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PA keys, assigning functions to User's Guide*
page counter, Report Writer Reference*
User's Guide* , *
PAGE FOOTING (PF) keyword Reference*
User's Guide* , *
page headers and footers
See headers, Report Writer and footers, Report Writer
PAGE HEADING (PH) keyword Reference*
User's Guide* , *
PAGE LIMIT Report Writer clause Reference* , *
User's Guide*
PAGE-COUNTER Report Writer field Reference*
User's Guide*
PAGE-LIMIT Report Writer option Reference*
Painter Menu
Create Like function User's Guide*
generating reports Reference* , *
Painter Menu screen Getting Started*
Reference Summary*
PANVALET keyword Reference*
User's Guide* , *
PARA keyword Reference* , *
Reference Summary*
User's Guide* , *
paragraph names
COBOL/ Reference*
arguments Reference* , *
at control points User's Guide*
in Online Express Reference*
performing Reference* , *
rules for coding User's Guide*
S-COBOL names Reference*
paragraphs, Program Painter
writing in program User's Guide* , *
application generation Reference Summary*
CICS screen generation Reference Summary*
IDMS DB generation Reference Summary*
IMS DC screen generation Reference Summary* , *
ISPF Dialog screen generation Reference Summary*
ISPF prototyping screen generation Reference Summary*
precompiler Reference Summary*
screen generation Reference Summary*
SQL generation Reference Summary*
Parm screen, field edits Reference*
User's Guide*
PARSE Customization Facility function Customization Facility Guide*
PARSE function Reference Summary*
pass-through support
IDMS DB Reference* , *
SQL Reference*
passing the Commarea
CICS Reference* , *
DDS Reference*
ISPF Dialog Reference* , *
PCB keyword
DB-ERASE Reference* , *
DB-MODIFY Reference*
DB-OBTAIN Reference* , * , *
DB-PROCESS Reference* , *
DB-STORE Reference*
PCB parameter
DB-STORE Reference*
CICS Reference*
IMS DC Reference*
PDB2CHGM06 table Installation Guide*
PDB2CM0006 table Installation Guide*
PDB2TX0006 table Installation Guide*
PDB2TXAD06 table Installation Guide*
PDS Installation Guide*
PERFORM call Reference*
CICS Reference Summary*
IMS DC Reference Summary*
ISPF Dialog Reference Summary*
ISPF prototyping Reference Summary*
PERFORM statement Reference*
Reference Summary*
performing paragraphs with arguments Reference* , *
DB-ERASE Reference*
PF Key Functions screen Getting Started*
Reference Summary*
User's Guide*
PF key values
CICS Reference Summary*
IMS DC Reference Summary*
ISPF Dialog Reference Summary*
PF keys
assigning MFS functions to Reference*
assigning program functions to Getting Started*
User's Guide*
defined in CICS Reference*
defined in IMS DC Reference*
defined in ISPF Dialog Reference*
RESET call Reference*
PIC clause
in data structures Reference* , *
report mock-ups User's Guide*
Report Writer Reference* , * , * , *
User's Guide* , * , * , *
PIC keyword
DLG-VCOPY Reference*
PIC parameter
DLG-REPLACE Reference*
DLG-VDEFINE Reference*
picture formats Reference Summary*
PLUS keyword Reference*
plus symbol
as column indicator Customization Facility Guide*
as variable/suffix concatenator Customization Facility Guide*
IDMS DB Reference*
IMS DB Reference*
positional arguments Reference*
Post-RB1-Row-To-Reccontrol point Reference*
Post-Rec-To-RB1-Row control point Reference*
Post-Rec-To-Screen control point Reference*
Post-Screen-Read control point Reference*
Post-Screen-To-Rec control point Reference*
Pre-Branch control point Reference*
Pre-Function-Test control point Reference*
Pre-Installation Checklist Installation Guide*
Pre-RB1-Row-To-Rec control point Reference*
Pre-Rec-To-RB1-Row control point Reference*
Pre-Rec-To-Screen control point Reference*
Pre-Screen-To-Rec control point Reference*
Pre-Term control point Reference*
Precompiler Options screen Reference*
Reference Summary*
User's Guide*
precompiler, APS
options for Reference*
User's Guide*
processes performed User's Guide*
predicates, native SQL Reference* , * , * , * , * , *
PRESERVE-LOWER- CASE Customization Facility statement Customization Facility Guide*
Preventing Reference*
PREVIOUS keyword
DB-OBTAIN Reference*
DB-PROCESS Reference*
printing APS reports Reference Summary*
printing, suppressing in Report Writer Reference*
PRM messages Error Messages*
PROC keyword Reference* , *
Reference Summary*
User's Guide*
Procedure Division
defining in Program Painter User's Guide* , * , * , *
NTRY keyword Reference*
PROC keyword Reference*
PROCEDURE DIVISION USING statement User's Guide*
Report Writer Reference* , * , * , *
User's Guide* , * , *
