Master Index for Object COBOL for UNIX

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R RTS switch Object COBOL UG13.2
Radio button PG to Creating UIs20.
        selection PG to Creating UIs20.2.3.1
Raise an exception OO Programming30.2.2
Random access mode Language Reference4.2.9.2 , , 15.1.2 , 15.1.5 , 16.1.13 , 16.1.13
RANDOM function Language Reference11.9.41
        add Dialog System Char4.
        data keys in Adis accept PG to Creating UIs5.2.3.3
        remove Dialog System Char4.
RANGE function Language Reference11.9.42
Range/table validation Dialog System Char4.1.7.2
Range/table validation alternate menu Dialog System Char4.
Range/table validation menu Dialog System Char4.1.7.2
RAWLIST Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
RC PG to Creating UIs14.4.2 , 15.4.2 , 16.3.2
RDEFPTR Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
RDT Communications7.11.5
RDW Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
        Attributes in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.4.2
        byte from memory PG to Writing Programs18.2.2
        byte from port PG to Writing Programs18.2.2
        Callable File Handler PG to File Handling13.5.1
        Character in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.4.2
        key in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.7.4
        mouse event PG to Creating UIs8.
        next in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.7.4
        Panel PG to Creating UIs11.2.5
        programmable switch PG to Writing Programs18.2.2
        run-time switch PG to Writing Programs18.2.2
        word from port PG to Writing Programs18.2.2
Read named value PG to Writing Programs14.3.2
READ statement LR - Additional Topics13.3.6 , 11.5.3
Compatibility Guide7.2.12
Language Reference15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2
        locking Compatibility Guide2.3.4.3
PG to File Handling6.8
        PREVIOUS Compatibility Guide2.3.4.5
READ WITH LOCK statement Language Reference15.1.2
Read word from memory PG to Writing Programs18.2.2
READY TRACE LR - Additional Topics3.3.1
READY TRACE statement Compatibility Guide2.3.5.1
REALOVL Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
PG to Writing Programs3.2.12
Rebuild Compatibility GuideCh3 ,
PG to File Handling7.2
        command line PG to File Handling7.3
        conversion error messages Compatibility Guide3.4.4
        duplicate keys PG to File Handling7.3.1
        error messages Compatibility Guide3.4.1
PG to File Handling7.8.1
        error messages for command line Compatibility Guide3.4.2
        errors PG to File Handling7.8.1.2
        examples Compatibility Guide3.1.7
PG to File Handling7.3.2
        /i option Compatibility Guide3.1.5 , 3.1.6
        information PG to File Handling7.3.1
        information messages Compatibility Guide3.4.3
        invoking Compatibility Guide3.1
PG to File Handling7.3
        /k option Compatibility Guide3.1.4
        key of reference PG to File Handling7.3.1
        key structure PG to File Handling7.3.1
        migrating from the file handler utilities PG to File Handling8.20
        /o option Compatibility Guide3.1.2
        options PG to File Handling7.3.1
        parameter file PG to File Handling7.4
        parameter files Compatibility Guide3.2
        /r option Compatibility Guide3.1.3
        record count PG to File Handling7.3.1
        redirection PG to File Handling7.5
        /s option Compatibility Guide3.1.1
        supplementary information Compatibility Guide3.5
        warning messages Compatibility Guide3.4
PG to File Handling7.8
RECEIVE MESSAGE phrase LR - Additional Topics2.1.2 , 2.1.2
RECEIVE SEGMENT phrase LR - Additional Topics2.1.2 , 2.1.2
RECEIVE statement LR - Additional Topics2.2.5
Receiving items
        signed Language Reference10.1.5.8
RECMODE Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
PG to File Handling12.1.8
Recoloring screen areas PG to Creating UIs26.
