User Guide


Table of Contents

!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


100-year window  1.1


        displaying reports  16.9.2
        exporting  14.5.2
        worksheet reports  14.5
Activity log of worksheet  11.3
Add selected to worksheet
Add tools  22.4
Adding indirection  18.19.1
Addition, negative operands  12.7.4
Administrative mode  18.5
Administrator, metering  4.3
Administrator options  22.5.2
Advanced REQL  22.5.1
After column in operand table  13.3.2
Align fields
Allocating categories  11.6
Analysis tools
        add selected to worksheet button
        categorize  5.2.1
        composite tool  5.3
        composite tool properties tab  5.3.2
        compsite tool details tab  5.3.1
        configuring  Ch5
        customized settings  5.5
        customizing  5.5
        defaults  5.5
        find  5.2.1
        introduction  1.3 , Ch5
        refining the worksheet  10.1
        scope  5.3.2
        search scope  5.2.1
        settings  5.2.2 , 5.5 , 10.2
        using  5.2
        verify  5.2.1
        worksheet channel
Annotation  20.8
        adding information  20.8.3
        editing  20.8.2
        finding  20.8.1
        locations  20.8.4
        shareable projects  20.8.4
        private  20.8.4
        public  20.8.4
Apply fixes  13.4
        report  14.6
Arithmetic  12.7
Assembler  A.1
Assembler extension  Ch23
        features  23.3
        macros  23.3
        product description  23.2
        technical information  23.4
Assembler support  Ch26
Assessment report  16.8.1
Assigning year types  6.2.3
        determining needs  6.2
        worksheet  11.5
Assignment rules
        editing  6.2.3
        sharing  9.6
Auto status  13.3.6
        editing generated fixes  13.3
        fixing  13.1.2
        year type assignment  6.2.3
Automatic component locator
        adding search directories
Automatic file extensions
Automatic typing


.BAK  20.10.2
Base year type  6.2.2
Before column in operand table  13.3.2
BMS  A.2
Browsers  Ch21
        CICS  21.16
        Copybooks and includes  21.8
        Data files  21.9
        Fields  21.15
        IMS  21.17
        JCL  21.13
        Literals  21.12
        Paragraphs and sections  21.11
        Programs  21.7
        Screens  21.14
        SQL  21.18
        Statements  21.6
        Text  21.5
        variables  21.10
Browsers options  22.5.5
Buffers  20.5.2
Building a candidate list  15.1.1


Cache memory  22.5.1 , 22.5.1
CALL statements  12.6
Called subroutine fixes, choosing  13.2.2
Candidate list
        building  15.1.1
        checking filtered candidates  16.5.3
        customized  15.1.2
        data item criteria  15.1.2
        data item display  16.3.3
        data item name  15.1.3
        definition  16.3.1
        delete from list  16.5.5
        display options  16.3.3
        group  16.3.1
        literals  15.1.5
        match flag meaning  16.3.2
        match flags  16.3.1
        member  16.3.1
        refining  15.1.8 , 16.5
        refining the results  16.5.5
        release  16.3.1
        remove criteria  16.5.5
        remove date  16.5.5
        remove exceptions  16.5.5
        remove filter  16.5.5
        remove from list  16.5.5
        Revolve/2000  16.2.1
        saving  15.1.9 , 16.4
        split screen editor  16.3.4
        standard  15.1.1
        text component  15.1.6
        type and size  15.1.4
        unwanted candidates  16.5.2
        using match  16.5.4
Candidate wizard  15.1
        introduction  1.4
        Revolve/2000  16.2
Capture Results  19.12
Categories  11.6
        A categories  8.1
        allocating  11.6
        customized  8.2
        default filename  8.2
        in reports  14.5.1
        introduction  8.1
        R categories  8.1
        reporting on  8.4
        sharing  8.3 , 9.5
        types  8.1
        V categories  8.1
        X categories  8.1
Categorize, analysis tools  5.2.1
Century derivation  1.1
Change password
Characters per label
        metering  4.1
        metering procedure  4.3
CICS Browser  21.16
Classifications  20.4.2
        dialect in macro  7.5.2
        formatting SmartFix options  13.2.1
        year 2000 problems  12.1
COBOL data items, worksheet  11.1
COBOL statements, worksheet  11.1
COBOL version
Code flow  20.11.3
Collate copies  19.9
        items in the worksheet  11.4
        worksheet  11.4
Color menu  22.1
Color output  19.9
Columns  18.1
Combining sets  10.3.3
        subsets  10.3.4
        worksheet  10.3.2
Command Line Parameters  ApC
        SmartFix options  13.2.1
        tab in SmartFix  13.3.3
Comment * in first column
Comment chars
Commented status  13.3.6
Common database directories
Complete project  18.12
Complexity factors  20.4.1
Component locator exclusions
Component parameters
        component level  18.2.1
        project level
Component Status  18.1
Composite tool
        adding to  5.3.3
        deleting from  5.3.3
Composite tools, sharing  9.4.2
Configuration wizard  5.2.2 , 5.5
Configure, assign year type rules  6.2.3
Confirm additions with user
Confirm exit  22.5.1
Consistency and coding standards  9.10
Consistency check in worksheet  11.3
Control file, securing control file  4.4
        for fixes  13.4.1
        SmartFix options  13.2.4
Copybook buffer
Copybooks and includes Browser  21.8
Copying text
Counting lines, metering procedure  4.3
Create, Year 2000 project  Ch3
Creating Projects, Before beginning  17.2
Creating projects  Ch17
Creating sets  10.3.1
Criteria, data items  15.1.2
Crossed operands in SmartFix  13.3.1
Crystal reports, displaying reports  16.9.3
Custom candidate list  15.1.2
Customized tool, settings  5.3
Customizing, generated fixes  13.3
Cutting text