SET PROCEDURE statement Customization Facility Guide*
PROCESS Reference*
IDMS DB Reference Summary*
IMS DB Reference Summary*
SQL Reference Summary* , * , * , *
VSAM batch Reference Summary*
VSAM online Reference Summary*
PROCESS-CTR flag Reference*
database and file records Reference*
table rows Reference*
processing rows and records Reference*
Processor Group Administrator's Guide*
Profile option, Screen Painter Getting Started*
Profile Pool variables, resetting Administrator's Guide*
profile variables Installation Guide*
PROG statement for OPT keyword Reference*
control return to calling program Reference*
control, terminating processing Reference*
Program DB/DC Report (PG02) Getting Started*
Reference* , *
Program Definition Report (PG01) Reference* , *
Program Definition screen Getting Started*
Reference Summary*
User's Guide*
Program Editor keywords Reference*
program locations
specifying for Customization Facility source Customization Facility Guide*
User's Guide* , *
program locations for Customizer source Reference*
Program models
creating in Online Express Administrator's Guide*
defining default Administrator's Guide*
defining on an application-by-application basis Administrator's Guide*
program naming conventions Reference Summary*
Program Painter User's Guide*
APS-generated report Reference Summary*
batch programs, creating User's Guide*
Commarea, defining User's Guide*
data communication calls, writing User's Guide*
database calls, writing User's Guide* , *
DB calls Reference*
DC calls Reference*
online programs, creating User's Guide*
online programs, source code to use User's Guide*
Report Writer structures Reference*
Program Painter keywords Reference Summary*
PROGRAM parameter
CIC-RELEASE Reference*
program parameter
CIC-LOAD Reference*
PROGRAM-ID Customization Facility function Customization Facility Guide*
PROGRAM-ID function Reference Summary*
Program-Invoked-Para control point Reference*
specifying in application definition Getting Started*
programs, batch
See report mock-ups
creating User's Guide*
generation option, Report Writer Reference*
User's Guide*
naming conventions Reference*
User's Guide*
sample program User's Guide*
specifying as target Reference*
specifying in application definition Reference*
User's Guide*
programs, online
executing User's Guide*
generating User's Guide*
message switch function, Online Express User's Guide*
message switch function, Online Express, specifying User's Guide*
naming conventions Reference*
User's Guide*
specifying in application definition Reference*
User's Guide*
transfer function, Online Express User's Guide*
transfer function, Online Express, specifying User's Guide*
Project and Group
specifying in application User's Guide*
project and group, creating Installation Guide*
Project Dataset Configuration screen Administrator's Guide*
Project Goup Environment screen Reference Summary*
Project Group Environment screen Getting Started*
User's Guide*
project level data sets Installation Guide*
protected fields Reference* , *
character screens User's Guide* , *
ISPF prototype screens Reference*
PROTOCOL Reference*
enable IMS prototype mode Reference*
enable VSAM prototype mode Reference*
generation of, suppressing DB calls Reference*
Prototype Execution Menu User's Guide*
Prototype Execution screen Getting Started*
User's Guide*
prototype, screen flow
See scenario prototype
prototyping under ISPF Getting Started*
ampersands in text fields User's Guide*
associated programs, specifying Reference*
User's Guide*
CICS or IMS DC applications Reference*
field names Getting Started*
User's Guide*
modifiable extended attributes Reference*
User's Guide*
screen generation parameters User's Guide*
specifying as target Reference* , *
User's Guide*
suppressing database calls Reference*
prototyping under ISPF screens
See screen fields / attributes, field / edits, field
PSB-NAME Customization Facility function Customization Facility Guide*
PSB-NAME function Reference Summary*
PSBs Installation Guide*
importing User's Guide*
naming conventions Reference*
User's Guide*
reporting on Reference* , *
specifying in application definition Reference*
User's Guide*
use with CICS Reference* , * , *
use with IMS DC Reference*
PST messages Error Messages*
PTR messages Error Messages*
punctuation in S-COBOL programs Reference*
PURG keyword
MSG-SW Reference* , *
SEND Reference* , *

Copyright © 2002 Micro Focus International Limited. All rights reserved.
This document and the proprietary marks and names used herein are protected by international law.