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Operation Command Summary

Click the command for more information on Host Integrator operation commands.

Terminal input commands - Terminal input commands in an operation transmit function calls directly to the host. When the host receives the command, it is executed on the terminal screen. For an example of terminal input commands, see the Pine host application model.

Host Events - Host Events commands transmit function calls that wait a specified amount of time before executing the next command in a command list. Use these events to synchronize the Host Integrator server with the state of the host application. Don't confuse these host synchronization events with event handlers, which perform or extend actions in the model file itself.


You can change the default timeout period for these commands on the Preferences Setup/Command tab from 5 seconds, to a value that works better for your operation.

Attribute/Field inputs commands - Attribute/field input commands directly modify the value of an attribute or recordset field and write that value directly to the terminal screen.

Since managing the order of screen updates can be problematic in character mode applications, the following commands are designed to enable control of this ordering process. When using these commands, make sure to enable the caching feature available on the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box and the Recordset Fields tab. By enabling the caching feature, Host Integrator will store any attribute or recordset field data until one of the following commands are included in an operation, which orders the write of the cached data to the terminal screen. By default, an UpdateAttribute command is inserted into each generated operation when Cache all attribute writes is selected. Since attribute data assignments can be arbitrarily mixed between an operation and a Host Integrator API, the order in which data is actually written to the terminal can be important to the host application.

Data exchange commands - Data exchange commands in an operation enable you to write variable data to or read variable data from an entity attribute, a recordset field, or data on the terminal screen.





Checks the required attributes and the condition string and verifies that any pre-or post-conditions configured for the current operation are satisfied. To configure pre- or post-conditions for any given operation, click Conditions on the Operations tab to open the Operation Conditionsdialog box.

Note: Error patterns and post-operation conditions are evaluated separately.

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DefaultValue "Attribute name", "Value specified in Value box", specifies on which application this default value should be executed


Transmits a default value to an attribute when a data input is not recognized.

The DefaultValue command guarantees that some value will be written as part of the operation. However, if an attribute has been modified by some other command, then the default value has no effect. If you need to write a value in all cases, then use the TransmitToAttr command instead.

The command applies per visit to an entity. If you leave the entity, all attributes have their modified flag reset.

Command Parameters

Attribute Select a configured attribute.

Value Type a value for the attribute.

Application Select from the following options to specify how this default value should be handled in the Design Tool and during Host Integrator Server execution:

Default value for Design Tool only - Select this option to make this a default value only during model production on the Design Tool.

Default value for server and Design Tool - Select this option to make this default value active during server execution as well as model production on the Design Tool.

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DefaultValueEncrypted "Attribute name", "Value specified in Value box", specifies which application this default value should be executed on


Transmits an encrypted default value to an attribute when a data input is not recognized.

Command Parameters

Attribute Select a configured attribute from this list.

Value Type a value of the attribute selected in the Attribute list. The Design Tool will encrypt the value with asterisks as you type it.

Application Select from the following options to specify how this default value should be handled in the Design Tool and during Host Integrator Server execution:

Default value for Design Tool only - Select this option to make this a default value only during model production on the Design Tool.

Default value for server and Design Tool - Select this option to make this default value active during server execution as well as model production on the Design Tool.

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ExtendSelection Row, Column


Selects all text in the Terminal window between the selection start position (or row 1, column 1, if there is no selection start position) and the specified coordinates. To set the selection start position, use the SetSelectionStartPos command or click with the mouse in the Terminal window.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row in which the selection is to end. You can use rcMouseRow to specify the row where the mouse was last clicked.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column in which the selection is to end. You can use rcMouseCol to specify the column where the mouse was last clicked.



ExtendSelectionLine Direction


Selects all text between the selection start position (or row 1, column 1, if there is no selection start position) and either the beginning or the end of the line. To set the selection start position, use the SetSelectionStartPos command or click in the Terminal window. For example, this pair of commands selects all the text on the 5th row, starting with column 10 and continuing to the end of the row:

SetSelectionStartPos 5,10 ExtendSelectionLine rcForward

Command Parameters

Direction Argument type: Enumeration

Indicates whether text should be selected from the selection start position to the beginning or the end of the line. The values are as follows:


Extends the selection to the beginning of the line. The character under the cursor is not included in the selection.


Extends the selection to the end of the line. The character under the cursor is included in the selection.



ExtendSelectionPage Direction


Selects all text in the Terminal window between the selection start position (or row 1, column 1, if there is no selection start position) and the point at which the page ends. To set the selection start position, use the SetSelectionStartPos command or click with the mouse in the Terminal window.

Command Parameters

Direction The direction in which the selection is to end. You can select either Backward or Forward from the list.



ExtendSelectionRect Row, Column


Selects all text in the Terminal window between the selection start position (or row 1, column 1, if there is no selection start position) and the specified coordinates. The selection is made in a rectangular fashion. To set the selection start position, use the SetSelectionStartPos command or click with the mouse in the Terminal window.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row in which the selection is to end. You can use rcMouseRow to specify the row where the mouse was last clicked.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column in which the selection is to end. You can use rcMouseCol to specify the column where the mouse was last clicked.



ExtendSelectionWord Direction


Selects all text in the Terminal window between the selection start position (or row 1, column 1, if there is no selection start position) and the point at which the text ends. To set the selection start position, use the SetSelectionStartPos command or click with the mouse in the Terminal window.

Command Parameters

Direction The direction in which the word selection is to end. You can select either Backward or Forward from the list.



LightPen Row, Column


Simulates a light pen selection at the specified location in the Terminal window.


Row Argument type: Integer

Specifies a row on the host screen. You can use rcMouseRow to specify the row where the mouse was last clicked.

Column Argument type: Integer

Specifies a column on the host screen. You can use rcMouseCol to specify the column where the mouse was last clicked.

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MoveCursor Row, Column


Moves the cursor to an absolute location on the terminal screen. Use the [CursorRow] and [CursorColumn] properties to verify the cursor location.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (row 1 is the first row). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal model the Design Tool is emulating.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (column 1 is the first column). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal model the Design Tool is emulating.

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Navigate "Entity selected from the Destination box"


Navigates to a specified entity in the model, automatically using the shortest path from the current entity. This is equivalent to selecting an entity in Design Tool or the Navigator while connected and online with the host.

Navigation across entities uses the operations defined with "Use for navigation commands to this destination" enabled.

Command Parameters

Destination Select the entity to navigate to from this list.

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PlayBackTrace Type, Filename


Plays back a recorded trace of host commands or data.


Type DataStream Trace

Filename Type the filename of the .hst file to open. Supply complete path information.

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ReadFromMappedAttr "Attribute"


If you select this command as part of an operation, you must map an attribute to a variable on the Attribute Variables tab to enable an API developer to read this value but not write to it, using the Host Integrator connectors.

Command Parameters

Attribute Select a defined attribute to create a value for the selected variable.


  • This command is only available if you configured the Attribute Variables tab in the Entity window.

  • ReadFromMappedAttr and WriteToMappedAttr commands are disabled in table procedures.

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ReadVarFromAttr "Attribute", "Variable"


Saves an attribute in a variable.

Command Parameters

Attribute Select a defined attribute from the list to create a value for the selected variable.

Variable Select a variable that defines the value of the attribute selected above.

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ReadVarFromField "Recordset", "Field", "Variable"


Copies the data from a field in the selected recordset into a variable.

Command Parameters

Recordset Select the recordset in which the field exists.

Field Select a configured field from this list. Select the Fields tab on the Recordset tab to create a field.

Variable Select a configured variable value to be used for the field and recordset specified above.

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ReadVarFromLocation "Variable", Row, Column, Length


Transmits the terminal data as a variable to the specified row and column coordinates. Use the CursorRow and CursorColumn properties to verify the cursor location.

Command Parameters

Variable Select a variable to be represented as the value of the terminal data entered into the specified location on the screen.

Row Argument type: Integer

The row to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (row 1 is the first row). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal model the Design Tool is emulating.

Col Argument type: Integer

The column to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (column 1 is the first column). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal model the Design Tool is emulating.

Length Argument type: Integer

Transmits the length of the variable to the row and column coordinates specified above.

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ReadVarFromTerminal "Variable", Length


Saves terminal data of a specified length in the selected variable.

This command reads terminal screen text into a Host Integrator variable, starting at the terminal's cursor position, and reading up to [length] characters. This can include the OIA and divider line (IBM hosts), VT status line, or HP function key definitions.