Record-names Compatibility Guide8.3.6
        current record pointer PG to File Handling15.1.3.5
        delimiter PG to File Handling30.2.1.1
        length for Btrieve PG to File Handling15.1.3.4
        maximum size PG to File Handling32.1.2
PG to Writing Programs3.1.2
        pointer PG to File Handling13.4.1
        reading position PG to File Handling15.1.3.5
        terminator PG to File Handling11.2 , 11.2
Record area Language Reference16.1.13
        Callable File Handler PG to File Handling13.4.2
RECORD clause Language Reference8.1.1.16 , ,
RECORD DELIMITER clause Language Reference6.1.3.2
Record description Language Reference7.1.2.2 ,
RECORD KEY Language Reference6.1.3.2 , 12.1.11
Record key Language Reference15.1.2
RECORD KEY Language Reference16.1.5 , 16.1.13
RECORD KEY clause Compatibility Guide1.3.2.2 ,
Language Reference4.2.10.1
Record key value Language Reference4.2.10.2
Record length Compatibility Guide1.3.2.6
        current PG to File Handling13.4.1
        maximum PG to File Handling13.4.1
        minimum PG to File Handling13.4.1
Record lock PG to File Handling13.5.1 , 6.2.3
Language Reference12.1.7 , 12.1.11 , 14.1.7 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 15.1.2 , 16.1.10
        automatic PG to File Handling6.2.3 , ,
        detection PG to File Handling15.1.3.2
        manual PG to File Handling6.2.3 ,
        multiple PG to File Handling6.
        releasing PG to File Handling6.
        setting number of Object COBOL UG13.2
        single PG to File Handling6. ,
        timeout PG to File Handling18.5.1
Record locking Compatibility Guide2.3.4.3
Language Reference6.1.3.2 ,
        automatic LR - Additional Topics11.5.1
        manual LR - Additional Topics11.5.1
Record naming in Forms-2 Object COBOL Char Tools8.
Record number parameter
        Convert3 Compatibility Guide9.2.1.8
Record sequential files PG to File Handling3.1 ,
Language Reference4.2.8.1 ,
        locking PG to File Handling6.7.1
Record type
        binary sequential files Compatibility Guide9.1.4.3 ,
        identification Compatibility Guide9.1.4.1 , , ,
        identification, binary sequential files Compatibility Guide9.1.4.3
Record type function
        Convert3 Compatibility Guide9.1.4
        Convert5 Compatibility Guide16.1.4
Recording mode PG to File Handling13.4.1
RECORDING MODE clause Compatibility Guide3.1.3
Language Reference8.1.1.17 ,
        accessing Language Reference4.2.8
        fixed length Language Reference8.1.1.16
        Panels V2 PG to Creating UIs19.2.3
        variable length Language Reference8.1.1.16
        corrupt database LMF Admin Guide3.1 , 3.1
Recovery Communications7.12
        Fileshare PG to File Handling19.4
Recursion PG to Writing Programs2.1 , 2.1.1
PG to Creating UIs14. , , ,
        entry point PG to Writing Programs2.1.2
REDEFINES clause LR - Additional Topics5.14.6
Compatibility Guide2.3.3.5 , 8.3.1 , 15.3
Language Reference8.1.1.18
        COMP-6 Compatibility Guide7.2.5
        COMP Compatibility Guide7.2.5
        Compiler Object COBOL UG5.3.3
        Rebuild PG to File Handling7.5
Redraw screen
        Panels PG to Creating UIs11.2.5
Reduced Data Transfer Communications7.11.5
Reel Language Reference12.1.7 , 12.1.7 , 12.1.7
        removal Language Reference12.1.7
REEL phrase Language Reference12.1.7
REF Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
PG to Writing Programs1.1.1.1 ,
Reference-modifier Language Reference2.6.5.5 , ,
Reference format Language Reference3.6
Reference modification Language Reference2.6.5.5 , , , 10.1.4
PG to Writing Programs4.4.4
        versus STRING statement PG to Writing Programs2.2
Reference points for table handling Language Reference16.1.3
REFNO Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
Reform5 Compatibility GuideCh14
        using Compatibility Guide14.1
        during ACCEPT/DISPLAY PG to Creating UIs4.