Data expansion  1.1
        PIC expander  16.6.1
Data files, worksheet  11.1
Data files Browser  21.9
Data item
        criteria  15.1.2
        SmartFix options  13.2.3
Data item name, finding  15.1.3
Data item type and size, candidate list  15.1.4
Data structure  20.11.5
Data structure operation
        export date fields  16.8.3
        load year 2000 project  Ch3
Date Assessment report  16.7
Date assessment report  16.8.1
Dates, examining for year types  6.2
Default font  22.5.1
Default macros  7.5.5
Default.fct  11.6
Defaults settings of analysis tools  5.5
Definition, candidate list  16.3.1
Delete, translation in PIC Expander  16.6.1
Deleting sets  10.3.5
Deleting text
Deriving century  1.1
Desktop  19.2
Dialect keyword in macro  7.5.2
Disable fix  13.3.1
Display Options  20.5.4
Display options  22.5.3
Division  12.10.1
DMS Information browser  25.2.4
DMS procedure commands  25.2.6
Dongle, metering  4.1
DOS setup  22.6.2


Early release options  22.5.1
ECL  A.5
ECL Information browser  25.2.7
        generated fixes  13.3
        year type  6.2.2
Editing source and worksheet  11.7
Editing source code  20.9.3
Editor  20.9
        tab in SmartFix  13.3.4
EIF  20.4.2
Enable automatic component locator
End column no comments
End with ff  19.9
Estimation report  16.8.2
EVALUATE statements  12.5
Examining dates  6.2
Excel, displaying reports  16.9.1
Execs without source code
Execution indirection  18.19
Execution simulator  20.9.11
Expanded data item naming  13.2.3
Expansion of data  1.1
EXPDEFN macro  7.5.7
Export Data Fields to Spreadsheet/Database  16.7
Exported reports  16.9


