Reflection for Secure IT Client for Windows
- Reflection for Secure IT Client for Windows
- Introduction
- Installation
- Install Your Product on a Workstation
- Features Selection Tab
- Upgrading from Previous Versions
- Getting Started
- Start a New Terminal Session
- Display the Configuration Toolbar
- Transfer Files Using the FTP Client
- Understanding Secure Shell
- Configuration
- Settings Files
- Secure Shell Client Configuration Files
- Encryption
- Secure Shell Overview
- Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
- Terminal Sessions
- Specifying a Custom Keyboard Map
- Manage Keyboard Map Dialog Box
- Select a Keyboard Map File Dialog Box
- Specifying a Mouse Map
- Manage Mouse Map Dialog Box
- Select a Mouse Map File Dialog Box
- Mouse Mapper
- Create a New Mouse Map File Dialog Box
- VT Sessions
- VT Document Settings Dialog Box
- ReGIS Graphics Support
- Configure Connection Settings Dialog Box (VT)
- More Settings Secure Shell Dialog Box
- More Settings RLogin Dialog Box
- More Settings Serial Port Dialog Box
- Advanced Tab (More Settings Telnet Dialog Box)
- More Settings Modem Dialog Box
- Select Terminal Type Dialog Box
- Emulation Tab for VT Terminal Types
- Emulation Tab for IBM 3151 Terminals
- Emulation Tab for Wyse Terminal Types
- Advanced Options Dialog Box for VT Terminal Types
- Advanced Options Dialog Box for IBM 3151 Terminals
- Advanced Options Dialog Box for Wyse Terminal Types
- Keyboard & Mouse Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)
- Keyboard & Mouse Tab for IBM 3151 Terminals
- Tabs Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)
- Graphics Tab (Terminal Setup Dialog Box)
- Set Up Display Settings Dialog Box
- Set Up Safeguards Dialog Box
- Connect to Host Dialog Box
- Reflection for HP
- Installing and Configuring Reflection for HP
- Installing Reflection for HP
- Starting Terminal Sessions
- Reflection for HP Settings Files
- For Additional Information about Reflection
- File Menu (Reflection)
- Export and Transform XML (Reflection)
- Layout Files (Reflection)
- Logging Settings (Reflection)
- Print (Reflection)
- Print Setup (Reflection)
- Page Options (Reflection)
- Send Email (Reflection)
- Connection Menu (Reflection)
- Connection Setup (Reflection)
- More Settings – VT-MGR (Reflection)
- Connect Macro (Reflection)
- Setup Menu (Reflection)
- Terminal Type (Reflection)
- Terminal Setup - Emulation Tab (Reflection)
- Advanced HP Options (Reflection)
- Terminal Setup - Keyboard & Mouse (Reflection)
- Terminal Setup - Margins Tabs (Reflection)
- Terminal Setup - Function Keys (Reflection)
- Display Setup - Colors (Reflection)
- Display Setup - Fonts (Reflection)
- Display Setup - Screen (Reflection)
- Display Setup - Options (Reflection)
- Event Setup (Reflection)
- Hotspot Setup - Settings (Reflection)
- Hotspot Setup - Defined Hotspots (Reflection)
- Keyboard Map Setup (Reflection)
- Mouse Setup (Reflection)
- Safeguards (Reflection)
- Toolbar Setup (Reflection)
- View Settings (Reflection)
- Macro Menu (Reflection)
- Macros Dialog Box (Reflection)
- Recording Macros
- Performing a Trace
- Run a Trace for an IBM 3270 or 5250 Session
- Perform an Event Trace (VT)
- Process Event Trace Dialog Box (VT Sessions)
- Authentication
- Server Authentication using Public Keys
- Server Authentication using Certificates
- Client Authentication Methods
- Connection Reuse in Secure Shell Sessions
- Public Key Authentication
- Managing User Keys
- Configure Public Key Authentication
- Add Keys to Your User Keys List
- Upload Client Public Keys to the Server
- Change a User Key Passphrase
- Export a User Key
- Managing Host Keys
- Configure Host Key Checking
- Configure the Preferred Host Key Type
- The Known Hosts File
- Host Key Authenticity Dialog Box
- Certificate Authentication (PKI)
- PKI and Certificates
- Digital Certificate Stores
- Configure Client Authentication using Certificates
- Configure Server Authentication using Certificates
- Enabling and Disabling Use of the Windows Certificate Store
- Configuring Certificate Revocation Checking
- Distributing Intermediate Certificates using an LDAP Directory
- Reflection Certificate Manager
- Open the Reflection Certificate Manager
- Personal Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- Trusted Certification Authorities Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- LDAP Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- Configuring the LDAP Server for CRL Checking
- OCSP Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- PKCS#11 Tab (Reflection Certificate Manager)
- PKCS#11 Provider Dialog Box
- GSSAPI (Kerberos) Authentication for Secure Shell Sessions
- Use Reflection Kerberos for GSSAPI Authentication
- Kerberos Ticket Forwarding in Secure Shell Sessions
- Specifying the Service Principals for GSSAPI Secure Shell Sessions
- Port Forwarding
- Local Port Forwarding
- Remote Port Forwarding
- Forward TCP communications
- Forward FTP communications
- Configure Multi-hop Secure Shell Sessions
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Secure Shell Connections
- Use the Secure Shell Log File
- Customizing and Deploying Installations
- Administrative Installations
- Installing
- Planning Your Installation and Deployment
- Create an Administrative Installation Point
- Install from the Command Line
- Installation Logging
- Customizing Your Installation
- Open the Installation Customization Tool
- Set up a shortcut to ACT
- Creating and Editing Companion Installer Packages
- Create a Companion Install Package
- Install Custom Settings with a Companion Installer
- Add a Companion Installer to your Installation
- Install FTP Client Settings
- Creating and Editing Transforms
- Create Transforms
- Add (Chain) Installations and Run Programs
- Apply a Transform to Your Installation
- Group Policy Support in Reflection
- Secure Shell Settings User Interface
- Secure Shell Settings Dialog Box
- General (Secure Shell Settings)
- Security Proxy (Secure Shell Settings)
- User Authentication (Secure Shell Settings)
- User Keys (Secure Shell Settings)
- User Key Generation Dialog Box
- GSSAPI (Secure Shell Settings)
- Encryption (Secure Shell Settings)
- Host Data (Secure Shell Settings)
- Host Authentication (Secure Shell Settings)
- Multi-hop (Secure Shell Settings)
- Configure Multi-hop Server Dialog Box
- PKI (Secure Shell Settings)
- Proxy (Secure Shell Settings)
- Tunneling (Secure Shell Settings)
- Local Port Forwarding Dialog Box
- Remote Port Forwarding Dialog Box
- Getting to the Reflection Secure Shell Settings Dialog Box
- Secure Shell Command Line Utilities
- ssh Command Line Utility
- ssh2 Command Line Utility
- sftp Command Line Utility
- sftp2 Command Line Utility
- scp Command Line Utility
- scp2 Command Line Utility
- ssh-keygen Command Line Utility
- Reference Topics
- SSH Configuration Schemes
- Sample Configuration File
- Configuration File Keyword Reference - Secure Shell Settings
- Configuration File Keyword Reference - Terminal Emulation Settings
- DOD PKI Information
- Glossary of Terms
- Legal Notice