
Using Objects

You can determine how Web Builder generates a project by setting project properties. You can set default properties for every type of project, or set properties for specific, individual projects.

Default Project Properties

Web Builder generates a project based on the default settings for that project type.

To modify default project properties:

  1. From the Project menu, click Default Project Properties.
  2. In the left pane, select the project type you want to configure.
  3. Set the default project properties in the right pane. These options vary depending on the project type you select. Click Help on each property page for information specific to that property.
  4. Each new project you generate will use the new settings.

Project Properties for Specific Projects

You can configure properties for a specific project before you build it.

  1. From the Project menu, click New.
  2. In the left pane of the New Project dialog box, select the project type you want to configure
  3. Click Properties in the right pane. Set the project properties. These options vary depending on the project type you select. Click Help on each property page for information specific to that property.
  4. After you have created the project, to configure the project's specific settings:
    • Right-click the project name.
    • Select Properties, or alternatively, select Properties from the Web Builder Project menu.
  5. The project automatically rebuilds to incorporate the property changes.

.NET Class Library Properties

Property Description
Method timeout Specifies how long to wait for a method to complete before timing out. The default is 30 seconds.
Locale The locale (or language) that the generated files use to communicate with the Host Integrator server. Change this setting only if you provide locale-specific resources or files for the Host Integrator server. The default uses the current operating system locale.
Require encrypted connection to the VHI server Select this option to use a secure connection between the Verastream Host Integrator connector and the Verastream Host Integrator session server. This option forces a secure connection even if the server setting is not set to require a secure channel. This setting does not affect the client (browser) connection to the Web server, which is handled using the correct HTTPS port. Host Integrator session server HTTPS/HTTP connection settings for Web services are configured in the Administrative Console.
Procedures automatically connect to Session Server Automatically connects and disconnects from the Host Integrator session server when a model procedure is accessed. If there is a lot of connection overhead, or you are making several procedure calls one after the other, you may want to clear this check box and handle the connection in your code.

Java Beans Properties

Property Description
Include source code in archive (.jar) file Web Builder includes the source files with the compiled classes in the .jar file. By default, the source files are not included.
Generate javadoc documentation Web Builder generates JavaDoc documentation of the methods in your generated code. By default, these files are not included. The JavaDoc documentation is generated using the descriptions from the Procedure Editor; therefore, make sure the procedure descriptions are as complete as possible. See the Tables Overview for more information.
Java package name Create unique package names. This option is only available for individual projects.
Method timeout How long to wait for a method to complete before timing out. The default is 30 seconds
Locale The locale (or language) that the generated Java Beans use to communicate with the Host Integrator Server. Change this setting only if you provide locale-specific resources or files for the Host Integrator Server. The default uses the current operating system locale.
Procedures automatically connect to Session Server Automatically connects and disconnects from the Host Integrator Session Server when a model procedure is accessed. If there is a lot of connection overhead, or you are making several procedure calls one after the other, you may want to clear this check box and handle the connection in your code.
Require encrypted connection to the VHI server This option uses a secure connection between the Web server and the Verastream Host Integrator session server. This option forces a secure connection even if the server setting is not set to require a secure channel. It is selected by default. This setting does not affect the client (browser) connection to the Web server, which is handled using the correct HTTPS port. Host Integrator session server HTTPS/HTTP connection settings for Web services are configured in the Administrative Console.
Execute post-build step Select this option if you want Web Builder to execute an additional step after the building process is complete. Identify which command or batch file you want to run; it is invoked with two arguments, the project name and the path to the newly-built .jar file. See the example below.

Execute post-build step example:

The post-build script, which you would point to in Web Builder, copies the jar file to a local Maven environment:

  SET projectuiname=%1
  SET jarpath=%2
  mvn install:install-file -Dfile=%jarpath% -DgroupId=org.example -DartifactId=%projectuiname% -Dversion=master-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar