E character position symbol | Language Reference | 8.16
E function | Language Reference | 11.9.15
EBCDIC character set | Language Reference | ApA
EBCDIC codepage
| and SQL Option | Database Access | 10.12
| displaying | Getting Started | 5.16
| converting | Getting Started | 5.15
| Data File Editor | Getting Started | 5.16
eblksize | Distributed Computing | 25.5.1
ECMLIST directive | Database Access | 7.4
, 9.9
Edit action bar entry | Dialog System Character |
| basic tutorial | Getting Started | Ch4
| data in SQL Wizard | GS - Additional Topics | 11.3.7
| form | Distributed Computing | 31.6.2
| forms | Distributed Computing | Ch34
| generated application | Distributed Computing | 31.6
| generated CGI | Distributed Computing | 29.6
| HTML | Distributed Computing | 34.1
| multiple data files | Getting Started | 5.13
| server-side program | Distributed Computing | 29.6
| what to use | Getting Started | 1.2
Editing a server-side program | GS - Additional Topics | 4.3.1
, 4.3.1
Editing an associated program | Getting Started | 19.3
, 19.3
Editing hexadecimal | Migration Cookbook |
Editing registry entries | Distributed Computing | 15.2
Editing rules | Language Reference | 8.16
| DBCS characters | LR - Additional Topics | 4.14.5
, 5.10.5
Editing sign | Language Reference | 2.6.1
Editing sign control symbol | Language Reference | 8.16
Editor | Migration Cookbook | 1.1.1
| basic tutorial | Getting Started | Ch7
| basic tutorial on deploying | Getting Started | Ch8
| deleting | Getting Started | 8.8
| deploy | ES Deployment Guide | 2.6.3
| deploying | ES Deployment Guide | Ch2
| deploying data files | Getting Started | 8.5
| finding data files | Getting Started | 8.5
| locating data files | Distributed Computing | 2.5.1
| redeploying | Getting Started | 8.8
| setting environment variable | Distributed Computing | 2.5.1
| settings | Distributed Computing | 2.5.2
EJB service
| debugging repeatedly | Getting Started | 13.6
EJB service debugging
| basic tutorial | Getting Started | Ch13
ejb-jar.xml | ES Deployment Guide | 2.3
EJECT statement | Language Reference | 18.6.1
Element | Language Reference | 2.3.4
Element of collection
| comparison | OO Programming | 15.3
Elementary data items | Character UIs | 2.1
, 2.2
Elementary item | Language Reference | 2.5
, 2.5.1
| parameter conformance | Language Reference |
| returning item conformance | Language Reference |
| size | Language Reference | 8.16
| symbols | Language Reference | 8.16
$ELSE statement | Language Reference | 18.5.2
Embedded SQL Toolkit | Migration Cookbook | Ch7
Empty transaction in SQL | Migration Cookbook | 7.2.1
EMPTY-CHECK clause | Language Reference | 9.24
EMPTY-CHECK option | LR - Additional Topics | 10.4.2
EMPTY-DATE-BLANK configuration parameter | Dialog System Character | 17.5
Emulating keyboard commands for COBOL for UNIX tools | UNIX Option Guide | 1.3
Emulation | Dialog System Guide | 12.3
Emulation in Panels Version 2 | Migration Cookbook |
Emulation-mode Dialog System | Migration Cookbook | 8.2
| objects | Dialog System Guide | 17.2.1
Enable enterprise server run-time environment | Distributed Computing |
Encapsulation | OO Programming | 2.7
Encoding of the attribute byte | Character UIs | 7.2.4
END CLASS-OBJECT | Migration Cookbook |
End marker | Language Reference | 4.3
END PROGRAM header | LR - Additional Topics | 4.11.1
$END statement | Language Reference | 18.5.3
END-EXEC | Distributed Computing | 32.4.1
end-inline-cfg | Distributed Computing | 25.11.6
End-of-file status | Language Reference | 15.2
END-OF-PAGE phrase
| WRITE statement | Language Reference | 16.14
Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY | Character UIs | Ch2
Enter key | Dialog System Character | 10.2.8
ENTER statement | Language Reference | 13.1
Enterprise JavaBeans
| publishing to UNIX | UNIX Option Guide | 4.4
Enterprise run-time environment
| configuring | Distributed Computing |
Enterprise Server
| basic tutorial | Getting Started | Ch8
| brief description | Getting Started | 1.2
| deploy | ES Deployment Guide | 1.2
| for development testing | Getting Started | 8.4
| license | Getting Started | 2.1
| licensing | Licensing Guide | Ch1
Enterprise server
| performance | ES Config & Admin | 2.5
Enterprise Server Administration | ES Config & Admin | Ch3
| for development testing | Getting Started | 8.4
| URL | Getting Started | 8.4
Enterprise server name | Distributed Computing |