Fall throughs
Fields Browser  21.15
File access  22.6
File buffer redefines
File names
File types  20.4.2 ,
Files  20.5.2
        analysis tools  5.2.1
        candidate wizard  15.1
        data item name  15.1.3
        data items  15.1.2
        data items by size and type  15.1.4
        dates in Revolve/2000  16.1
        literals  15.1.5
        text component  15.1.6
Finding dates in Revolve/2000  16.1
        addition  12.7.4
        applying fixes  13.4
        arithmetic  12.7
        assumptions and restrictions  12.2
        automatically  13.1.2
        call fix type  7.3.5
        call statements  12.6
        choosing type  13.2.2
        CICS datasets associations to files  18.13.7
        CICS program associations  18.13.8
        CICS transaction associations  18.13.9
        COBOL dialect in macros  7.5.2
        COBOL programs  12.1
        colorize items in the worksheet  11.4
        comparisons  12.3
        complements  12.11.4
        component with errors  18.13.10
        compute statements  12.7
        conditions  12.3
        copybooks for  13.4.1
        copybooks/procs not found  18.13.3
        creating macros for new year type  7.4
        customizing generated fixes  13.3
        dates in Revolve/2000  16.1
        dates in SmartFix  13.1
        default macros  7.5.5
        disable  13.3.1
        division  12.10 , 12.10.1
        editing fixes  13.3
        evaluate statements  12.5
        exit perform  12.4.6
        EXPDEFN macro  7.5.7
        fix type macro language  7.5.6
        goto  12.4.6
        group items  12.12
        IMS DBD associations to files  18.13.13
        IMS DBDs not associated with files  18.13.18
        IMS DBDs not used  18.13.16
        IMS DBDs without source  18.13.17
        IMS MFS messages  18.13.20
        IMS Programs to PSB associations  18.13.12
        IMS PSBs not used  18.13.14
        IMS PSBs without source code  18.13.15
        IMS transaction associations  18.13.11
        in Revolve/2000  16.6
        keys  12.15
        load modules without source code  18.13.2
        macro defaults  7.3.2
        macro file format  7.5.1
        macro file structure  7.3.1
        macro files  7.2
        macro language reference  7.5
        macro sample file  7.3
        macro section names  7.5.14
        macros  7.1
        MAPFROM macro  7.5.9
        MAPTO macro  7.5.8
        MOVEFROM macro  7.5.10
        MOVETO macro  7.5.10
        multiplication  12.10 , 12.11.1
        NOEXPVAR macro  7.5.7
        operand table  13.3.2
        options  13.2.2
        OUTOFLINECODE macro  7.5.11
        OUTOFLINEDEFN macro  7.5.12
        OUTOFLINEFIXEDDEFN macro  7.5.13
        perform fix type  7.3.4
        perform out-of-line procedure  12.4.5
        perform statements  12.4
        perform until  12.4.1
        perform varying  12.4.2 , 12.4.3
        perform with test after  12.4.4
        reapplying fixes  13.4.3
        reference modification  12.14
        screens without source code  18.13.4
        sentinels  12.11.3
        skip  13.3.1
        status  13.3.6 , 13.4.2
        steps for SmartFix  13.1.1
        subscripts  12.13
        subtraction  12.7.1 , 12.7.2 , 12.7.3
        summary of perform fixes  12.4.7
        system defined variables in macros  7.5.3
        type  6.2.2
        unresolved PROGRAM external files  18.13.5
        unresolved system variables  18.13.6
        unused copybooks  18.13.19
        unused load modules  18.13.1
        user defined variables in macros  7.5.4
Fix type in macro language  7.5.6
Fixed status  13.3.6
Fixing dates in Revolve/2000  16.1
Fixing problems  18.13
Formatting with SmartFix options  13.2.1
Function point analysis  20.4
Functions, PVCS  22.6.3
.fxm file  6.3.1
.fxt file  6.2.4


General buffer redefines
Generated fixes
        apply fix  13.4
        automatic  13.1.2
        customizing  13.3
GOTO  12.4.6
Green tick in SmartFix  13.3.1
        candidate list  16.3.1
        fixing group items  12.12
        impact group display  16.3.3
Group working  Ch9 , 9.9
        group worksheet  9.3
        managing group worksheet  9.3.1
        metering  9.8
        projects  9.2
        saving changes in worksheet
        setting up a group worksheet  9.3.2
        sharing categories  9.5
        sharing macros  9.1 , 9.7
        sharing projects  9.1
        sharing rules  9.6
        sharing settings  9.4
        sharing summary  9.9
        sharing tools  9.1 , 9.4
        sharing worksheets  9.1
        sharing year types  9.6
        single user  9.11
        updating worksheet locally  9.3.4
        updating worksheet view
        viewing worksheet  9.3.3
        year types and rules  9.1
Group worksheet  9.3
        backing up  9.3.6
        creating  9.3.1
        managing  9.3.1
        merging changes into worksheet  9.3.5
        restoring  9.3.6
        saving changes
        setting up a  9.3.2
        updating locally  9.3.4
        updating view
        viewing as group user  9.3.3


Halstead  20.3.1
Highlight  19.10
History of worksheet  11.3
Hit ratio  22.5.1


ILF  20.4.2
Impact analysis  20.5
        data files
        duplicates  20.5.2
        getting started  20.5.1
        impact through
        options  20.5.3
Implementation estimation report  16.7 , 16.8.2
Import impact list  16.8.2
Import Translations, rebuild  20.7.7
Import translations  18.18 ,
Imported settings files for analysis tools  5.5.1
Importing reports  16.9
IMS  A.6
IMS Browser  21.17
In-line fixes, choosing  13.2.2
Including, data items  15.1.2
Information screening  19.4
Information window  19.5
Inspecting generated fixes  13.3
Integrated Editor  20.9
        copying text
        cutting text
        deleting text
        invoking  20.9.2
        moving text  20.9.4
        moving through source  20.9.6
        new file option  20.9.9
        pasting text
        printing  20.9.7
        saving and loading  20.9.8
        selecting text
        status bar  20.9.10
        undoing edits
        Views  20.9.12
Interface  Ch19
Intersect sets  10.3.3
Inventory  20.11.2
Inventory of Year 2000 project  Ch3