Note: When the OIA (operator information area), divider line characters, and other uncommon special characters are copied to the variable, they will not be displayed the same way that they appear in the Design Tool terminal window. The terminal text character's byte values are copied to the Verastream Host Integrator variable without regard to the font used to render them in the design tool's terminal window.

Command Parameters

Variable Select the variable to be used when this length is recognized on the terminal screen.

Length Argument type: Integer

The length of the data string.

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ResetRecordset "Recordset"


Clears the cached record data and resets the specified field of a recordset.

Command Parameter

Recordset Select the defined recordset to reset.

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SelectLine LineNumber


Selects the line specified in the LineNumber box.

Command Parameters

LineNumber The row of the selection. You can select Mouse Row (rcMouseRow) to specify the row where the mouse was last clicked or select Cursor Position Row (rcCursorPosRow) to specify where the cursor was last positioned. You can also use the down and up arrows to select a line using an integer.



SelectWord Row, Column


Selects the word in the Terminal window between the selection start position (or row 1, column 1, if there is no selection start position) and the specified coordinates. To set the selection start position, use the SetSelectionStartPos command or click with the mouse in the Terminal window.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row in which the selection is to end. You can use rcMouseRow to specify the row where the mouse was last clicked.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column in which the selection is to end. You can use rcMouseCol to specify the column where the mouse was last clicked.



SetColorMap Attribute, Foreground, Background


Assigns a color to a terminal character attribute.

*Command Parameters8

Attribute Select a terminal attribute. The default is Error line.

Foreground Argument type: Enumeration

The text (foreground) color being assigned. Colors are based on 24-bit RGB format. The possible values are:

  • White
  • Grey
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Cyan
  • Magenta
  • Black
  • Dark Grey
  • Dark Red
  • Dark Blue
  • Dark Green
  • Dark Yellow
  • Dark Cyan
  • Dark Magenta

Background Argument type: Enumeration

The background color being assigned. Colors are based on 24-bit RGB format. The possible values are the same as for Foreground.


Syntax SetMousePos Row, Column


Sets the mouse position to the specified row and column coordinates.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row to which the variable will be written. The default is Cursor Position Row. The minimum value is 1 (row 1 is the first row). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal model the Design Tool is emulating.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column to which the variable will be written. The default is Cursor Position Column. The minimum value is 1 (column 1 is the first column). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal model the Design Tool is emulating.



SetNumeric Setting = Value


Provides a way of linking a property value to an action or event (such as a toolbar button, keystroke, or hotspot) that can be mapped or linked to a Host Integrator command. Use SetNumeric to change the value of any property whose data type is Boolean, numeric, or enumeration.

Command Parameters

Setting Argument type: Enumeration

Select a setting from the list. On the Settings menu, click View Settings to open the View Settings dialog box for more information.

Value Select a value to assign to the numeric setting selected. The allowable values vary, depending on what setting is chosen as the first command argument.



SetScanCodeName ScanType, ScanCode, Key


Assigns a name to a key's scan code. You only need to use SetScanCodeName if you're using a nonstandard keyboard—that is, a keyboard with different key names than a standard keyboard, or a keyboard whose keys generate scan codes that differ from those generated by a standard keyboard.

Command Parameters

ScanType Argument type: Enumeration

The type of scan code generated by the key.

There are three possible values for this argument:

  • Extended—An extended scan code is one that starts with E0.

  • Extended E1— Like Extended, except the scan code starts with E1 instead of E0.

  • Normal— If the scan code does not start with E0 or E1, use Normal as your ScanType.

ScanCode Argument type: Integer

The decimal value of the scan code.

Key Argument type: String

Specifies a string that you create for the key name. One possible name is the name of the key in question, but Host Integrator accepts any alphanumeric string.



SetSelectionStartPos Row, Column


Sets starting coordinates for selecting text. You can also set the selection start position by clicking in the Terminal window with the mouse. If no selection start position has been set, the default is row 1, column 1.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row in which the selection begins. You can use rcMouseRow to specify the row where the mouse was last clicked.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column in which the selection begins. You can use rcMouseCol to specify the column where the mouse was last clicked.



SetTerminalKbdPos Left, Top, Width, Height


Adjusts the location and size of the terminal keyboard window. The effects of SetTerminalKbdPos are only apparent when the terminal keyboard window is visible and not attached to the Terminal window margin.

The terminal keyboard can be resized with SetTerminalKbdPos, but not reshaped. If the width and height values that you assign do not match the current shape of the terminal keyboard, Host Integrator generally uses the specified width and then automatically sets height to preserve the shape.

Command Parameters

Left Argument type: Integer

The new location for the left margin of the terminal keyboard (in number of pixels from the left margin of the screen).

Top Argument type: Integer

The new location for the top margin of the terminal keyboard window (in number of pixels from the top margin of the screen).

Width Argument type: Integer

The new width (in pixels) for the terminal keyboard window.

Height Argument type: Integer

The new height (in pixels) for the terminal keyboard window.



SetUpdateOffset Offset, Length, Relative


Transmits an active cursor to the offset location after the WaitForUpdate command is satisfied. Use the CursorRow and CursorColumn properties to verify the cursor location.

Command Parameters

Offset Argument type: Integer

The row and column coordinates on a terminal screen. The offset is zero-based and is the equivalent of the following formula:

offset = [(row - 1) x width] + (col - 1)

The reverse formulas (offset to row/col) are as follows:

row = (offset / width) + 1, where the division operation uses integer logic (remainder of the division operation is ignored)

col = (offset % width) + 1, where % means modulo (use only the remainder of a division operation)

Example: For an 80 column terminal screen:

row 1, col 1 = offset zero (always true)

row 1, col 2 = offset 1 (always true)

row 2, col 1 = offset 80 *(depends on the screen width)

Length Argument type: Integer

The length of the active offset.

Relative Argument type: Enumeration

Select whether or not to make this offset relative to the cursor's current location by choosing either Yes or No.

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SetUpdateRegion Row, Column, Height, Width, Relative


Sets up an active area on the terminal screen after the WaitForUpdate command has been satisfied. Use the [CursorRow] (../set_summary/#current-cursor-row) and CursorColumn properties to verify the cursor location.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (row 1 is the first row). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal screen the Design Tool is emulating.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (column 1 is the first column). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal screen the Design Tool is emulating.

Height Argument type: Integer

The height of the region.

Width Argument type: Integer

The width of the region.

Relative Argument type: Enumeration

Select whether or not to make this region relative to the cursor's current location by selecting either Yes or No.

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SetupSession SessionType, TerminalModel, TransportType


Defines the necessary settings for establishing a session. These settings must be supplied with this command, rather than independently, with properties, because they are interdependent. The following command sets up a 3270 terminal session emulating an extended Model 2 terminal using a Telnet transport:

SetupSession rc3270Terminal, rc3270MODEL2E, rcTelnet

This method fails if you run it when Host Integrator is connected to a host or if the arguments you use are not compatible with each other.

Command Parameters

SessionType Argument type: Enumeration

The type of device to emulate. The possible values are:

HP Terminal * Configures the Design Tool to emulate an HP terminal.

IBM 3270 Terminal
* Configures the Design Tool to emulate a 3270 terminal.

IBM 5250 Terminal * Configures the Design Tool to emulate a 5250 terminal.

VT Terminal * Configures Design Tool to emulate a VT terminal.

TerminalModel Argument type: Enumeration

The terminal to emulate. The possible values vary according to the value of both the SessionType and TransportType arguments. To determine if a particular model is available for the transport you have selected, open the Session Setup dialog box on the Connection menu.

TransportType Argument type: Enumeration

The transport to use. The options include Telnet, Telnet Extended, and NS/VT.

Note: NS/VT is only applicable when connecting to HP3000 hosts.



SetWindowPos Left, Top, Width, Height


Adjusts the location, shape, and size of the Terminal window. If you attempt to set the Terminal window to a size larger or smaller than is feasible, SetWindowPos sets the Terminal window to the largest or smallest size possible.

Command Parameters

Left Argument type: Integer

The new location for the left margin of the Terminal window (in number of pixels from the left margin of the screen).

Top Argument type: Integer

The new location for the top margin of the Terminal window (in number of pixels from the top margin of the screen).

Width Argument type: Integer

The new width (in pixels) for the Terminal window.

Height Argument type: Integer

The new height (in pixels) for the Terminal window.



ShiftCursor Row, Column


Shifts the cursor to a location relative to the current position of the cursor. Use the CursorRow and CursorColumn properties to verify the cursor location.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row to which the cursor is to be shifted relative to its current position. Mouse Row (rcMouseRow) is the default. The minimum value is 1. The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the host the Design Tool is emulating.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column to which the cursor is to be shifted relative to its current position. Mouse Column (rcMouseCol) is the default. The minimum value is 1. The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the host the Design Tool is emulating.

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Starts recording a command list. On the Model menu, point to Record and click Start Recording to begin recording commands. To stop the recorder, click Stop Recording.

Command Parameters Mode Argument type: Enumeration

The User option is always in effect when mapping keys to the StartRecording command. The System option is no longer used.



StartTrace Type, ExistOption, FileName


Sets a new value for a numeric setting.

Command Parameters

Type Argument type: Enumeration

The type of trace file. The only option is Datastream Trace.

ExistOption Argument type: Enumeration

Specifies an action to take if the file you specify already exists:

Ask User (rcAskUser)

Prompts the user to overwrite the existing file, append new data to the existing file, or cancel the save. An error results if the user then clicks Cancel.

Open Error (rcOpenError)

Causes StartTrace to return an error.

Overwrite (rcOverwrite)

Replaces the existing file.

FileName Argument type: String

The file to which commands are recorded.



SwitchToWindow Window


Switches to the specified window. This command executes asynchronously (that is, it does not stop command list execution—the calling procedure continues to run).

Command Parameters

Window Select Next Window (rcNextWindow) to switch to the next window.



TerminalMouse Type, Row, Column


Equivalent to clicking in the specified location with the terminal mouse. Use the SetMousePos command to position the mouse before using TerminalMouse to simulate a click.

Command Parameters

Type Argument type: Enumeration

Specifies which mouse action to simulate. The values are:

Left Button Down (rcLeftDown)

Simulates pressing down the left button.

Left Button Up (rcLeftUp)

Simulates releasing the left button.

Left Click (rcLeftClick)

Simulates a single-click with the left button.

Left Double Click (rcLeftDblClick)

Simulates a double-click with the left button.

Middle Button Down (rcMiddleDown)

Simulates pressing down the middle button.

Middle Button Up (rcMiddleUp)

Simulates releasing the middle button.

Middle Click (rcMiddleClick)

Simulates a single-click with the middle button.

Middle Double Click (rcMiddleDblClick)

Simulates a double-click with the middle button.

Right Button Down (rcRightDown)

Simulates pressing down the right button.

Right Button Up (rcRightUp)

Simulates releasing the right button.

Right Click (rcRightClick)

Simulates a single-click with the right button.

Right Double Click (rcRightDblClick)

Simulates a double-click with the right button.

Row Argument type: Integer

Specifies a row in the host screen. To simulate a click of the terminal mouse in the same location as the PC mouse, use rcMouseRow for this argument.

Column Argument type: Integer

Specifies a column in the host screen. To simulate a click of the terminal mouse in the same location as the PC mouse, use rcMouseCol for this argument.

Note: In AS/400 sessions, you can simulate a light pen selection by using rcLeftClick for the Type argument, and specifying row and column values for a pen-detectable field. (For 3270 sessions, use the LightPen command to simulate a light pen selection.)



Toggle Setting


Changes the value of a Boolean property, such as ConditionCheckCommand. (A Boolean property is one that takes True and False as its only values. The data type for each property is given immediately below the syntax in that property's Help topic.)

You can explicitly set the value of a property. For example:

ConditionCheckCommand = True ConditionCheckCommand = False

In these examples, the results are not influenced by the current setting. Using the Toggle method always changes the current setting to its opposite. For example:

Toggle ConditionCheckCommand

This will turn this setting from on or off, depending on the current setting.

Command Parameters

Setting Argument type: Enumeration

Select from any of the available settings listed.



TransmitAnsi "AnsiString", Echo


Transmits an ANSI string to the host.

Command Parameters

String Argument type: String

Specifies an ANSI string. This argument can be up to 260 characters long.

Echo If you are modeling a block mode application, select the Don't wait for echo option. If you are modeling a character mode application, select from the following options:

  • Don't wait for echo (Default)—Select this option to transmit the string to the host and immediately move to the next action. Always use this option for block mode applications. For character mode applications, use this option only when you know that data will not be echoed back to the terminal screen. For example, many times alphanumeric keys are used to move between screens and are not echoed.