Reformatting source Compatibility GuideCh14
        Panels screen PG to Creating UIs11.2.5
Refresh functions Dialog System Char9.1
        license database LMF Admin Guide3.1
$REG Dialog System Char9.1.1
Regedit OO Programming35.3.3
        preservation PG to Writing Programs9.1.2.5
        trap screen Dialog System Char10.2.1
        usage on 16-bit PG to Writing Programs10.2.7.1
        usage on OS/2 (32-bit) PG to Writing Programs10.2.7.2
        usage on Windows NT PG to Writing Programs10.2.7.3
Register a class OO Programming19.2
Register parameters Dialog System Char9.1.1
Registering an exception message file OO Programming30.2.1
REGPARM Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
Regression testing GS with Object COBOL1.4
"reject" method OO Programming8.4 , 16.4 , 27.6
Relation condition LR - Additional Topics5.15.1.1 ,
Language Reference10.1.4.2
        abbreviated combined Language Reference10.1.4.4
Relational characters Language Reference10.1.4.2
Relational database
        access PG to File HandlingCh23
Relational operator Language Reference10.1.4.2
Relative byte addressing PG to File Handling13.6
Relative file Language Reference4.2.9.1 , , 14.1.7
        access mode Language Reference4.2.9.2
Relative files Compatibility Guide1.3.1.2 , , 15.1.2
PG to File Handling3.1 , 3.1.2
        keys PG to File Handling3.1.2
        locking Compatibility Guide7.2.9
PG to File Handling6.7.1
Relative I/O Language Reference4.2.9
Relative key data item Language Reference4.2.9.2
RELATIVE KEY data item Language Reference15.1.5 , 16.1.13
RELATIVE KEY phrase Language Reference12.1.11 , 15.1.2
Release Notes GS with Object COBOL1.5.8
RELEASE statement Language Reference15.1.3 , 15.1.3
        SERVICE Language Reference16.1.2
Relocate entry
        action bar Dialog System Char5.3.1.5
Relocate panel Dialog System Char5.2.7
Relocation entries
        maximum number PG to Writing Programs3.2.9
REM function Language Reference11.9.43
Remainder Language Reference12.1.14 , 12.1.14 , 12.1.14
REMAINDER phrase Language Reference12.1.14
PG to Writing Programs1.1.2.1
Remapping events OO Programming31.2.3
REMARKS paragraph Language Reference5.1.2.4
Remote Procedure Call Communications7.1
        CLOSE Language Reference12.1.7
REMOVE Compiler directive Compatibility Guide13.2
Object COBOL UG6.3
REMOVE extension subroutine Compatibility Guide2.3.7.8
Remove File function in Hyhelp Object COBOL Char Tools10.1.5.2
Remove occurrence
        group Dialog System Char8.3.6
Remove range Dialog System Char4.
Removing key indexes in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.4.2
Rename Bookmark function in Hyhelp Object COBOL Char Tools10.1.5.2
RENAME extension subroutine Compatibility Guide2.3.7.8
Rename file PG to File Handling11.2
        generate Dialog System Char11.2.7
RENAMES clause LR - Additional Topics5.14.7
Compatibility Guide15.3
Language Reference8.1.1.19
Renaming files Object COBOL Char Tools6.3.1
Repeat Group Horizontally function PG to Creating UIs9.2.4.2
Repeat Group Vertically function in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.4.2
Repeat key Dialog System Char9.2.7
        amend group Dialog System Char4.1.4
        fields Dialog System Char4.1
        with windowing syntax PG to Creating UIs13.3.3
Replace mode
        Adis function PG to Creating UIs7.2.3
REPLACE statement Language Reference18.6.12 , 18.6.12 , 18.6.12
Replace toggle
        Adis function PG to Creating UIs7.2.3.1
REPLACE verb and Integrated Preprocessor PG to Writing Programs17.3.3
REPLACING phrase LR - Additional Topics2.2.6
Language Reference13.1.11 , 13.1.11 , 13.1.12 , 13.1.12
Report-align Object COBOL Char Tools5.5.3
Report-hide Object COBOL Char Tools5.5.3
REPORT-LINE Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
Report-names Object COBOL Char Tools5.3.4
REPORT clause LR - Additional Topics1.4.2
Report description entry LR - Additional Topics1.4.3.1 , 1.4.4
Report file LR - Additional Topics1.5.2 , 1.5.5 , 1.2.1
Report file in Analyzer Object COBOL Char Tools3.2.2.8
Report footing LR - Additional Topics1.4.12.10
Report group LR - Additional Topics1.1 , , 1.4.9 ,
Report group description entry LR - Additional Topics1.4.3.2 , 1.4.11
Report heading LR - Additional Topics1.4.12.6
REPORT HEADING phrase LR - Additional Topics1.4.22
Report Section LR - Additional Topics1.1 , , 1.4.3
Report structure LR - Additional Topics1.1.1
