide2.6.2
deploying ES Deployment GuideCh2
introduction Distributed Computing8.2
unmanaged connection Distributed Computing8.4
Console I/O redirection Character UIs6.5
CONSTANT Compiler directive Language Reference18.5
Constant conditional expression Language Reference18.2.3
Constant-name Language Reference2.2.2.1 , , 2.5.1
rules Language Reference8.27
MF or ANSI Dialog System Character17.2
Java Distributed Computing10.3
Contention Distributed Computing32.2
CONTENTS On-line Help Builder directive Character UIsCh14 , 16.4
CONTENTSTITLE On-line Help Builder directive Character UIsCh14
CONTENTSTOPIC On-line Help Builder directive Character UIsCh14
Context help Getting Started4.9
Context menus Dialog System Guide4.8.3
Context-sensitive word Language Reference2.2.2.1
Continuation of line Language Reference1.2.1.2 ,
CONTINUE statement Language Reference12.10
$CONTROL Dialog System Guide6.2 , 17.2.1
method Distributed Computing35.3.1.3
name Distributed Computing32.3
properties Distributed Computing35.3.1.4
style Distributed Computing35.3.1.5
transferred between segments LR - Additional Topics3.1.1.3 , 3.1.3
trap field Dialog System Character11.1.1.1
type Distributed Computing31.3
value Distributed Computing32.3
Control Block Dialog System Guide7.1.2 , , 13.3 , 19.2
copyfile Dialog System Guide7.1.2
Control block Dialog System Character3.2.1 ,
ANSI copyfile Dialog System Character11.
fields Dialog System Character11.1.1.1
level-88s Dialog System Character17.2
MF copyfile Dialog System Character11.
CONTROL BLOCK ANSI-CONSTANTS configuration parameter Dialog System Character17.2
CONTROL BLOCK COMPATIBILITY configuration parameter Dialog System Character17.2
CONTROL BLOCK MF-CONSTANTS configuration parameter Dialog System Character17.2
CONTROL clause LR - Additional Topics1.4.8 , 1.4.22
Character UIs2.5.1
Language Reference9.9
CONTROL FOOTING phrase LR - Additional Topics1.4.21 , 1.4.21 , 1.4.22
Control group
defining Dialog System Guide18.1.3
CONTROL HEADING phrase LR - Additional Topics1.4.22
Control keys Character UIs2.6.1.2
Control object
using Dialog System Guide5.1.11
Control param
trap field Dialog System Character11.1.1.1
Control programs Dialog System Guide5.1.11 , Ch20 , Ch21
Registering events Dialog System Guide20.5
Control sequences Character UIs2.2.3
Controlled loop Dialog System GuideCh16
Controls Dialog System Guide1.3.5 , 5.1 , 18.1.3
adding Getting Started18.6
alignment Dialog System Guide5.3
dialog Dialog System Guide6.1.2.1
grouping Dialog System Guide5.2
tabbing order Dialog System GuideCh16
Conversion utility
translation file Dialog System Character16.2.1
Convert3 Migration Cookbook2.2
Convert5 Migration Cookbook2.2
CONVERTDBSPACE configuration option File Handling6.2
tutorial Getting Started5.1
CONVERTEUCKATAKANA configuration option File Handling6.2
character set Getting Started5.15
data file Getting Started5.3
EBCDIC to ANSI File Handling15.1.2.2
floating-point format File Handling15.1.2.1
mainframe to PC print files File Handling15.1.2.3
variable-length records File Handling15.2
Converting C header file Migration Cookbook2.4.1.25
Converting data types Database Access3.1
COBSQL Database Access3.1.1
Converting existing COBOL
basic tutorial GS - Additional TopicsCh5
what to use Getting Started1.2
INSPECT statement Language Reference13.12
Converting Windows GUIs to HTML Migration Cookbook1.5
CONVERTPTR Migration Cookbook6.2
CONVERTSTATUS configuration option File Handling6.2
CONVSPACE Migration Cookbook6.3
Cookie Distributed Computing32.5 , 32.5.2
example Distributed Computing32.5.2.1
panel Dialog System Character6.2.5
Copy from block Dialog System Character7.1.3 , 7.2.7 , 23.1
with windowing syntax Character UIs8.4
COPY statement Language Reference18.1.1
DG I COBOL LR - Additional Topics12.3.2
example LR - Additional Topics6.5 , 6.6
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.6.1
Copy to block Dialog System Character23.1
Copy to stack Dialog System Character8.
