!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


/r option Fileshare Guide4.3
Radio button Distributed Computing28.2 , 31.3.2
Dialog System Guide18.1.3
defining Dialog System Guide18.1.3
grouping Dialog System Guide5.1.3
selection Dialog System Guide1.3.6
Radix selection Language Reference2.6.4
Random access mode
indexed file Language Reference3.5.4.2
READ statement Language Reference15.2
relative file Language Reference3.5.3.2
REWRITE statement Language Reference15.5
WRITE statement Language Reference16.14
RANDOM function Language Reference11.9.43
add Dialog System Character5.
remove Dialog System Character5.
RANGE function Language Reference11.9.44
Range/Table validation Dialog System Guide3.2.7.1
Range/table validation Dialog System Character5.1.7.2
Range/table validation alternate menu Dialog System Character5.
Range/table validation menu Dialog System Character5.1.7.2
RDEFPTR Migration Cookbook6.2
RDFPATH Compiler directive Language Reference5.7 , 6.2.4 , 18.2.7
OO Programming7.1.1
RDT Distributed Computing25.11.7
RDW Migration Cookbook6.4
mouse event Character UIs9.2.2.1
Read a Byte from Memory Migration Cookbook4.1.1.4
Read a Word from Memory Migration Cookbook4.1.1.8
Read Byte from Hardware Port Migration Cookbook4.1.1.6
READ statement Language Reference15.2
DG I COBOL LR - Additional Topics12.3.6
Microsoft COBOL LR - Additional Topics10.5.3
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.16
Read Word from Hardware Port Migration Cookbook4.1.1.10
READSEMA configuration option File Handling6.2 , 6.3.5
READY TRACE statement LR - Additional Topics2.3.1
real data type Database Access3.4
Rebuild Getting Started4.4 , A.1.1.20
callable File Handling14.7
errors File Handling14.8
Rebuild All Getting Started4.4
Rebuild and Data File Converter File Handling15.1.2.6 , ,
Rebuilding a duplicate key chain File Handling14.5
Rebuilding a project
basic tutorial Getting StartedCh4
Rebuilding for deployment Distributed Computing37.3.9
adding File Handling11.9
changing length of File Handling11.8
deleting File Handling11.9.5
Language Reference12.11
fixed length File Handling2.4
fixed-length Language Reference8.18
key Language Reference3.5.4.1 , , 12.11
layout File Handling12.1
length File Handling11.5.3
lock Fileshare Guide4.1 , 4.1.1
size Fileshare Guide3.2
variable length File Handling2.4
variable-length Language Reference8.18
RECORD clause Language Reference8.18
file control entry Language Reference6.3.2
Record description Language Reference7.2.2 , 7.3.3
Linkage Section Language Reference7.7.2
RECORD instruction
mfsort File Handling9.
RECORD KEY clause Language Reference3.5.4.1
file control entry Language Reference6.3.2
Record layout Migration Cookbook10.1 , 10.2.6
adding to record layout file File Handling12.9.2
amending File Handling12.9.2
associating with data files Migration Cookbook10.2.1
conditional File Handling12.2 , 12.6.2 , 12.7
creating File Handling12.3
default File Handling12.2
deleting File Handling12.9.2
name File Handling12.4
retrieving File Handling12.10
saving File Handling12.9.1
test condition File Handling12.7
viewing File Handling12.6.2
viewing layout information File Handling11.6
viewing test field File Handling12.6.2
Record Layout Editor File HandlingCh12
Migration Cookbook2.2
opening File Handling12.5
window File Handling12.6
Record layout file File Handling12.1 , 12.9
Migration Cookbook10.1 , 10.2.6
creating Getting Started5.5
Migration Cookbook10.3.3
editing File Handling12.9.2
Migration Cookbook10.3.4
look up information Getting Started5.10
saving Getting Started5.8
Record Layout View File Handling12.6.2
Record length
changing File Handling13.1 , 13.5
Record lock Language Reference10.6.5 , 12.11 , 15.2 , 15.2
CLOSE statement Language Reference12.7
Microsoft COBOL LR - Additional Topics10.5.1
OPEN statement Language Reference14.7
releasing Language Reference16.10
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.3.14
Record locking File Handling5.2
automatic File Handling5.2.1.2
FILEMAXSIZE File Handling6.2
manual File Handling5.2.1.1
multiple File Handling5.2.2.2
releasing locks File Handling5.2.4
single File Handling5.2.2.1
Record sequential file Language Reference3.5.2.1
CLOSE statement Language Reference12.7
file control entry Language Reference6.3.2
file description entry Language Reference8.1
I/O error handling Language Reference16.12
locking Language Reference10.6.5.3
