! A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
+ sign, in tree view A.5
- sign, in tree view A.5
3270 terminal emulator 17.3.9
Assembler 33.3.6
printer support 18.1
starting 18.3.2
Absolute path 8.3.3
Acicdemo project 33.3.1
Acihdemo project 35.3.1
Acobdemo project 14.2
, 16.2
Acrobat Reader 1.2
Add Existing Dataset function 5.3.4
Add Files to Project, dialog box A.3
Additional Request Keys form 2.5
Administrator 2.3
Adobe Acrobat Reader 1.2
, Ch3
Alias, for database table 20.3.7
Allocate function 5.3.5
Alt+F4 5.3.8
Amuldemo project 15.2
, 21.2
TouchPoint 27.4.6
, 27.4.9
, 27.5.4
, 28.10
, 28.13
, 31.9
WinRunner 2000 29.8
, 30.4.4
, 30.5.3
Animating 5.3.10
APPC 9.2
, 10.2
on network 8.1
test 27.1
, 31.6
Application Output window 5.3.9
, 28.2.2
, 30.2.3
hiding 5.4
Application start parameter 29.4
Apply button A.11
ASCII character set, conversion to EBCDIC 1.1
Assembler debugger 14.3.4
tutorial Ch16
Assembler Option 1.1
building project 14.3.1
debugger Ch16
tutorial Ch14
, Ch15
, Ch16
, Ch33
, Ch34
, Ch35
with other options Ch33
, Ch34
, Ch35
Assembler program
debugging 14.3.4
, 15.3.3
editing 14.3.2
linking 14.3.1
, 15.3.1
multiple Ch15
running 14.3.3
, 15.3.3
in MFA Drag & Drop 9.3.8
to expand tree 12.3.5
Asynchronous processing 18.1
Autolink 15.3.1
Baseline 27.1
fragment test analysis 27.4.6
recording 27.4.5
, 31.6.1
BMS field
copying 19.3.9
, 19.3.11
creating 19.3.8
moving 19.3.10
non-adjacent 19.3.12
property 19.3.4
unprotected 19.3.8
BMS map
editing 19.3.1
property 19.3.3
BMS mapset
creating 19.3.7
property 19.3.2
SDF array 34.3.4
, 35.3.5
viewing 17.3.11
BMS screen painter
SDF array 34.3.4
, 35.3.5
tutorial Ch19
Bookmark, IMS Database Editor 24.3.11
Books, finding your way around Ch3
Break Assembler debugger command 16.3.3
Assembler program 16.3.3
COBOL program 13.3.5
Browsing 24.3.5
Build settings, viewing and changing 5.3.12
Building project 5.3.3
order 5.3.7
Button, on window A.1
Call/Perform stack 13.3.3
Case 4.2
, 5.3.4
, 9.1
Catalog 5.3.4
adding file 5.3.5
Catalog View 5.3.4
file 5.3.6
procedure 7.3.1
Cdlidemo project 34.3.1
Character set 1.1
CICS Option
3270 terminal emulator 17.3.9
Clear key 17.3.9
Ctrl key 17.3.9
debugging 17.3.10
defining a transaction 17.3.5
Enter key 17.3.9
Escape key 17.3.9
log 17.3.9
region 17.3.9
, 18.3.1
resource definition file 17.3.3
running application 17.3.9
startup list 28.2.1
, 30.2.1
tutorial Ch17
, Ch18
, Ch19
, Ch33
, Ch34
, Ch35
, Ch36
with other options Ch33
, Ch34
, Ch35
, Ch36
CICS View 17.3.3
Cicsdb2 project 28.1.1
, 30.1.1
Cicsdemo project 17.3.1
, 18.2
, 19.2
Clear key, in CICS Option 17.3.9
Click 4.2
CLIST, tutorial Ch6
Close button A.1
Closed fragment 27.1
dialect 27.2.3
, 28.1.6
, 30.1.6
editing source errors 5.3.8
syntax help Ch3
COBOL program
breakpoint 13.3.5
compiling on the mainframe 11.3.3
copying to the mainframe 11.3.2
debugging Ch13
finding parts of 13.3.6
statistics 13.3.7
Color, in BMS 19.3.5
Columns in list, rearranging A.7
Command prompt, copying A.15
Compiling 5.3.7
order 5.3.7
Conditional record layout 12.3.5
Conditional segment layout 23.3.11
Conditional statement 27.1
