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Syntax 1: passthru <passthrough servername> <username>@<servername> <password>

Syntax 2: passthru <passthrough servername> <passthrough username> <passthrough password> <username>@<servername> <password>

Syntax 3: passthru <passthrough servername> <passthrough username> <passthrough password> <servername> <username> <password>

FTP Command Index

The PASSTHRU command opens a connection to the FTP server using the passthrough server specified. Two styles of passthrough servers are supported. Reflection FTP sends different commands to log into the passthrough server and connect to an FTP server, based on the PASSTHRU syntax you specify.

When using any form of the PASSTHRU command, all parameters are required. If you specify "" (a null value) for a parameter, the FTP Client displays a dialog box prompting for that value. For case-sensitive servers, be sure to use the appropriate case when typing parameter values.


If the FTP server you connect to with the PASSTHRU command requires an account name, use the ACCOUNT command to tell the FTP server which account you want to use.

Syntax 1

Use this type of PASSTHRU command if your passthrough server is a username@servername style server that does not require a passthrough password (that is, it does not perform authentication).

This form of the PASSTHRU command sends the current FTP server user name and server name in the format username@servername to the passthrough server specified in <passthrough servername>. The passthrough server uses this information to open a connection to the specified FTP server.

<passthrough servername> Specifies a connection name for the passthrough server. If you want the FTP Client to prompt for the passthrough servername, specify "" (a null value) for this parameter.
<username>@<servername> The <username> portion of the argument specifies a valid user name registered on the FTP server.

The <servername> portion of the argument specifies a connection name for the FTP server.
<password> Specifies the password assigned to user <username>on the FTP server. If you want the FTP Client to prompt for the user password, specify "" (a null value) for the password.

Syntax 2

Use this type of PASSTHRU command if your username@servername style passthrough server is set up to authenticate the user on the passthrough server prior to opening a connection to an FTP server.

This form of the PASSTHRU command allows you to log into a <username@servername> style passthrough server that will open the connection to the FTP server. The command logs into the passthrough server specified in <passthrough servername>. The login command provides the username and the password on the passthrough server, based on <passthrough username> and <passthrough password>. Once the user is authenticated on the passthrough server, the FTP <username> and FTP <servername> are sent to the passthrough server. This information is specified in the format: username@servername. The passthrough server uses this information plus the FTP server <password> to open a connection to the FTP server.

Syntax 3

This form of the PASSTHRU command allows you to log into a SITE servername style passthrough server that will open the connection to the FTP server.

Reflection FTP sends a command to log into the passthrough server specified in <passthrough servername>. The login command provides the username and the password on the passthrough server, based on <passthrough username> and <passthrough password>. Once a connection is opened, a site command is sent to the passthrough server, passing the settings needed to connect to the FTP server ( <servername>, <username>, and <password>). The passthrough server uses this information to open a connection to the FTP server.