COPY-file Dialog System Guide1.2
COPY-files Dialog System Character3.2.1
COPY-PAGE Dialog System Guide17.6
Copybook Database Access10.6
compiling Migration Cookbook10.2.6
creating record layout from Migration Cookbook10.2.6
COPYEXT Compiler directive Language Reference18.1.1
Copyfile Dialog System CharacterCh12
Dialog System Guide1.2
Control Block Dialog System Guide7.1.2
converting c header file Migration Cookbook2.4.1.25
Data Block Dialog System Guide7.1.2
defaults Dialog System Character17.2
generating Dialog System CharacterCh12
Copyfiles Distributed Computing25.4 , 25.7
displaying GS - Additional Topics4.3.1
odbc.cpy Database Access3.1
system UNIX Option Guide4.7
Copying your project Distributed Computing37.3.6
COPYLBR Compiler directive Language Reference18.1.1
COPYLIST Compiler directive Language Reference18.1.1
CORRESPONDING phrase Language Reference10.5.3
MOVE statement Language Reference14.2
Corrupt index File Handling15.
Corrupt indexed file File HandlingCh14
COS function Language Reference11.9.8
UNSTRING statement Language Reference16.11
.CPB Dialog System Character12.1 , 12.1
.cpf file Distributed Computing29.6 , , 31.4
CPU-bound services ES Config & Admin2.5.2
.cpv file Distributed Computing29.6 , , 31.4
.cpy file Distributed Computing29.6 , , 31.4
CPY On-line Help Builder directive Character UIsCh14
CR character position symbol Language Reference8.16
Create Procedure statement Database Access8.16.2
CREATE-WINDOW Dialog System Guide6.3.2.1
applications Distributed ComputingCh29
asymmetric server-side program Distributed Computing29.5
conditional record layout Getting Started5.7
data file Getting Started5.14
default record layout Getting Started5.6
deployable version of application Distributed Computing38.1.1
Internet application, overview Distributed Computing27.2.1
record layout file Getting Started5.5
server-side program Distributed Computing29.1
Creating a form GS - Additional Topics3.3.1
Creating a Form
in Form Express GS - Additional Topics5.3.1
Creating a GUI application
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh18
Creating a project Getting Started18.3 , 20.3
GS - Additional Topics3.3.1
Creating a screenset Dialog System Character3.1
Getting Started18.3
Creating a Service
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh7
Creating a Web application
introduction GS - Additional TopicsCh3
Creating a Web database application GS - Additional Topics6.3.1
basic tutorial GS - Additional TopicsCh6
Creating threads Multi-threading3.4.2
application Distributed Computing26.1
HTML Distributed Computing28.4
See Current record pointer
CRT STATUS clause Character UIs2.6.3
example LR - Additional Topics6.7
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
CRT status key Language Reference6.2.3
cs character position symbol Language Reference8.16
CSI Migration Cookbook2.2
disable Ctrl+Break Character UIs6.5
Ctrl key Dialog System Character19.2 , 20.2
simulation Character UIs2.6.9
CUA-PALETTE Dialog System Character17.3
CUA-PALETTE configuration parameter Dialog System Character17.3
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
CURRENCY Compiler directive Language Reference8.16
Currency string Language Reference6.2
Currency symbol Language Reference6.2 , 8.16
Current record pointer
Btrieve File Handling8.5.5
CURRENT-DATE function Language Reference11.9.9
CURRENT-DATE special register Language Reference2.2.5
CBL_GET_CSR_POS Character UIs6.5
CBL_SET_CSR_POS Character UIs6.5
positioning Character UIs2.4.1
type, set Character UIs6.5
CURSOR clause
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
Cursor declaration Migration Cookbook7.2.1
Cursor declaration in SQL Migration Cookbook7.2.1
Cursor functions Dialog System Character10.1.1.2
Cursor in SQL Migration Cookbook7.2.1
Cursor keys Dialog System Character19.2
CURSOR-LARGE configuration parameter Dialog System Character17.5
Cursors Database AccessCh4
closing Database Access4.4
CONCURRENCY Database Access4.5
declaring Database Access4.1
dynamic SQL Database Access6.4
opening Database Access4.2
positioned DELETE Database Access4.6
positioned UPDATE Database Access4.6
retrieving data Database Access4.3
SCROLLOPTION Database Access4.5
using Database AccessCh4
Custom request handler ES Config & AdminCh8
Customizing status bar control program Dialog System Guide20.6
CustomRecord Distributed Computing9.4
ES Deployment Guide2.5
Cut to block Dialog System Character7.2.6
Cut to stack Dialog System Character8.
Cutting Dialog System Character23.1 , 23.1

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