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Syntax: mput <pc filespec> [to] [<server filespec>] [append | askuser | cancel | overwrite | skip | unique]

The MPUT command transfers one or more files matching the given filespec from the PC to the FTP server. You can use wildcards to transfer multiple files.


The Reflection client supports MPUT in SFTP sessions, however you should test transfers that use wildcard characters because the SFTP server may not interpret wildcard specifications correctly.

Before using the MPUT command, if necessary, use the ASCII, BINARY, TENEX, or SMART command to override the default file transfer method setting specified on the Tools menu.

A variety of site-specific SET parameters can affect the transfer operation. Click here for more information.

<pc filespec> Specifies one PC file or (using wildcards) multiple PC files to transfer to the server. The files are placed in the current server directory and are given the same names as the PC files.

PC wildcard characters ( the ? and * characters) can be used to send multiple files to the server. For example, to send all files in the current directory with the file extension .Txt, use the command MPUT *.Txt.

Use quotation marks if the file or path includes spaces. For example:

MPUT "C:\My documents\*.*"
to <server filespec> Specifies a server file or (using server wildcards) multiple server files to receive the PC files. If files of this name don't exist, they are created by the transfer. If no value for <server filespec> is given, server files are given the same name as the PC files.

The TO keyword is optional.
append | askuser | cancel | overwrite | skip | unique Specifies what to do if the destination file already exists. If this option is omitted, the active TRANSFER-DISPOSITION setting is the default.


The following example transfers files in the Meeting Notes folder within the current folder on the PC that have a .Doc extension , placing the files in the current server folder. Source PC files that have the same name as files in the destination server folder are not transferred.

MPUT "Meeting Notes\*.Doc" skip

The following example adds the letter "A" to the front of files transferred to the server. For example Sample.htm becomes ASample.htm.

MPUT *.htm A*.htm

The final example removes file extensions from PC files copied to the server:

MPUT *.*  *.