DataConnect 10.3.1
IMS Option 22.3.9
Mainframe Access 10.3.1
SourceConnect 10.3.1
Conformance testing, tutorial Ch27
Contents List, returning 4.3
Context help Ch3
, 5.3.13
button A.1
Context menu A.10
generating 20.3.6
structure 13.3.7
Cross-reference 4.3
Ctrl key, in CICS Option 17.3.9
Ctrl+C A.12
Ctrl+V A.12
Ctrl+X A.12
Ctrl+Z 13.3.2
Current Segment Arrow
Cut and paste A.12
adding in SQL Wizard 26.3.7
changing values 13.3.3
dead 13.3.7
exporting 20.3.10
importing 20.3.5
in COBOL program 13.3.2
unreferenced 13.3.7
Data file
adding to the Files View 5.3.6
converting 12.3.1
creating 12.3.13
editing Ch12
editing multiple 12.3.12
printing 12.3.11
properties 12.3.2
viewing 12.3.2
, 12.3.7
viewing in hexadecimal 12.3.10
Data File Converter, tutorial Ch12
Data File Editor, tutorial Ch12
Data item, finding 13.3.4
Data set
creating on mainframe 9.3.3
Librarian 10.1
name 5.3.4
Panvalet 10.1
partitioned 10.1
viewing via MFA Drag & Drop 9.3.5
Data Tools 1.1
tutorial Ch12
loading 22.3.6
zeroloading 22.3.6
Database Tree
DataConnect 1.1
tutorial Ch10
DateWarp 28.4
DB2 1.1
, 20.1
, 25.1
debugging 25.3.5
running application 20.3.9
, 25.3.4
Dead data 13.3.7
Debugging 5.3.10
Assembler program 14.3.4
, 15.3.3
, Ch16
CICS application 17.3.10
COBOL program Ch13
COBOL with Assembler 16.3.1
DB2 application 25.3.5
IMS application 22.3.8
non-mainframe application 29.3
year 2000 application 28.2.3
, 30.2.2
Default, record layout 12.3.4
Demonstration application 5.1.2
Dependency, parsing file for 5.3.3
Development Environment
See Integrated Development Environment
COBOL 27.2.3
, 28.1.6
, 30.1.6
Dialog box
Add Files to Project A.3
Open A.3
Directory 4.2
Distributed program linking 18.1
Distributed transaction processing 18.1
Docked window A.16
Documentation, finding your way around Ch3
DOS A.15
Drag and drop A.13
Drive 4.2
on another computer 8.1
Dropdown list A.9
See Data set name
Dtoldemo project 12.2
Dump Assembler debugger command 16.3.4
Earlier version of Mainframe Express Ch3
EBCDIC character set 1.1
conversion to ASCII 1.1
Assembler program 14.3.2
BMS map 19.3.1
COBOL program 5.3.8
data in SQL Wizard 26.3.7
multiple data files 12.3.12
Editor, starting appropriate 5.3.11
End User License Agreement 2.4
ENQ CICS function 18.1
Enter key, in CICS Option 17.3.9
Error message, getting help Ch3
Escape key, in CICS Option 17.3.9
See End User License Agreement
Execution, changing path of 13.3.8
Explorer, copying A.14
Extension, showing and hiding A.6
External CICS Interface 18.1
External Presentation Interface 18.1
adding to a project 5.3.3
adding to level 8.3.5
converting data file 12.3.1
copying with MFA Drag & Drop 9.3.7
creating A.4
downloading 9.3.6
extension A.6
mainframe file in project 10.3.4
, 10.3.5
maintenance 1.1
parsing for dependency 5.3.3
record layout 12.3.3
sharing Ch8
transferring selected 9.3.8
uploading 9.3.4
viewing via MFA Drag & Drop 9.3.2
File control table 17.3.4
adding entry 17.3.6
, 28.1.8
, 30.1.8
Files View 5.3.3
adding cataloged file 5.3.6
Find, in help Ch3
Find Assembler debugger command 16.3.2
Floating window A.16
Folder 4.2
changing A.3