  • Wait for same number of characters to echo— Select this option to wait for the same number of characters to be sent back to the terminal screen after data has been transmitted to the host. When TransmitANSI is received, Host Integrator takes the current cursor position and adds the number of characters it is going to transmit. To detect the number of echoed characters, Host Integrator transmits the data and waits until the cursor is at this calculated position. For example, if you transmit the name George as your password, a host will often echo six spaces instead of the original text. With this option selected, Host Integrator waits for the cursor to move six columns from the cursor position when the name George was transmitted to the host before moving on to the next command.

  • Wait for string to echo at cursor— Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen after data has been sent to the host. This is the most robust option to select when working with character mode hosts. Note: With character mode applications, the cursor must be wherever characters are being written to the screen. For this reason, use this option to synchronize with the host application.

  • Wait for next tabstop— Select this option to wait for the cursor to appear at the next tabstop after transmitting data. If tabstops have been defined on the Cursor tab, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to appear at one of the defined locations. If no tabstop definitions are applicable, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to be anywhere on the screen that is outside the attribute or recordset field to which the data is being written.

  • Wait for next tabstop or string to echo at cursor— Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen or to wait for it to appear at the next appropriate tabstop. This option is not recommended.

  • Wait for cursor to arrive at specific location— Select this option to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specified location.

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TransmitANSIEncrypted "EncryptedAnsiString", Echo


Transmits an obfuscated ANSI string to the host.

Strings are obfuscated not encrypted. Obfuscated strings are not as secure as encrypted strings. You should not store host passwords in your model files.

Command Parameters

String Argument type: String

Specifies an encrypted ANSI string. This argument can be up to 260 characters long.


If you are modeling a block mode application, select the Don't wait for echo option. If you are modeling a character mode application, select from the following options:

  • Don't wait for echo (Default)—Select this option to transmit the string to the host and immediately move to the next action. Always use this option for block mode applications. For character mode applications, use this option only when you know that data will not be echoed back to the terminal screen. For example, many times alphanumeric keys are used to move between screens and are not echoed.

  • Wait for next tabstop— Select this option to wait for the cursor to appear at the next tabstop after transmitting data. If tabstops have been defined on the Cursor tab, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to appear at one of the defined locations. If no tabstop definitions are applicable, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to be anywhere on the screen that is outside the attribute or recordset field to which the data is being written.

  • Wait for next tabstop or string to echo at cursor— Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen or to wait for it to appear at the next appropriate tabstop. This option is not recommended.

  • Wait for same number of characters to echo— Select this option to wait for the same number of characters to be sent back to the terminal screen after data has been transmitted to the host. To detect the number of echoed characters, Host Integrator transmits the data and waits for the cursor position to move the same number of columns as the length of the data transmitted. For example, if you transmit the name George as your password, a host will often echo six spaces instead of the original text. With this option selected, Host Integrator waits for the cursor to move six columns from the cursor position when the name George was transmitted to the host before moving on to the next command.

  • Wait for string to echo at cursor— Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen after data has been sent to the host. This is the most robust option to select when working with character mode hosts. Note: With character mode applications, the cursor must be wherever characters are being written to the screen. For this reason, use this option to synchronize with the host application.

  • Wait for cursor to arrive at specific location—Select this option to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specified location.

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TransmitTerminalKey Key


Transmits a terminal key to the host.

Command Parameters

Key Argument type: Enumeration

The terminal key transmitted to the host.

The terminal keys for 3270, 5250, VT, and HP terminals are listed below. The listing is alphabetical.

Note: The HP Terminal Key list contains several Hp keys, specifically the HpCtrl keys, that are not listed in the Terminal keys list accessible from the right arrow button in the Operation Edit dialog box. To access these keys, use the Key list in the Command parameters box.