Report subdivisions LR - Additional Topics1.1.2
Report window in CSI Object COBOL Char Tools5.2.2.3 , 5.4
Report Writer LR - Additional TopicsCh1
PG to File Handling9.2
Repostioning the command area in Forms-2 Object COBOL Char Tools8.2.4.1
Representation of data types PG to Writing Programs9.2.2.3
Requery item Object COBOL Char Tools5.4
        field property Dialog System Char7.1.1
REQUIRED clause Language Reference9.1.1.24
        in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.5
Required fields Dialog System Char4.1.7
Requirements-based vocabulary
        See also Vocabulary
Requirements-based Vocabulary
        method interface OO Programming22.2.1.2
        CALL (16-bit) PG to Writing Programs1.5.3.1
        CALL (32-bit and 64-bit) PG to Writing Programs1.5.3.2
RERUN clause Language Reference6.1.3.3
RESEQ Animator directive Object COBOL Char ToolsA.2.1
RESEQ Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
RESERVE clause Language Reference6.1.3.2
Reserved names OO Programming20.2.5
Reserved words Compatibility Guide7.1.5 , 13.2
Language ReferenceApD , , 3.6.6
        introduced by windowing syntax PG to Creating UIs13.3.3
        language features Compiler directives Object COBOL UG6.1.1.4
        panel field Dialog System Char7. ,
Reset counters Object COBOL Char Tools3.2.2.6
RESET phrase LR - Additional Topics1.4.21
RESET TRACE LR - Additional Topics3.3.2
RESET TRACE statement Compatibility Guide2.3.5.1
Resilience LMF Admin Guide3.1
Resource Compiler PG to Creating UIs14.1.1 , 14.4.2 , 15.1.1 , 15.4.2 , 16.3.2 , 16.3.2
        and Editor PG to Creating UIs14.4.5 , 15.4.4
        Adis function PG to Creating UIs7.2.3.1
Restore block Dialog System Char6.2.8
        in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.4.2
Restore Block function in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.4.2
Restore line
        error message definition Dialog System Char4.2.2.4
        virtual group Dialog System Char8.2.3.3
Restoring license database LMF Admin Guide2.10
Restoring windows PG to Creating UIs20.2.1.3
Restrict field size
        Adis accept PG to Creating UIs5.2.3.3
Restrictions Object COBOL UGB.6
        on compiling applications Dialog System Char12.9
        programming PG to Writing Programs3.2
        when interfacing between C and COBOL PG to Writing Programs10.6.1.8
Resultant-identifier Language Reference10.1.5 ,
RETC Dialog System Char9.1 , 19.2 ,
RETRYLOCK Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
PG to Writing Programs5.1.5.3
RETURN-CODE PG to Writing Programs9.2.2.1 , ,
        efficiency PG to Writing Programs1.1.2.7
RETURN-CODE special register Language Reference13.1.6
Return code PG to Writing Programs9.1.2.4 ,
RETURN statement Language Reference15.1.4 , 15.1.4 , 15.1.4
Return value
        pulldown Dialog System Char5.3.5.7
RETURNING clause Object COBOL UG6.3
RETURNING phrase Language Reference13.1.7 , 16.1.6
PG to Writing Programs9.2.2.1 ,
PG to Creating UIs14. ,
Returning the mouse pointer position PG to Creating UIs8.2.2.3
REVERSE-VIDEO clause Language Reference9.1.1.25
REVERSE-VIDEO option LR - Additional Topics11.4.2 , 11.4.3
REVERSE function Language Reference11.9.44
REVERSE phrase PG to Creating UIs13.3.2
Reverse video attribute PG to Creating UIs26.2.4.3 , 25.2.2
REVERSED phrase Language Reference14.1.7 , 14.1.7 , 14.1.7
PG to Creating UIs13.3.2
Reviewing licenses LMF Admin Guide2.8
Rewind Language Reference12.1.7
        CLOSE Language Reference12.1.7
REWRITE-LS Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
Language Reference14.1.7
        Callable File Handler PG to File Handling13.5.1
        in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.7.4
REWRITE operations Compatibility Guide7.2.1
REWRITE statement LR - Additional Topics12.3.11
Language Reference15.1.5 , 15.1.5 , 15.1.5 , 15.1.5
REXX PG to Writing Programs10.6.9
RFT Dialog System Char9.1 , 19.2
RFTD Dialog System Char9.1 , 19.2
        calculating values PG to Creating UIs26.
        querying in colormap PG to Creating UIs26.
        representation of colors PG to Creating UIs26.1.3
        storing in colormap PG to Creating UIs26.
        translation from color name PG to Creating UIs26.2.2 ,
RIGHT-JUSTIFY option LR - Additional Topics11.4.2
RKEY Dialog System Char9.1 , 19.2
        and function key recognition PG to Creating UIs4.
        data entry PG to Creating UIs4.