OPEN statement Language Reference14.7
reading Language Reference15.2
rewriting Language Reference15.5
sharing Language Reference10.6.5
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.5.1
writing Language Reference16.14
Record sequential files File Handling2.1.1
Record-name Language Reference2.2.3.2
RECORDING MODE clause Language Reference8.19
Recovery Distributed Computing25.12
Recovery log file Fileshare Guide4.2 , 4.6
Recursive program Language Reference3.7.1
REDEFINES clause Language Reference8.2 , 8.20
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.14.6
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.4.7
Reduced Data Transfer Distributed Computing25.11.7
Reel Language Reference12.7
REEL phrase
CLOSE statement Language Reference12.7
Reentrant attribute Multi-threading2.1.3
REENTRANT Compiler directive Multi-threading2.1.3 , Ch4
OO Programming7.1.1
REENTRANT directive Distributed Computing33.4 , 33.5
Reentrant program Multi-threading2.1.3
considerations Multi-threading3.2
performance limitations Multi-threading3.2
restrictions Multi-threading3.2
Reentrant(2) directive Distributed Computing9.2.1
REF Migration Cookbook6.2
Reference format Language Reference3.10
Reference Implementation ES Deployment Guide2.6
deploy ES Deployment Guide2.6.2 , 2.6.3
installing ES Deployment Guide2.6.1
Reference modification Language Reference2.6.5.5 , 10.4
substitution marker Distributed Computing32.4.1.1
Reference points
table handling Language Reference16.3
Reference-modifier Language Reference2.6.5.5
Referential integrity Database Access10.5
Refresh functions Dialog System Character10.1.1.8
REFRESH-OBJECT Dialog System Guide6.3.8 , 17.4.1 , 17.5.1
Refreshing page
Enterprise Server Administration ES Config & Admin3.4.5
$REG Dialog System Character10.1.2.8
Regedit Distributed Computing15.1 , 15.2
$REGISTER Dialog System Guide6.2 , 17.3.1
trap screen Dialog System Character11.2.1
Register parameters Dialog System Character10.1.2.8
COM Automation servers Distributed Computing17.1
COM objects Distributed ComputingCh15 , 17.1
Registering COM Automation servers Distributed ComputingCh15
Registering events
for control programs Dialog System Guide20.5
$CONTROL Dialog System Guide6.2 , 17.2.1
$EVENT-DATA Dialog System Guide6.2 , 17.1.1 , 17.5.1
$INSTANCE Dialog System Guide6.2
$NULL Dialog System Guide6.2
$REGISTER Dialog System Guide6.2 , 17.3.1
$WINDOW Dialog System Guide6.2
registerServer method Distributed Computing15.1..1
REGPARM Migration Cookbook3.1.1.7
regsvr32 Distributed Computing15.1..1
Regular expressions UNIX Option GuideApB
"reject" method OO Programming15.7
Relation condition Language Reference10.4.1.1
abbreviated combined Language Reference10.4.3
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.1.1 ,
Relational character Language Reference10.4.1.1
Relational operator Language Reference10.4.1.1
Relative byte addressing File Handling7.1.5
delete a record File Handling7.1.5.3
read a record File Handling7.1.5.1
rewrite a record File Handling7.1.5.2
Relative file Language Reference3.5.3
access mode Language Reference3.5.3.2
CLOSE statement Language Reference12.7
file control entry Language Reference6.3.2
file description entry Language Reference8.1
I/O error handling Language Reference16.12
locking Language Reference10.6.5.3
logical positioning Language Reference16.5
OPEN statement Language Reference14.7
reading Language Reference15.2
rewriting Language Reference15.5
sharing Language Reference10.6.5
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.16.1 ,
writing Language Reference16.14
Relative files File Handling2.2
adding records File Handling11.9.2
navigating File Handling11.7.2
Relative key Language Reference12.11
RELATIVE KEY data item Language Reference15.5
Relative value comparison OO Programming15.3.2
RELDATBUF configuration option File Handling6.2
RELEASE statement Language Reference15.3
Releasing locks File Handling5.2.4
Relocate entry
action bar Dialog System Character6.3.1.5
Relocate panel Dialog System Character6.2.7
RELRECDELIM configuration option File Handling6.2
REM function Language Reference11.9.45
DIVIDE statement Language Reference12.14
database package Database Access10.8
Remote DB2 server
compiling Database Access9.7.1
Remote Procedure Call Distributed Computing25.1
Remote shell protocol
Remove occurrence
group Dialog System Character9.3.6
Remove range Dialog System Character5.