Enterprise Servers | ES Config & Admin | 5.4.1
Enterprise servers
| configuration | ES Config & Admin | 2.4
Entry field | Distributed Computing | 28.2
, 31.3.1
| | Dialog System Guide |
| defining | Dialog System Guide | 18.1.3
| definition | Dialog System Guide | 18.1.1
| display only | Dialog System Guide |
| refreshing | Dialog System Guide |
| validating | Dialog System Guide | 17.1.1
| with other controls | Dialog System Guide |
Entry fields | Dialog System Character | 3.1.5
Entry point
| creating callback | OO Programming | 17.1
| duplicate | Distributed Computing |
| finding | Migration Cookbook |
| NSAPI | Distributed Computing | 33.5
Entry points
| Interface Mapper | Distributed Computing | 2.4.1
| | Getting Started | 7.5.3
ENTRY statement | Language Reference | 13.2
| Siemens BS2000 COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 13.5.7
EntryCallback class | OO Programming | 17.1
Entry_point_mapper | Migration Cookbook |
Environment | Dialog System Guide | 12.1
| configuring for service | Distributed Computing |
Environment Division | Language Reference | Ch6
| COBOL debug | LR - Additional Topics | 2.2
| DBCS characters | LR - Additional Topics | 4.13
, 5.9
| DG I COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 12.1
| Microsoft COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 10.2
| Report Writer | LR - Additional Topics | 1.3
| RM/COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 11.1
| Siemens BS2000 COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 13.3
Environment variable
| CCITCP configuration | Configuring CCI |
| CCITCP2 | Configuring CCI |
| | Fileshare Guide | 8.2
| CCITCPS_ | Configuring CCI |
| CCITCPT_ | Configuring CCI |
| CCITRACE | Configuring CCI | 8.2.1
| CLASSPATH | Distributed Computing | 7.2
| | UNIX Option Guide | 4.4
| COBCPY | UNIX Option Guide | 4.4
| COBDIR | Fileshare Guide | 2.2
| COBJVM | Distributed Computing | 7.2
| DSDIR | Dialog System Character | 17.1
| Enterprise Server | ES Config & Admin | 2.4.4
| FS | Fileshare Guide | 2.2
| FSCOMMS | Fileshare Guide | 6.1
| OOSW | OO Programming | 7.2.1
, 7.2.3
, 7.3
, ApA
| PATH | UNIX Option Guide | 4.4
| setting for a service | Distributed Computing | 2.5.1
Environment variables
| BTRMAXREC | File Handling | 8.3.2
| BTRPAGE | File Handling | 8.3.1
| COBCONFIG | File Handling | 3.5
, 3.5.3
| COBDIR | File Handling | 3.5
, 8.4
| COBHNF | Character UIs | Ch15
| EXTFH | File Handling | 6.1
| HELPFILES | Character UIs | Ch15
| MFCSCFG | Distributed Computing | 25.5.3
| .mfenv file | UNIX Option Guide | 4.6
| MFEXTMAP | File Handling | 3.5
| MFLOGDIR | Distributed Computing | 25.5
, 25.11.1
| TMP | File Handling | 9.4
| UNIX system | UNIX Option Guide | 4.6
| XFH2BTR | File Handling | 8.4
Environment variables:ISAPI programs | Distributed Computing | 33.3
ENVIRONMENT-NAME mnemonic-name | Language Reference | 12.13
ENVIRONMENT-VALUE mnemonic-name | Language Reference | 12.13
environment_mapper tunable | File Handling | 3.5.3
, 3.5.4
EOP phrase
| WRITE statement | Language Reference | 16.14
Equality comparison | OO Programming | 15.3.1
ERASE clause | Language Reference | 9.10
ERASE phrase | LR - Additional Topics | 10.4.3
| | Character UIs | 8.3.3
ERR | Dialog System Character | 19.5
| message definition | Dialog System Guide | 3.2.8
Error Checker | Dialog System Guide | Ch16
Error code
| COM automation | Distributed Computing | 16.7
| trap field | Dialog System Character |
Error codes
| DB2 | Database Access | 9.8
ERROR declarative | Language Reference | 16.12
Error field attributes | Dialog System Character | 7.3.2
Error handling | OO Programming | Ch18
Error key | Dialog System Character | 19.5
Error message
| CCI | Configuring CCI | Ch10
Error Message File
| alternative | Dialog System Guide | 15.2.1
| direct access | Dialog System Guide | 15.2
Error message file
| creating | OO Programming | 18.2
| registering | OO Programming | 18.3
Error Messages
| check digit validation | Dialog System Character |
Error messages | Dialog System Character | 5.2
, Ch22
, Ch24
| | Distributed Computing | 25.6
, 25.11.1
| COBOL run-time | Fileshare Guide | 9.1
| communications | Fileshare Guide | 9.2
| Data File Converter | File Handling | 15.1.3
| date validation | Dialog System Character |
| definition time | Dialog System Character | 22.2
| DFCONV utility | File Handling | 15.1.3
| dialog definition | Dialog System Character | 22.2.6