JCL  A.7
JCL Browser  21.13


Key mapping  22.5.1
Keymap  22.5.1
Keys  12.15


Language extension, introduction  1.8
Languages  ApA
Leave operand alone  13.3.1
Legend  19.9
Level numbering
        SmartFix options  13.2.3 , 13.2.4
Line of code counter  4.1 , 4.3
        import impact list  16.8.2
        program exception list  16.8.2
Literals, finding  15.1.5
Literals Browser  21.12
Load, Year 2000 project  Ch3
Load from file  20.9.8
Log of worksheet  11.3
Lookup indices


.MAC  23.3
Macro  23.3
Macro libraries  6.3
        call fix type  7.3.5
        COBOL dialect  7.5.2
        creating for new year type  7.4
        customizing  7.1
        defaults  7.3.2 , 7.5.5
        EXPDEFN  7.5.7
        file format  7.5.1
        file structure  7.3.1
        files  7.2
        fix type macro language  7.5.6
        .fxm file  6.3.1
        introduction  7.1
        introduction of SmartFix  13.1
        language reference  7.5
        MAPFROM  7.5.9
        MAPMOVE  7.5.10
        MAPTO  7.5.8
        MOVEFROM  7.5.10
        NOEXPVAR  7.5.7
        operand table  13.3.2
        OUTOFLINECODE  7.5.11
        OUTOFLINEDEFN  7.5.12
        perform fix type  7.3.4
        sample file  7.3
        section name  7.5.14
        sharing  9.7
        SmartFix variables  6.2.2
        system defined variables  7.5.3
        user defined variables  7.5.4
Managing projects  Ch18
MAPFROM macro  7.5.9
Mapping  22.6.2
MAPTO macro  7.5.8
Match edit bar  19.3
Match flags
        candidate list  16.3.1
        meaning  16.3.2
Matching  19.3
McCabe  20.3.2
McClure  20.3.3
Member, candidate list  16.3.1
Memory monitor  22.5.1 , 22.5.1
Messaging system  18.7
        accessing metered code  4.2
        authorized user  4.3
        charging  4.3
        group working  9.8
        line of code counter  4.3
        new charges  4.3
        procedure  4.3
        safeguarding usage counter  4.5
        securing control file  4.4
        SmartFind Plus  4.1
        usage counter  4.3
        wizard  4.2
Metrics  20.3
Microsoft Excel, displaying reports  16.9.1
Migration of annotations from 4.0  20.7.7
Modification driver  19.11 , 20.3.6
Modifying at component level  18.2.1
Modifying code  18.10
MOVEFROM macro  7.5.10
MOVETO macro  7.5.10
Moving text  20.9.4
Moving through source  20.9.6
Moving through the impact trace  20.5.2
Multi-users  18.3
Multiple statements/line
Multiplication  12.11.1


Name of data items  15.1.3
Named sets
        copybooks in SmartFix  13.2.4
        expanded data items in SmartFix  13.2.3
Naming sets  10.3.5
Negative addition  12.7.4
New Code tab in SmartFix  13.3.3
New file  20.9.9
New metering charges  4.3
NOEXPVAR macro  7.5.7
Non-COBOL in candidate list  15.1.6
Non-shareable project  18.8
Not fixed status  13.3.6
Notes tab in SmartFix  13.3.5


ODBC, displaying reports  16.9.4
Open screen  20.11.6
        operand table  13.3.2
        table after column  13.3.2
        table before column  13.3.2
        table fix type  13.3.2
        table macro  13.3.2
        ticked or crossed  13.3.1
        year type table  13.3.2
Optimize for size/speed
Optional proc card
Options  19.4 , 22.5
        comments in SmartFix  13.2.1
        copybooks  13.2.4
        data definition  13.2.3
        fix type  13.2.2
        formatting fixes  13.2.1
        SmartFix  13.2
Oracle keywords
Original code tab in SmartFix  13.3.4
        options  13.2.2
        tab in SmartFix  13.3.3
OUTOFLINECODE macro  7.5.11
OUTOFLINEDEFN macro  7.5.12