creating A.4
hierarchy A.3
working 8.3.2
FragDemo project 27.2.1
creating 27.4.1
, 27.5.1
, 28.6
, 31.2
overview 27.1
test 27.1
, 27.4.4
, 27.4.8
, 27.5.2
, 28.8
, 31.4
Full screen A.1
Function shipping 18.1
Global extension override
Go Assembler debugger command 16.3.3
GUI map 29.1
Hccidemo project 36.3.1
Hcimdemo project 37.3.1
See Host Compatibility Option
Hcodemo project 20.3.1
Headings of columns, rearranging A.7
Help Ch3
Hexadecimal, viewing data 12.3.10
Hierarchy of folders A.3
Highlight, in BMS 19.3.5
Host Compatibility Option 1.1
adding table and data 28.1.5
Create Database tool 28.1.3
, 30.1.3
running application 20.3.9
tutorial Ch20
, Ch21
, Ch35
, Ch36
, Ch37
with other options Ch35
, Ch36
, Ch37
Hotlink 4.3
IDCAMS utility 5.3.5
See Integrated Development Environment
Idedemo project 5.3.2
, 8.2
, 9.2
, 13.2
IMS Database Editor
adding a segment occurrence 24.3.6
, 24.3.7
browsing through segment occurrences 24.3.5
closing 24.3.13
creating segment layouts Ch23
Current Segment Arrow
deleting a segment occurrence 24.3.9
modifying a segment occurrence 24.3.8
opening 24.3.1
searching the database 24.3.10
status bar 24.3.4
status code 24.3.4
toolbar 24.3.3
tutorial Ch24
using bookmarks 24.3.11
using SSAs 24.3.12
viewing database structure
window 24.3.2
IMS Option 1.1
configuration 22.3.9
creating project 22.3.1
debugging 22.3.8
defining a transaction 22.3.5
loading database 22.3.6
resource 22.3.4
running application 22.3.7
statistics 22.3.9
tracing 22.3.9
tutorial Ch22
, Ch34
, Ch35
, Ch37
with other options Ch34
, Ch35
, Ch37
zeroloading a database 22.3.6
IMS View 22.3.4
IMSDBU utility 22.3.6
Imsdemo project 22.3.1
Imsedemo project 23.3.1
Inbound, communications 18.1
creating 26.3.3
of book and help Ch3
Initial values 27.1
automatic generation 27.4.3
, 28.7
, 31.3
Inner join 21.1
Input field in mapset 19.3.8
Input variable 27.1
defining 27.4.2
INQUIRE command 18.1
Installation, Mainframe Express Ch2
Integrated Development Environment 1.1
tutorial Ch5
Interactive AMS 5.3.5
Interval control 18.1
JCL 1.1
procedure 11.3.1
tutorial Ch7
, Ch11
JCL jobstream
running on the mainframe 11.3.4
running on the PC 7.3.4
Jcldemo project 7.2
, 11.2
See JCL jobstream
Join 21.1
primary 26.3.3
request 2.5
response 2.5
Leap years test 31.4.2
Level 8.3.1
Librarian data set 10.1
Library 8.3.1
adding to a level 8.3.4
License 2.4
screen 5.3.1
License Protection System 2.5
in book Ch3
, 4.3
Assembler program 14.3.1
build settings 15.3.1
not used 5.3.7
List 5.3.4
dropdown A.9
multi-column A.7
rearranging A.7
selecting items A.8
contacting 9.3.1
data set 9.3.3
file 1.1
Mainframe Access 1.1
tutorial Ch9
, Ch10
Mainframe Express
closing 5.4
starting 5.3.1
version 1.1 Ch3
Master Index Ch3
Maximize button A.1
Menu A.2
context A.10
popup A.10
MERANT, contacting Ch3
See Mainframe Access
MFJAMS utility 5.3.5
mfuser folder 5.1.1
Micro Focus 4.2
Microsoft Internet Explorer 1.2
Migration, from earlier version Ch3
Minimize button A.1
Minus sign, in tree view A.5
button 4.2
shape of pointer A.16
MRO region modeling 18.1
Multi-column list, rearranging A.7
Multi-tasking CICS system, tutorial Ch18