RM Adis function
        RM Backspace PG to Creating UIs7.2.3.1
        RM Clear Field PG to Creating UIs7.2.3.1
        RM Tabs PG to Creating UIs7.2.3.1
RM Compiler directive LR - Additional TopicsCh12
Compatibility Guide6.1
Object COBOL UG6.3
PG to File Handling12.1.9
RM file status portability PG to Writing Programs5.1.5.3
RM/COBOL LR - Additional TopicsCh12
        ACCEPT PG to Creating UIs4.
        Adis keys PG to Creating UIs4.
        compatibility PG to Creating UIs7.1.1
        conversion Compatibility GuideCh4
        conversion issues Compatibility GuideCh7
        converting data files Compatibility GuideCh8
        file status PG to File Handling31.1.1 , 4.5.4
        migrating applications Compatibility Guide5.1
        numeric PG to Creating UIs5.2.3.3
        source conversion Compatibility Guide4.1 , Ch6
rmcup Object COBOL UG15.2.2.3
        conversion routine PG to File Handling4.5.4
        program PG to File Handling4.6.1
RMSTAT conversion routine PG to Writing Programs5.1.5.3
rmstat.obj module PG to Writing Programs5.1.5.3
RNIM Compiler directive Object COBOL UG6.3
Roll attributes
        in Screens PG to Creating UIs9.2.3.2
        setting PG to Creating UIs9.2.4.2 , , , ,
        Callable File Handler PG to File Handling13.5.1
ROLLBACK clause Language Reference6.1.3.2
ROLLBACK statement PG to File Handling18.5 , 18.5.2 , 6.7.1 , 6.7.1 , 6.8
Language Reference15.1.6
ROLLBACK statement portability PG to Writing Programs5.1.6.11
Rollforward recovery PG to File Handling18.6
Root classes OO Programming20.2.1
ROUNDED phrase Language Reference10.1.5.1 ,
PG to Writing Programs1.1.2.1 ,
Rounding Language Reference10.1.5.1 ,
Routine library GS with Object COBOL1.4
routine_table_size run-time tunable Object COBOL UG12.3
        See Library routines
        display attributes PG to Creating UIsCh26
        for supporting mixed language applications PG to Writing Programs10.8
        logic PG to Writing Programs2.5.3.2
        National Language Support PG to Writing Programs7.8
Routines (call-by-name)
        attribute table PG to Creating UIs26.2.1.4
        colormap PG to Creating UIs26.2.1.3
        genereic attributes PG to Creating UIs26.3
        mouse handling PG to Creating UIs8.2
RPC Communications7.1
RPKY Dialog System Char9.1 , 19.2
RTNCODE-SIZE Compiler directive Communications3.1
Object COBOL UG6.3
PG to Writing Programs9.2.2.5
RTS Dictionary error OO Programming23.2.2
RTS errors
        pause switch Object COBOL UG13.2
        redirection switch Object COBOL UG13.2
        STDERR Object COBOL UG13.2
RTS switch Object COBOL UG13.1
        descriptions Object COBOL UGCh13
RTS switches
        file handling PG to File Handling12.2
rtsmouse.cbl PG to Creating UIs8.2
        alphabetic data Language Reference8.1.1.15
        alphanumeric data Language Reference8.1.1.15
        alphanumeric edited data Language Reference8.1.1.15
        condition-names Language Reference8.1.1.24
        constant-names Language Reference8.1.1.24
        editing Language Reference8.1.1.15
        evaluation Language Reference10.1.2.2
        numeric data Language Reference8.1.1.15
        numeric edited data Language Reference8.1.1.15
        precedence Language Reference8.1.1.15
        standard alignment Language Reference2.6.2
Run-length encoding PG to File Handling12.8.1
        configuration Object COBOL UGCh12
PG to Writing Programs6.8
        configuration file Object COBOL UG12.1.1
        errors PG to Writing Programs1.7.2.1
        switches PG to Writing Programs6.5
        tunables Object COBOL UG12.3
Run-time behavior Compiler directives Object COBOL UG6.1.2
Run-time component Dialog System Char1.1
Run-time configuration
        environment variables Object COBOL UG12.3
Run-time Configuration Support GS with Object COBOL1.4
Run-time environment Object COBOL UG3.2.1
Run-time errors
        Fileshare PG to File Handling18.22.1
Run-time performance statistics
        producing Object COBOL Char Tools2.5.4 ,
Run-time switch
        See RTS switch
        debug LR - Additional Topics3.1.2
        T Compatibility Guide7.2.1
Run-time switches Compatibility Guide13.8
Object COBOL UG11.