Paragraphs and sections Browser  21.11
Parse, Year 2000 project  Ch3
Parser extensions
Parsing  17.1
Password protection  18.5.1
Pattern matching  15.1.3
        Revolve/2000  16.2.1
        text component  15.1.6
        exit  12.4.6
        out-of-line procedure  12.4.5
        summary of fixes  12.4.7
        until  12.4.1
        varying  12.4.2 , 12.4.3
Perform, out of line tab in SmartFix  13.3.3
Perform partial replace
PERFROM, with test after  12.4.4
Physical memory  22.5.1
        expander  16.6.1
        expander data expansion  16.6.1
        expander delete translation  16.6.1
        expander releasing  16.6.1
        expander removing  16.6.1
        expander replace  16.6.1
        expander report only  16.6.1
        expander saving translation  16.6.1
        expander skip  16.6.1
        expander translation table  16.6.1
        expander year 2000  16.6.1
PL/I  A.8
PL/I 48 character
PL/I extension  Ch24
        impact analysis functions  24.2
        product description  Ch24
        technical information  24.3
PL/I support  Ch26
Points of interest
        Program list (Workbench/2000 file)  16.7
        programs (comma delimited)  16.7
        programs (Workbench/2000 file)  16.7
        Summary report  16.7
Populating the worksheet  11.2
Post processing script
Power keys  22.2
        worksheet  11.4
Print to file  19.9
Printing  19.9
Private annotations  20.8.4
Private annotations directory  22.5.1
Problems, year 2000 and COBOL  12.1
Process, fixing dates in SmartFix  13.1.1
Process schedules  18.17
        List (Workbench/2000 file)  16.7
        Points of interest (Workbench/2000 file)  16.7
Program exception list  16.8.2
Programs Browser  21.7
Project  17.1
        load Year 2000 project  Ch3
Project manager  18.1
Project menu  18.2
Projects  Ch17
        group working  9.2
Properties  17.2
Public annotations  20.8.4
Public annotations directory
        adding components  22.6.3
        functions  22.6.3
        setup  22.6.3
PVCS check-in
PVCS config file
PVCS user


Quick text  22.5.3


Real text  22.5.3
Rebuild project from 4.0  20.7.7
Red cross in SmartFix  13.3.1
Reference modification  12.14
Refining candidate list  15.1.8
        candidate list  16.3.1
        PIC Expander  16.6.1
Remediaiton process
        analysis  2.3
        fix milestones  2.3.2
        fixing source code  2.3.1
        fixing task  2.3
        inventory  2.3
        reporting  2.3
        research  2.3
        testing  2.3
Remediation process  2.3
        introduction  Ch2
Remove, PIC Expander  16.6.1
Reparse and worksheet  11.7
Replace, PIC expander  16.6.1
        Access in Revolve/2000  16.9.2
        additional reports in Revolve/2000
        assessment report in Revolve/2000  16.8.1
        categories  8.4 , 14.5.1
        comma delimited in Revolve/2000  16.7
        consistency check  14.2
        Crystal reports in Revolve/2000  16.9.3
        data assessment in Revolve/2000  16.7
        data fields in Revolve/2000  16.7
        date assessment in Revolve/2000  16.8.1
        displaying exported in Revolve/2000  16.9
        Excel in Revolve/2000  16.9.1
        export date fields in Revolve/2000  16.8.3
        exported in Revolve/2000  16.9
        exporting from Access  14.5.2
        for Access  14.5
        generating text in Revolve/2000  16.8
        implementation estimation in Revolve/2000  16.7 , 16.8.2
        import impact list in Revolve/2000  16.8.2
        importing in Revolve/2000  16.9
        in ASCII  14.4
        metering.xls in Revolve/2000  16.9.1
        ODBC in Revolve/2000  16.9.4
        on fix  14.6
        only PIC Expander  16.6.1
        points of interest in Revolve/2000  16.7 , 16.7
        program exception list in Revolve/2000  16.8.2
        programs in Revolve/2000  16.7
        research.xls in Revolve/2000  16.9.1
        Revolve/2000  16.7
        SF2000.mdb in Revolve/2000  16.9.2
        text in Revolve/2000  16.7
        workbench in Revolve/2000  16.7
        worksheet  14.1
        worksheet status  14.3
Review  18.15
        editor in SmartFix  13.3.4
        introduction  1.7
        language extension introduction  1.8
Revolve options  22.5
Revolve/2000  16.1
        8 flag  16.3.2
        A flag  16.3.2
        Access reports  16.9.2 , 16.9.2
        additional reports
        assessment report  16.8.1
        B flag  16.3.2
        candidate list  16.2.1 , 16.3.1
        candidate wizard  16.2
        checking filtered candidates  16.5.3
        comma delimited reports  16.7
        Crystal reports  16.9.3
        data assessment reports  16.7
        data field reports  16.7
        data file display  16.3.3
        data items by procedural code  16.5.1
        date assessment report  16.8.1
        definitions  16.3.1
        delete candidates from list  16.5.5
        display options in candidate list  16.3.3
        displaying information  16.3
        element  16.3.1
        Excel reports  16.9.1
        export data fields  16.7
        export date fields  16.8.3
        exported reports  16.9
        F flag  16.3.2
        fixing  16.6
        G flag  16.3.2
        generating text reports  16.8
        group  16.3.1
        I flag  16.3.2
        impact group display  16.3.3
        implementation estimation reports  16.7
        import impact list  16.8.2
        importing reports  16.9
        match flag meaning  16.3.2
        match flags  16.3.1
        member  16.3.1
        N flag  16.3.2
        name display  16.3.3
        NS flag  16.3.2
        ODBC reports  16.9.4
        over lay data
        P flag  16.3.2
        PIC expander  16.6.1
        points of interest and workbench  16.7
        points of interest reports  16.7
        process  16.1.1
        program display  16.3.3
        program exception list  16.8.2
        programs and workbench  16.7
        refining candidate list  16.5
        refining the results  16.5.5
        release  16.3.1
        release display  16.3.3
        remove candidates from list  16.5.5
        remove criteria from list  16.5.5
        remove date from list  16.5.5
        remove exceptions from list  16.5.5
        remove filter from list  16.5.5
        reports  16.7
        S flag  16.3.2
        saving candidate list  16.4
        source display  16.3.3
        split screen editor  16.3.4
        T flag  16.3.2
        text components  16.2.2
        text reports  16.7
        unwanted candidates  16.5.2
        usage display  16.3.3
        using match  16.5.4
        viewing information  16.3
        workbench  16.7
        Z flag  16.3.2
Right-click menu  19.7