3270 Terminal Keys 5250 Terminal Keys VT Terminal Keys HP Terminal Keys
rcIBMAltCursorKey rcIBMAttnKey rcVt0Key rcHpBackspaceKey
rcIBMAttnKey rcIBMAU1Key rcVt1Key rcHpBackTabKey
rcIBMBackspaceKey rcIBMAU2Key rcVt2Key rcHpBreakKey
rcIBMBackTabKey rcIBMAU3Key rcVt3Key rcHpClearDisplayKey
rcIBMClearKey rcIBMAU4Key rcVt4Key rcHpClearLineKey
rcIBMClearPartitionKey rcIBMAU5Key rcVt5Key rcHpConfigKeysKey
rcIBMCursorBlinkKey rcIBMAU6Key rcVt6Key rcHpCtrl@
rcIBMCursorSelectKey rcIBMAU7Key rcVt7Key rcHpCtrl[
rcIBMDeleteCharKey rcIBMAU8Key rcVt8Key rcHpCtrl]
rcIBMDeleteWordKey rcIBMAU9Key rcVt9Key rcHpCtrl^
rcIBMDestrBackSpaceKey rcIBMAU10Key rcVtBELKey rcHpCtrl_
rcIBMDeviceCancelKey rcIBMAU11Key rcVtBreakKey rcHpCtrlA
rcIBMDownKey rcIBMAU12Key rcVtBSKey rcHpCtrlB
rcIBMDupKey rcIBMAU13Key rcVtCANKey rcHpCtrlC
rcIBMEndOfFieldKey rcIBMAU14Key rcVtComposeKey rcHpCtrlD
rcIBMEnterKey rcIBMAU15Key rcVtCRKey rcHpCtrlE
rcIBMEraseEofKey rcIBMAU16Key rcVtCursDKey rcHpCtrlF
rcIBMEraseInputKey rcIBMBackSpaceKey rcVtCursLKey rcHpCtrlG
rcIBMFieldDelimKey rcIBMBackTabKey rcVtCursRKey rcHpCtrlH
rcIBMFieldMarkKey rcIBMClearKey rcVtCursUKey rcHpCtrlI
rcIBMHomeKey rcIBMDeleteKey rcVtDC1Key rcHpCtrlJ
rcIBMIdentKey rcIBMDestrBackSpaceKey rcVtDC2Key rcHpCtrlK
rcIBMInsertKey rcIBMDowndoubleKey rcVtDC3Key rcHpCtrlL
rcIBMKeyClickKey rcIBMDownKey rcVtDC4Key rcHpCtrlM
rcIBMLeftDoubleKey rcIBMDuplicateKey rcVtDecimalKey rcHpCtrlN
rcIBMLeftKey rcIBMEndOfFieldKey rcVtDelKey rcHpCtrlO
rcIBMNewLineKey rcIBMEnterKey rcVtDisconnectKey rcHpCtrlP
rcIBMNextWordKey rcIBMEraseEOFKey rcVtDLEKey rcHpCtrlQ
rcIBMPa1Key rcIBMEraseInputKey rcVtEMKey rcHpCtrlR
rcIBMPa2Key rcIBMExtgrKey rcVtENQKey rcHpCtrlS
rcIBMPa3Key rcIBMF1Key rcVtEnterKey rcHpCtrlSlash
rcIBMPanLeftKey rcIBMF2Key rcVtEOTKey rcHpCtrlT
rcIBMPanRightKey rcIBMF3Key rcVtEscKey rcHpCtrlU
rcIBMPartitionJumpKey rcIBMF4Key rcVtETBKey rcHpCtrlV
rcIBMPf1Key rcIBMF5Key rcVtETXKey rcHpCtrlW
rcIBMPf2Key rcIBMF6Key rcVtF1Key rcHpCtrlX
rcIBMPf3Key rcIBMF7Key rcVtF2Key rcHpCtrlY
rcIBMPf4Key rcIBMF8Key rcVtF3Key rcHpCtrlZ
rcIBMPf5Key rcIBMF9Key rcVtF4Key rcHpDeleteCharKey
rcIBMPf6Key rcIBMF10Key rcVtF5Key rcHpDeleteCharWrapKey
rcIBMPf7Key rcIBMF11Key rcVtF6Key rcHpDeleteKey
rcIBMPf8Key rcIBMF12Key rcVtF7Key rcHpDeleteLineKey
rcIBMPf9Key rcIBMF13Key rcVtF8Key rcHpDownKey
rcIBMPf10Key rcIBMF14Key rcVtF9Key rcHpEnterKey
rcIBMPf11Key rcIBMF15Key rcVtF10Key rcHpEscapeKey
rcIBMPf12Key rcIBMF16Key rcVtF11Key rcHpExtendKey
rcIBMPf13Key rcIBMF17Key rcVtF12Key rcHpF1Key
rcIBMPf14Key rcIBMF18Key rcVtF13Key rcHpF2Key