| display with Adis | Character UIs |
| error message definition | Dialog System Character | 22.2.3
| field | Dialog System Character | Ch5
, 18.1
| file | Dialog System Character | 13.3
, 13.3.1
| Fileshare Server | Fileshare Guide | Ch10
| import | Dialog System Character | 22.4
| log | Distributed Computing | 25.11.1
| mfsort | File Handling | 9.5
| null validation | Dialog System Character |
| On-line Help Builder | Character UIs | Ch17
| panel | Dialog System Character | 18.2
| panel field definition | Dialog System Character | 22.2.4
| panel group definition | Dialog System Character | 22.2.5
| range/table validation | Dialog System Character |
| related to Fileshare | Fileshare Guide | Ch9
| run-time | Dialog System Character | 22.1
| screen painting | Dialog System Character | 22.3
| transaction processing | Fileshare Guide | 9.3
| validation definition | Dialog System Character | 22.2.2
ERRQ On-line Help Builder directive | Character UIs | Ch14
ES license | Licensing Guide | Ch1
| installing | Licensing Guide | Ch3
| monitoring use | Licensing Guide | 3.5
Escape characters for metacharacters | UNIX Option Guide | B.3
Escape key | Dialog System Character | 19.2
ESDEMO | Getting Started | 8.4
ESQL | Migration Cookbook | Ch7
ESQL Assistant | Distributed Computing | 30.1
ESQLVERSION | Migration Cookbook | 7.2.1
EVALUATE Compiler directive | Language Reference | 18.2.5
EVALUATE statement | Language Reference | 13.3
| Siemens BS2000 COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 13.5.8
Evaluation rules
| arithmetic expression | Language Reference | 10.3.3
| condition | Language Reference |
Event | Dialog System Character | 10.3.1
| | Distributed Computing |
| | Dialog System Guide | 6.1
| | Multi-threading | 2.3.4
| ANY-OTHER-EVENT | Dialog System Guide |
| BITMAP-EVENT | Dialog System Guide | 23.2
| BUTTON-SELECTED | Dialog System Guide | 17.1.1
, 17.2.1
, 17.3.1
| CLOSED-WINDOW | Dialog System Guide |
| handling | OO Programming | 19.3
| ITEM-SELECTED | Dialog System Guide | 17.4.1
| LOST-FOCUS | Dialog System Guide | 17.1.1
, 17.1.1
| mapping | OO Programming | 19.3.3
| OTHER-SCREENSET | Dialog System Guide | 11.2.8
| SCREENSET-INITIALIZED | Dialog System Guide | 23.2
| Sequence | Dialog System Guide | 11.2.9
| SLIDER-MOVING | Dialog System Guide | 17.5.1
| SLIDER-RELEASED | Dialog System Guide | 17.5.1
| trapped by Window Managers | Dialog System Guide | 6.4
| VAL-ERROR | Dialog System Guide | 17.1.1
Event Block | Dialog System Guide | 13.3.2
Event handler | Distributed Computing | 35.1
, 35.3
| ActiveX control | Distributed Computing |
| cross-platform compatibility | Distributed Computing | 35.4
| HTML control | Distributed Computing |
Event handler view | Distributed Computing |
Event ID format | OO Programming | 19.3.1
Event key define/undefine | Dialog System Character | 10.3.1
Event-pointer | Language Reference | 16.3
EVENT-POINTER usage | Language Reference | 8.26
Events | Dialog System Character | 3.3
| | Migration Cookbook | 5.1
Events view | Distributed Computing |
EXAMINE statement | Language Reference | 13.4
Examining data | Getting Started | 4.6
| creating an OLEVariant | Distributed Computing | 18.4.2
| mapping data to input controls | Distributed Computing | 32.3.2
| mapping output data to HTML | Distributed Computing |
Example data access application
| generating | Distributed Computing | 30.2.1
, 30.2.3
| modifying | Distributed Computing | 30.2.4
| running | Distributed Computing | 30.2.2
Example Internet application
| adding functionality | Distributed Computing | 29.6.1
| asymmetric application | Distributed Computing | 29.5.1
| painting forms | Distributed Computing | 29.3.1
| running | Distributed Computing | 29.4.4
Example legacy Internet application | Distributed Computing | 31.5
| extending | Distributed Computing | 31.6.3
| running | Distributed Computing | 31.5.1
| COBOL language | LR - Additional Topics | Ch6
| connecting your client | Distributed Computing | 25.6
| connecting your server | Distributed Computing | 25.7
| demonstration programs | Distributed Computing | 25.1
| running an application | Distributed Computing | 25.8
| COM automation | Distributed Computing | 16.7
| raising | OO Programming | 18.4
EXCEPTION declarative | Language Reference | 16.12
Exception handler | OO Programming | 18.5
Exception handling | OO Programming | Ch18