Safeguarding, usage counter  4.5
Save all modifications  20.9.8
Save as file  20.9.8
Save to file  20.9.8
Saving, translation in PIC Expander  16.6.1
Saving candidate list  15.1.9
Saving sets  10.3.5
Schedule id
schema.ini  16.9.4
Scope  5.2.1
Screen  20.11.6
Screen fields  20.5.2
Screens Browser  21.14
Scripts  20.7
        COBOL with mismatched PROGRAM-IDs  20.7.5
        copy source files to drive/directory  20.7.7
        copybook list sorted by name  20.7.4
        copybooks with no referenced variables  20.7.6
        count lines logical & physical  20.7.7
        cross reference batch files with records and copybooks  20.7.1
        cross reference CICS datasets with records and copybooks  20.7.1
        cross reference files by PLI procedure  20.7.1
        cross reference files by program  20.7.1
        cross reference PLI procedures by files accessed  20.7.1
        cross reference programs by files accessed  20.7.1
        cross reference reports  20.7.1
        data rationalization  20.7.2
        generate a script to rebuild import translations  20.7.7
        generate a script to rebuild the project  20.7.7
        group I-O records by size  20.7.4
        group secondary (non-I-O) records by size  20.7.4
        hard-coded literals by program  20.7.5
        homonym analysis  20.7.2
        I-O Record grouping  20.7.4
        indentation checking  20.7.5
        list errors  20.7.3
        list errors and warnings  20.7.3
        list errors, warnings, and notices  20.7.3
        list files not found during parsing  20.7.3
        list notices  20.7.3
        list syntax warnings  20.7.3
        list warnings  20.7.3
        migrate annotations from 4.0  20.7.7
        MOVE statements that truncate data elements  20.7.5
        multiple copybook files with same name  20.7.5
        multiple MFS files with same FMT name  20.7.5
        nested IF statements  20.7.5
        open screens used by the component w/ selected  20.7.7
        parsing problems  20.7.3
        print the text content of the selected item  20.7.7
        rebuild import translations  20.7.7
        rebuild project from 4.0  20.7.7
        record Analysis  20.7.4
        redefines length mismatches  20.7.5
        remove load modules and PSBs in IMS GEN that are not referen  20.7.7
        secondary record grouping  20.7.4
        show duplicate definitions by type  20.7.3
        standards checking  20.7.5
        take out load modules not referenced within CSD report  20.7.7
        unused analysis  20.7.6
        unused paragraphs  20.7.6
        unused Procedural Logic  20.7.6
        unused program variables  20.7.6
        utilities  20.7.7
        variable names exceeding threshold  20.7.5
Search and replacing  20.9.5
Search directories
        component level  18.2.1
        project level
        scan file for string
Section name in out-of-line macro  7.5.14
Selecting text
Set view  5.4
Sets  10.3
        adding to the worksheet  10.3.2
        combining  10.3.3
        combining sets in worksheet  10.3.2
        combining subsets  10.3.4
        creating  10.3.1
        deleting  10.3.5
        deleting named sets
        extracting from worksheet
        intersect  10.3.3
        load from file
        named sets
        naming  10.3.5
        save to file
        saving  10.3.5
        subtract  10.3.3
        union of  10.3.3
Setting up projects  Ch17
Settings  5.2.2
        changing  5.5
        configuration wizard  5.5
        configuring  Ch5
        customize  5.2.2
        customized  5.3 , 5.5
        default  5.2.2
        defaults  5.5
        editing  5.2.3
        imported files  5.5.1
        importing  5.5.1
        introduction  Ch5
        new  5.2.2
        temporary  5.2.2
        tools  10.2
.SHA  18.4
Shareable project path
Shareable projects  18.3
        Maintaining  18.6
        Making  18.4
        moving  18.11
        assignment rules  9.6
        categories  8.3 , 9.5