Removed features Migration Cookbook2.1
Rename file
generate Dialog System Character12.2.7
RENAMES clause Language Reference8.21
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.14.7
Repainting window OO Programming19.2.3
Repeat key Dialog System Character10.2.7
REPEAT-EVENT Dialog System Guide11.2.8
amend group Dialog System Character5.1.4
fields Dialog System Character5.1
with windowing syntax Character UIs8.4
examples UNIX Option GuideB.6
regular expressions UNIX Option GuideApB
replace patterns UNIX Option GuideB.2
Replace pattern UNIX Option GuideApB
examples UNIX Option GuideB.6
metacharacters UNIX Option GuideB.2
setting for project UNIX Option Guide3.1.4
setting for specific servers UNIX Option Guide3.2.6
REPLACE statement Language Reference18.1.2
EXAMINE statement Language Reference13.4
INITIALIZE statement Language Reference13.11
INSPECT statement Language Reference13.12
generating Migration Cookbook2.4.1.16
processing LR - Additional Topics1.5.4
producing LR - Additional Topics1.5.3
structure LR - Additional Topics1.1.1
subdivisions LR - Additional Topics1.1.2
terminating LR - Additional Topics1.5.7
REPORT clause LR - Additional Topics1.4.2
Report description entry LR - Additional Topics1.4.3.1 , 1.4.4
Report file LR - Additional Topics1.2.1
closing LR - Additional Topics1.5.2
opening LR - Additional Topics1.5.5
Report footing presentation rules LR - Additional Topics1.4.12.10
Report formats File Handling15.1.2.3
Report group LR - Additional Topics1.1 , 1.4.9
Report group description entry LR - Additional Topics1.4.3.2 , 1.4.11
Report heading group presentation rules LR - Additional Topics1.4.12.6
REPORT HEADING phrase LR - Additional Topics1.4.22
Report Section LR - Additional Topics1.1 , 1.4.3
Language Reference3.8.1
Report Writer LR - Additional TopicsCh1
Report-name Language Reference2.2.3.2
Repository Getting Started7.5.2
Directory Server ES Config & AdminCh4
REPOSITORY Compiler directive Language Reference3.3 , 17.1 , 18.2.7
OO Programming3.5 , 7.1.1
Repository paragraph Language Reference6.2.4
OO Programming3.2
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.3.3
Request handler ES Config & Admin7.1 , 7.6
field property Dialog System Character8.1.1
REQUIRED clause Language Reference9.24
Required fields Dialog System Character5.1.7
Requirements-based vocabulary OO ProgrammingCh13
tutorial OO ProgrammingCh25
RERUN clause
I-O-Control paragraph Language Reference6.3.3
RESERVE clause
file control entry Language Reference6.3.2
Reserved word Language Reference2.2.2.1 , 3.2 , ApC
Reserved words
windowing syntax Character UIs8.4
panel field Dialog System Character8. ,
RESET phrase LR - Additional Topics1.4.21
RESET TRACE statement LR - Additional Topics2.3.2
portability Dialog System Guide12.3
Resolving contention Multi-threadingCh2
Resolving data contention Multi-threading2.2
Resource Migration Cookbook5.1
Resource adapter ES Deployment Guide2.2
deploy ES Deployment Guide2.6.2
deploying ES Deployment GuideCh2
introduction Distributed Computing8.2
unmanaged connection Distributed Computing8.4
Resource contention Distributed Computing32.2
Resource file OO Programming19.2.1
Resource managers ES Config & Admin2.4.5
Restore block Dialog System Character7.2.8
Restore line
error message definition Dialog System Character5.2.2.4
virtual group Dialog System Character9.2.3.3
Restoring repository ES Config & Admin4.1
on compiling applications Dialog System Character13.9
Resultant-identifier Language Reference10.5 , 10.5.1
RETC Dialog System Character10.1.1.6 , , 20.2
Dialog System Guide6.3.7 , 11.2.8 , 23.2
RETRYLOCK Compiler directive Language Reference15.2
RETRYLOCK configuration option File Handling6.2
RETRYOPEN configuration option File Handling6.2
RETRYTIME configuration option File Handling6.2
RETURN statement Language Reference15.4
Return value
pulldown Dialog System Character6.3.5.7
RETURN-CODE special register Language Reference2.2.5 , 13.6
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.1.3
Returning item
conformance Language Reference10.7.2
EXIT PROGRAM statement Language Reference13.7
STOP statement Language Reference16.6