| tutorial | OO Programming | Ch23
Exception messages | Migration Cookbook | 5.1
| Java thrown from COBOL | Distributed Computing | 11.3.4
Exceptions from Java | Distributed Computing | 10.6
Excluded components | Migration Cookbook | 2.2
Exclusive file lock | Language Reference | 14.7
Exclusive open mode | Language Reference | 10.6.5
EXEC HTML | Distributed Computing | 32.4.1
| | GS - Additional Topics | 2.4
EXEC statement | Language Reference | 13.5
EXECSP embedded SQL statement | Database Access | 11.1
Executable files | Dialog System Guide | 7.1.5
, 19.4
Execute a DOS Interrupt | Migration Cookbook |
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE | Database Access | 6.3.1
| | Migration Cookbook | 7.2.1
EXECUTE statement | Language Reference | 13.5
Executing programs in other projects | UNIX Option Guide | 5.3
Execution flow | Distributed Computing | 26.3
EXHIBIT statement | Language Reference | 13.6
| Microsoft COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 10.4.4
Existing COBOL
| basic tutorial | GS - Additional Topics | Ch5
| what to use | Getting Started | 1.2
| field usage | Dialog System Character | 8.1.1
Exit field
| trap field | Dialog System Character |
EXIT FUNCTION statement | Language Reference | 13.7
EXIT METHOD statement | Language Reference | 13.7
Exit modified
| field usage | Dialog System Character | 8.1.1
Exit on entry
| field usage | Dialog System Character | 8.1.1
EXIT PERFORM statement | Language Reference | 13.7
, 15.1
| Siemens BS2000 COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 13.5.9
EXIT PROGRAM statement | Language Reference | 13.7
| RM/COBOL | LR - Additional Topics | 11.3.2
Exit regardless
| field usage | Dialog System Character | 8.1.1
EXIT statement | Language Reference | 13.7
EXP function | Language Reference | 11.9.16
EXP10 function | Language Reference | 11.9.17
| group size | Dialog System Character |
EXPANDDATA | Migration Cookbook |
EXPANDPOSITIONING configuration option | File Handling | 6.2
EXPANDS phrase
| Repository paragraph | Language Reference | 6.2.4
EXPANDTAB configuration option | File Handling | 6.2
Explicit attribute | Language Reference |
Explicit Procedure Division reference | Language Reference |
Explicit scope terminator | Language Reference |
Explicit specification | Language Reference | 2.6.6
Explicit transfer of control | Language Reference |
| Internet | Getting Started | 1.3
Exponent symbol | Language Reference | 8.16
Export | Dialog System Character | 4.2.10
Export file | UNIX Option Guide | 4.8
Export files
| syntax | Dialog System Character | Ch21
EXTEND phrase
| OPEN statement | Language Reference | 14.7
Extended ACCEPT/DISPLAY | GS - Additional Topics | 2.4
Extended file status codes | File Handling | 4.4
| class | OO Programming | 12.6
| of screenset file | Dialog System Character | 3.1.3
External Checker Module | Database Access | Ch9
, Ch11
EXTERNAL clause | Language Reference | 3.8.5
, 8.2
, 8.9
| | OO Programming | 4.4
| file description entry | Language Reference | 8.1
| Local-Storage Section | Language Reference | 7.6
| Thread-Local-Storage Section | Language Reference | 7.4
External data item | Language Reference | 3.8.5
External file connector | Language Reference | 3.8.5
External File Mapper | Migration Cookbook |
External file mapper | File Handling | 3.5
| activating | File Handling | 3.5.3
| disabling | File Handling | 3.5.4
| mapper file location | File Handling | 3.5.2
| mapper file structure | File Handling | 3.5.1
External filename assignment | File Handling | 3.2.3
| external file mapper | File Handling | 3.5
External floating-point data item | Language Reference | 8.16
EXTERNAL INPUT-FORM | Distributed Computing | 32.3
EXTERNAL On-line Help Builder directive | Character UIs | Ch14
External program | Language Reference | 8.25
, 12.4
| example | LR - Additional Topics | 6.1
, 6.1.1
EXTERNAL PROGRAM clause | Language Reference | 5.2
External repository | Language Reference | 3.3
| | OO Programming | 3.2
, 3.5
External switch | Language Reference | 6.2.3
, 16.3
ExtFH | Dialog System Character | 14.2
EXTFH environment variable | File Handling | 6.1
EXTFH interface
| WebSphere | Distributed Computing | 21.3
extfh.cfg file | File Handling | 6.1
EXTINDEX | Migration Cookbook | 6.2
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This document and the proprietary marks and names used herein are protected by international law.