        composite tools  9.4.2
        individual tool settings  9.4.1
        macros  9.7
        tools and settings  9.4
        year types  9.6
Shell  20.2
Simulated text  22.5.3
Single user project  18.8
Size and type of data items, candidate list  15.1.4
Skip, PIC Expander  16.6.1
Skip fix  13.3.1
Sliding window  1.1
SmartFind Plus
        introduction  Ch1
        metering  4.1
SmartFind wizard, introduction  1.4
        addition  12.7.4
        applying fixes  13.4
        arithmetic  12.7
        assumptions and restrictions  12.2
        call fix type  7.3.5
        call statements  12.6
        COBOL dialect in macros  7.5.2
        COBOL formatting  13.2.1
        comment tab  13.3.3
        comparisons  12.3
        complements  12.11.4
        compute statements  12.7
        conditions  12.3
        copybooks  13.2.4
        creating macros for new year type  7.4
        crossed operands  13.3.1
        customizing generated fixes  13.3
        data items  13.2.3
        default macros  7.5.5
        division  12.10 , 12.10 , 12.10.1
        editor  13.3.4
        evaluate statements  12.5
        exceptions  12.2
        exit perform  12.4.6
        EXPDEFN macro  7.5.7
        fix type macro language  7.5.6
        fixing automatically  13.1.2
        fixing dates  13.1 , 13.1.1
        generating fixes  13.3
        goto  12.4.6
        green tick  13.3.1
        group items  12.12
        introduction  1.6 , 13.1
        keys  12.15
        level numbering  13.2.3
        macro defaults  7.3.2
        macro file format  7.5.1
        macro file structure  7.3.1
        macro files  7.2
        macro language reference  7.5
        macro sample file  7.3
        macro section names  7.5.14
        macros  7.1
        MAPFROM macro  7.5.9
        MAPTO macro  7.5.8
        MOVEFROM macro  7.5.10
        MOVETO macro  7.5.10
        multiplication  12.11.1
        new Code tab in  13.3.3
        NOEXPVAR macro  7.5.7
        options  13.2
        original code tab  13.3.4
        out-of-line tab  13.3.3
        OUTOFLINECODE macro  7.5.11
        OUTOFLINEDEFN macro  7.5.12
        OUTOFLINEFIXEDDEFN macro  7.5.13
        perform fix type  7.3.4
        perform out-of-line procedure  12.4.5
        perform statements  12.4
        perform until  12.4.1
        perform varying  12.4.2 , 12.4.3
        perform with test after  12.4.4
        red cross  13.3.1
        reference modification  12.14
        sentinels  12.11.3
        status  13.3.6
        steps  13.1.1
        subscripts  12.13
        subtraction  12.7.1 , 12.7.2 , 12.7.3
        summary of perform fixes  12.4.7
        system defined variables in macros  7.5.3
        tabbed pages  13.3
        tabs for existing code  13.3.4
        tabs for notes  13.3.5
        tabs for proposed fix  13.3.3
        tick operands  13.3.1
        user defined variables in macros  7.5.4
        working storage tab  13.3.3
Sort  20.3.5
Source  20.11.4
Source file setup
        DOS  22.6.2
        PVCS  22.6.3
        PVCS config file
        PVCS user
Source integrity  17.2
Source view operation
Speed menu  22.3
Speed Menu, right-click  19.7
SPF Editor  20.10
        getting started  20.10.1
        saving  20.10.2
Split screen editor  19.8 , 20.9
        enabling/disabling  22.5.1
Spreadsheet, export date fields  16.8.3
SQL  A.9
SQL Browser  21.18
Standard candidate list  15.1.1
Starting column
Statements Browser  21.6
Statistics  20.3.4
Status, SmartFix  13.3.6
Status when applying fixes  13.4.2
Subproject Example  18.14
Subprojects  18.14 , 20.4.3
        add  18.14
        delete  18.14
        dialog  18.14
Subscripts  12.13
Subtract sets  10.3.3
Subtraction  12.7.1 , 12.7.2 , 12.7.3
Support,extensions  Ch26
Suspect buffer
Suspect literal
Swap file directory  22.5.1
Syntax Checker  20.6
        options  20.6.1
System  20.11.1
System defined variables in macros  7.5.3
System/370 Assembler  Ch23