Assembler programs Ch15
data file edit 12.3.12
.mvp file 5.1.1
Next Assembler debugger command 16.3.5
Non-mainframe application, debugging 29.3
OK button A.11
Open, dialog box A.3
Open fragment 27.1
Outer join 21.1
Output variable 27.1
defining 27.4.2
Output window 5.3.1
Panvalet data set 10.1
Partitioned data set 10.1
adding a member 7.3.1
Path 4.2
, 8.3.3
of execution 13.3.8
See Partitioned data set
Plus sign, in tree view A.5
Popup help 5.3.13
Popup menu Ch3
, A.10
Previous version of Mainframe Express Ch3
Primary key, defining 26.3.3
Printed book Ch3
Printing, data file 12.3.11
Probe Assembler debugger command 16.3.4
Problem determination
installation 2.1
, Ch3
Production level 8.1
Program control table 17.3.3
adding entry 17.3.5
, 28.1.8
, 30.1.8
Project 1.1
, 5.1.1
acicdemo 33.3.1
acihdemo 35.3.1
acobdemo 14.2
, 16.2
amuldemo 15.2
, 21.2
cdlidemo 34.3.1
cicsdemo 17.3.1
, 18.2
, 19.2
closing 5.4
creating 5.3.2
dtoldemo 12.2
folder 5.1.1
hccidemo 36.3.1
hcimdemo 37.3.1
hcodemo 20.3.1
idedemo 5.3.2
, 8.2
, 9.2
, 13.2
IMS 22.3.1
imsdemo 22.3.1
imsedemo 23.3.1
jcldemo 7.2
, 11.2
reloading in tutorial 4.3
saving 5.3.3
scondemo 10.3.3
sqldemo 25.3.1
, 26.2
tsodemo 6.2
window 5.3.2
, 5.3.3
Project Wizard 5.3.2
Properties, of data file 12.3.2
Protected field 19.3.8
Protection System 2.5
Pushpin A.11
Qualifier, Host Compatibility Option 20.3.8
creating in SQL Wizard 26.3.8
running 26.3.9
Reader, Adobe Acrobat 1.2
ReadMe Help 2.1
, Ch3
Record, locking 18.1
Record Layout Editor 12.3.3
Record layout file
associating 12.3.8
creating 12.3.3
look up information 12.3.9
saving 12.3.6
Reference 4.3
Region, starting 18.3.1
Regression testing, tutorial Ch27
Relative path 8.3.3
Release Notes 2.1
, Ch3
Report, on COBOL program 13.3.7
Request key 2.5
contention 18.1
viewing 22.3.4
Resource definition file, viewing 17.3.3
Resource group, creating 17.3.4
Response key 2.5
Restore button A.1
analyzing 27.4.9
, 27.5.4
, 28.10
, 28.13
, 31.9
REXX exec, tutorial Ch6
Right-click A.10
related to debugging 5.3.9
, 5.3.10
Sample program 5.1.2
Scondemo project 10.3.3
recording 29.5
, 30.4.1
WinRunner 2000 29.1
SDF array 34.3.4
, 35.3.5
Secondary index, defining 26.3.4
Segment layout
conditional 23.3.11
creating 23.3.6
layout status bar
viewing IMS data
Segment Layout Editor, tutorial Ch23
Segment layout file
editing 23.3.9
saving 23.3.7
Segment occurrence
adding a twin 24.3.6
adding children 24.3.7
deleting 24.3.9
modifying 24.3.8
Segment occurrences, browsing 24.3.5
Sequence of build 5.3.7
Mainframe Access 9.2
, 10.2
Session recording, tutorial Ch29
Single-tasking CICS system 17.3.9
Skip to cursor 13.3.8
COBOL error 5.3.8
compressing and expanding 5.3.8
, 14.3.2
control system 10.1
editing 14.3.2
SourceConnect 1.1
tutorial Ch10
Spool file 7.3.3
Spool View 7.3.3
query 20.3.11
server 25.3.6
viewing 26.3.5
SQL Option 1.1
adding table and data 28.1.4
, 30.1.4
, 34.3.3
creating a query 26.3.8
creating a table 26.3.2
debugging 25.3.5
running application 25.3.4
starting server 25.3.1
tutorial Ch25
, Ch34
with other options Ch34
SQL Wizard 1.1
, 34.3.3
tutorial Ch26