Language Reference10.
        N Object COBOL Char Tools2.3
        setting Object COBOL Char Tools2.4.4.2 , ,
Run-time system Language Reference12.1.7
GS with Object COBOL1.4
        creating Object COBOL UG9.1
Run-time System
        creating Object COBOL UG9.1
Run-time system
        error messages Object COBOL UG11.2.6
        executable RTS Object COBOL UG7.1.3 , , 7.3
        shared library Object COBOL UG7.2.3
        support routines Object COBOL UG7.2.4
        with windowing support Object COBOL UG8.2.5.1
Run-time system error message Language Reference10. ,
Run-time tunable
        animator_interrupt_char Object COBOL UG12.3
        bll_cell_address_check Object COBOL UG12.3
        cobconfig_error_report Object COBOL UG12.3
        command_line_accept Object COBOL UG12.3 , 12.3
        detect_alt_ctrl Object COBOL UG12.3
        dynamic_dictionary_limit Object COBOL UG12.3
        dynamic_memory_limit Object COBOL UG12.3
        isam_block_size Object COBOL UG12.3 , 12.3
        isam_open_key_check Object COBOL UG12.3
        lock_mode Object COBOL UG12.3
        long_filenames Object COBOL UG12.3
        noretry_on_decl Object COBOL UG12.3
        pc_mono_palette Object COBOL UG12.3
        posix_lock_prob Object COBOL UG12.3
        program_search_order Object COBOL UG12.3
        routine_table_size Object COBOL UG12.3
        same_proc_ecl_detection Object COBOL UG12.3
run-time tunable
        se_compat_locking Object COBOL UG12.3
Run-time tunable
        setting Object COBOL UG12.2
run-time tunable
        shared_memory_segment_size Object COBOL UG12.3
Run-time tunable
        signal_interface Object COBOL UG12.3
        signal_regime Object COBOL UG12.3
        skip_on_lock Object COBOL UG12.3
        child PG to Writing Programs14.2.3
        coru PG to Writing Programs14.2.3
        library routines PG to Writing Programs14.3
        management PG to Writing Programs14.2.3
        originator PG to Writing Programs14.2.3
        parent PG to Writing Programs14.2.3
Run-unit routines
        allocate dynamic memory PG to Writing Programs14.3.2
        clear PG to Writing Programs14.3.2
        create run-unit PG to Writing Programs14.3.2
        create/update named value PG to Writing Programs14.3.2
        free dynamic memory PG to Writing Programs14.3.2
        read named value PG to Writing Programs14.3.2
        yield run-unit PG to Writing Programs14.3.2
        See multiple run-units
        intercommunication PG to Writing Programs14.2.4
Run Dialog System Char3.1.6
Run parameter
        Convert3 Compatibility Guide9.2.1.9
        Convert5 Compatibility Guide16.2.1.8
Runnable programs
        dynamically linked Object COBOL UG8.2
        statically linked Object COBOL UG8.2
        application Object COBOL UG1.3
        command line Object COBOL UG11.2
        dynamically loadable programs Object COBOL UG11.2.2
        Forms-2 checkout program Object COBOL Char Tools8.2.7.3
        linked programs Object COBOL UG11.2.1
        programs Object COBOL UGCh11
Object COBOL Char Tools2.4.6
        programs from UNIX Session Recorder Object COBOL Char Tools2.5.2.5
Running a screenset GS with Object COBOL4.1.7
Running applications Communications7.8
Running screenset Dialog System CharCh10
Ryan McFarland COBOL LR - Additional TopicsCh12

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