Tabbed pages in SmartFix  13.3
        SmartFix  13.3.3 , 13.3.4 , 13.3.5
Teamwork  18.9
//Terminates job
Text Browser  21.5
        program mode vs. file mode  21.5
Text component, finding  15.1.6
Text components, Revolve/2000  16.2.2
Ticked operands in SmartFix  13.3.1
Toolbar  19.6
Tools  Ch20
        sharing  9.4
        sharing individual settings  9.4.1
        sharing settings  9.4
Tools options  22.5.4
Translating names
Translation table, PIC Expander  16.6.1
Type and size of data items, candidate list  15.1.4


Union of sets  10.3.3
Unisys extension  Ch25
        file access  25.2.3
        mainframe connectivity  25.2.3
Unisys Extension,introduction  25.1
Unisys support  25.2 , Ch26
UNTIL conditions  12.4.1
Update tools  22.4
Usage counter
        metering  4.1
        metering procedure  4.3
        safeguarding  4.5
Use component name
Use oracle keywords
User name  22.5.1
User options  22.5.1
User-defined variables in SmartFix macro  7.5.4
Using Revolve  Ch18
Utilities  Ch22


Variable Browser, Program mode vs. file mode  21.10
Variable data  18.16
        SmartFix macros  6.2.2
        system-defined in macros  7.5.3
        user defined in SmartFix macro  7.5.4
Variables Browser  21.10
VARYING clause  12.4.3
Verification process  2.2
        analysis  2.2.4
        introduction  Ch2
        inventory  2.2.1
        objectives  2.2.6
        preparation  2.2.2
        removing false positives
        reporting  2.2.5
        research  2.2.3
        review year types
        Verify - all research
Verify, analysis tools  5.2.1
Viewing source code  19.8
Views  20.11
        code flow  20.11.3
        data structure  20.11.5
        inventory  20.11.2
        screen  20.11.6
        source  20.11.4
        system  20.11.1


Wildcard character  19.3
Windowing  1.1
Workbench  20.6
        Points of interest  16.7
        Program list)  16.7
Working storage tab in SmartFix  13.3.3
Worksheet  10.3.2
        Access reports  14.5
        activity log  11.3
        add selected to
        adding sets to  10.3.2
        ASCII reports  14.4
        assigning year types  11.5
        categories  11.6
        colorize items  11.4
        consistancy check  11.3
        consistency check reports  14.2
        data files  11.1
        default categories file  11.6
        editing source  11.7
        exporting from Access  14.5.2
        extracting sets from
        history  11.3
        introduction  1.5 , 11.1
        log  11.3
        managing group worksheet  9.3.1
        navigating  11.4
        populating  11.2
        power keys  11.4
        relationships tab  11.1
        reparsing  11.7
        report on applied fixes  14.6
        reports  14.1
        selecting year types  11.5
        sets  10.3.2
        status reports  14.3
        task  11.2
        tracking progress  11.3


No entries


Year 2000
        applying fixes  13.4
        explanation  1.1
        PIC expander  16.6.1
        problems and fixes  12.1
        reapplying fixes  13.4.3
Year 2000 date assessment report  16.8.1
Year 2000 factory  2.4
Year type
        assigning  6.2
        automatically assigning  6.2.3
        base type  6.2.2
        customizing  6.1
        editing  6.2.2
        fix macros  6.2.2
        fix type  6.2.2
        .fxt file  6.2.4
        introduction to SmartFix  13.1
        macro libraries  6.3
        operand table  13.3.2
        overview  6.1
        variables  6.2.2
Year types
        selecting in worksheet  11.5
        sharing  9.6


No entries