Sqldemo project 25.3.1
, 26.2
creating 24.3.12
list of
Standard button, on window A.1
Startup list 28.2.1
, 30.2.1
COBOL program 13.3.7
IMS Option 22.3.9
Status bar, IMS Database Editor 24.3.4
Status code, IMS Database Editor window 24.3.4
Step 5.3.10
Step Assembler debugger command 14.3.4
, 16.3.4
Submenu A.2
Support, via Web Ch3
syncList Assembler debugger command 16.3.2
Syncpoint, in CICS Option 18.1
Assembler 14.3.2
COBOL 5.3.8
getting help Ch3
administrator 2.3
log 7.3.5
Tab on project window 5.3.2
creating 20.3.4
in SQL Option 26.3.2
Table of Contents, returning 4.3
Task, bar A.1
TCP/IP 9.2
, 10.2
Technical support, via Web Ch3
Terminal, starting 18.3.2
Test 27.1
application 27.1
, 31.6
creating 27.5.2
fragment 27.1
, 27.4.4
, 28.8
, 31.4
recording 27.4.5
results 29.8
, 30.4.4
running 27.4.8
, 27.5.3
, 28.9
, 28.12
, 29.7
, 30.4.3
, 30.5.2
, 31.5
, 31.13
status 29.6
type 27.3
WinRunner 2000 29.4
, 30.4
Test Script Language 29.1
Testing level 8.1
Text Assembler debugger command 16.3.4
tip Ch3
, 5.3.7
Toolbar 5.3.7
IMS Database Editor 24.3.3
TouchPoint 1.1
Output Window 27.2.5
tutorial Ch27
, Ch28
, Ch31
Tracing, IMS Option 22.3.9
defining in CICS 17.3.5
defining in IMS 22.3.5
routing 18.1
Tree view A.5
See Test Script Language
command 6.3.5
session 1.1
, 6.3.5
tutorial Ch6
user ID 5.3.1
Tsodemo project 6.2
Tutorial Ch4
Assembler Option Ch14
BMS screen painter Ch19
CICS Option Ch17
conformance testing Ch27
Data Tools Ch12
DataConnect Ch10
debugging Assembler Ch16
debugging COBOL Ch13
Host Compatibility Option Ch20
, Ch21
IMS Database Editor Ch24
IMS Option Ch22
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Ch5
, Ch11
joins Ch21
linking Assembler Ch15
Mainframe Access Ch9
, Ch10
map 4.4
multi-tasking CICS system Ch18
multiple options Ch32
, Ch33
, Ch34
, Ch35
, Ch36
, Ch37
regression testing Ch27
REXX exec Ch6
Segment Layout Editor Ch23
session recording Ch29
SourceConnect Ch10
SQL Option Ch25
SQL Wizard Ch26
testing Ch27
, Ch28
, Ch29
, Ch30
, Ch31
TouchPoint Ch27
, Ch28
, Ch31
TSO Session Ch6
WinRunner 2000 Ch29
, Ch30
, Ch31
workgrouping Ch8
year 2000 Ch28
Undo edit 13.3.2
Unprotected field 19.3.8
Unreferenced data 13.3.7
Unset Assembler debugger command 16.3.3
See User Request Key form
User, ID for TSO 5.3.1
User Request Key form 2.5
Utility program
IDCAMS 5.3.5
MFJAMS 5.3.5
Validation criteria 27.1
Version number on menu item 4.2
Vsamdemo demo program 5.1.2
Watch list 13.3.2
, 13.3.3
Web browser 1.2
, 4.3
WebSync Ch3
Welcome screen 5.3.1
What's This? function Ch3
Wildcard, in MFA Drag & Drop 9.3.8
border A.16
button A.1
closing 5.4
manipulating A.16
Windows 4.2
Windows 95 4.2
Windows 98 4.2
Windows Explorer A.5
copying A.14
Windows NT 4.2
WinRunner 2000 1.1
analysis of results 29.8
, 30.4.4
, 30.5.3
script 30.4.1
test 30.4
, 30.4.3
, 30.5.2
test status 29.6
tutorial Ch29
, Ch30
, Ch31
WinRunner project 29.2
Project 5.3.2
SQL 26.3.1
Workgroup 1.1
tutorial Ch8
Workgroup View 8.3.1
XDB Server
starting 25.3.1
stopping 25.3.6
Year 2000
testing Ch28
, 31.4.1
Zeroloading a database 22.3.6
Assembler debugger command 14.3.4
, 16.3.5