Reusable mapping
creating in Interface Mapper Getting Started7.6.5
editing Getting Started7.6.8
Reusable Mappings pane
Interface Mapper Distributed Computing2.4.2
Reuse Distributed Computing27.2.2
REVERSE function Language Reference11.9.46
Reverse video attribute Character UIs7.2.2
REVERSE-VIDEO clause Language Reference9.25
REVERSE-VIDEO option LR - Additional Topics10.4.2 , 10.4.3
REVERSED phrase Character UIs8.3.3
OPEN statement Language Reference14.7
REWRITE statement Language Reference15.5
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.3.11
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.17
REWRITE-LS Compiler directive Language Reference14.7
RFT Dialog System Character10.1.1.8 , 20.2
RFTD Dialog System Character10.1.1.8 , 20.2
.rhosts file UNIX Option GuideA.1.1
determining PC name for UNIX Option GuideA.1.2 , A.1.2.1 , A.1.2.2 , A.1.2.3
RI ES Deployment Guide2.6
deploy ES Deployment Guide2.6.2 , 2.6.3
RIGHT-JUSTIFY option LR - Additional Topics10.4.2
Language Reference12.1
RKEY Dialog System Character10.1.1.3 , 20.2
RM Compiler directive LR - Additional TopicsCh11
RM data entry Character UIs2.1.3.3
See Ryan McFarland COBOL
ROLLBACK Migration Cookbook7.2.1
file control entry Language Reference6.3.2
ROLLBACK statement Fileshare Guide4.1
Language Reference15.6
Rollforward recovery Fileshare Guide4.2
automatic Fileshare Guide4.5
utility Fileshare Guide4.3
ROUNDED phrase Language Reference10.5.1
Router Dialog System Guide11.2.4
active screenset Dialog System Guide11.2.3.1
inactive screenset Dialog System Guide11.2.3.1
other screenset Dialog System Guide11.2.3.2
Routine Library Migration Cookbook2.4.1.10
Routines (call-by-name)
mouse handling Character UIs9.2
Row GS - Additional Topics6.1.1
RPC Distributed Computing25.1
RPKY Dialog System Character10.1.1.3 , 20.2
security UNIX Option GuideA.1.1
RTS switch Language Reference10.4.1.4
B Language Reference15.2
B1 Language Reference15.2
D LR - Additional Topics2.3.3
debug LR - Additional Topics2.1.2
F Language Reference10.5.7
N Language Reference15.2 , 15.5 , 16.14
O Language Reference10.5.2.1
OO COBOL OO ProgrammingApA
T Language Reference15.2 , 15.5 , 16.14
rtsmouse.cbl Character UIs9.2
alphabetic data Language Reference8.16
alphanumeric data Language Reference8.16
alphanumeric edited data Language Reference8.16
arithmetic expression Language Reference10.3.3
condition-names Language Reference8.27
constant-names Language Reference8.27
editing Language Reference8.16
numeric data Language Reference8.16
numeric edited data Language Reference8.16
precedence Language Reference8.16
standard alignment Language Reference2.6.2
table item initialization Language Reference8.27
Run Dialog System Character4.1.6
screenset Dialog System Guide7.1.4.1 , 18.1.6
RUN LIBRARY File Handling15.1.1.1
Run Thru Getting Started4.6
Run to Cursor Getting Started4.6
Run unit communication Language Reference3.7
configuration Migration Cookbook3.1.1.10
switch Migration Cookbook3.1.1.11
tunables Migration Cookbook2.4.1.38
Run-time component Dialog System Character1.1
Run-time element Language Reference4.2
run-time environment
configuring for service Distributed Computing2.5.2.2
Run-time files Dialog System Guide7.3.5
Run-time flag
OOCTRL OO Programming12.4
Run-time module Language Reference4.2
Run-time system Multi-threading3.1
error messages Language Reference10.6.2.1 ,
Run-time system tunables
environment_mapper File Handling3.5.3
RUNITLOCKDETECT configuration option File Handling6.2
VRECGEN utility File Handling15.2.2
VRECGEN2 utility File Handling15.3.2
Running a screenset Dialog System Character3.1.7
Running a UNIX application Getting Started20.9
Running a Web application GS - Additional Topics4.3.3 , 5.3.5
Running a Web database application GS - Additional Topics6.3.4
Running applications Distributed Computing25.8
Running screenset Dialog System CharacterCh11
Running Windows GUI application Getting Started19.5
Running within the IDE Getting Started4.5
RuntimeSystem.class Distributed Computing9.2 , 9.2.3
See Report Writer
Ryan McFarland COBOL LR - Additional TopicsCh11

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