rcIBMPf15Key rcIBMF19Key rcVtF14Key rcHpF3Key
rcIBMPf16Key rcIBMF20Key rcVtF15Key rcHpF5Key
rcIBMPf18Key rcIBMF22Key rcVtF17Key rcHpF6Key
rcIBMPf19Key rcIBMF23Key rcVtF18Key rcHpF7Key
rcIBMPf20Key rcIBMF24Key rcVtF19Key rcHpF8Key
rcIBMPf21Key rcIBMFieldExitKey rcVtF20Key rcHpHardResetKey
rcIBMPf22Key rcIBMFieldMinusKey rcVtFFKey rcHpHoldKey
rcIBMPf23Key rcIBMFieldPlusKey rcVtFindKey rcHpHomeDownKey
rcIBMPf24Key rcIBMHelpKey rcVtFSKey rcHpHomeLeftKey
rcIBMPrintKey rcIBMHexKey rcVtGSKey rcHpHomeRightKey
rcIBMPrintPartKey rcIBMHomeKey rcVtHoldScreenClearKey rcHpHomeUpKey
rcIBMResetKey rcIBMInsertKey rcVtHoldScreenKey rcHpInsertCharKey
rcIBMRightDoubleKey rcIBMLeftDoubleKey rcVtHoldScreenSetKey rcHpInsertCharWrapKey
rcIBMRightKey rcIBMLeftKey rcVtInsKey rcHpInsertLineKey
rcIBMScrollDownKey rcIBMNewLineKey rcVtKp0Key rcHpInsertWrapKey
rcIBMScrollUpKey rcIBMNextWordKey rcVtKp1Key rcHpLeftKey
rcIBMSysReqstKey rcIBMPA1Key rcVtKp2Key rcHpLeftArrowKey
rcIBMTabKey rcIBMPA2Key rcVtKp3Key rcHpMenuKey
rcIBMUpKey rcIBMPA3Key rcVtKp4Key rcHpModesKey
rcIBMPageDownKey rcVtKp5Key rcHpNextPageKey
rcIBMPageUpKey rcVtKp6Key rcHpPageUpKey
rcIBMPlusCRKey rcVtKp7Key rcHpPageDownKey
rcIBMPrintKey rcVtKp8Key rcHpReturnKey
rcIBMRightDoubleKey rcVtKpCommaKey rcHpRightKey
rcIBMRightKey rcVtKpDotKey rcHpRightArrowKey
rcIBMRollDownKey rcVtKpMinusKey rcHpRollDownKey
rcIBMRollUpKey rcVtLFKey rcHpRollLeftKey
rcIBMRuleKey rcVtNAKKey rcHpRollRightKey
rcIBMSlpautoEnterKey rcVtNextPageKey rcHpRollUpKey
rcIBMSOSIGenerateKey rcVtNextScrKey rcHpScrollDownKey
rcIBMSysReqstKey rcVtKpNULKey rcHpScrollUpKey
rcIBMTabKey rcVtPf1Key rcHpSelectKey
rcIBMTestKey rcVtPf2Key rcHpSmartEnterKey
rcIBMUpDoubleKey rcVtPf3Key rcHpSoftResetKey
rcIBMUpKey rcVtPf4Key rcHpStopKey
rcVtPrevPageKey rcHpSystemKey
rcVtPrevScrKey rcHpTabKey
rcVtPrtDKey rcHpUpKey
rcVtRemoveKey rcHpUserKey
rcVtRetrnKey rcHpUserConfigKey



TransmitToAttr "Attribute", "String"


Transmits a specified String to an attribute value.

Command Parameters

Attribute Select a defined attribute from the list to create a value for the selected variable.

String Argument type: String

Specifies a data string.

More information



TransmitToAttrEncrypted "Attribute", "String"


Transmits an obfuscated data String to a configured attribute.

Strings are obfuscated not encrypted. Obfuscated strings are not as secure as encrypted strings. You should not store host passwords in your model files.

Command Parameters

Attribute Select a defined attribute to create a value for the encrypted data string.

String Argument type: String Specifies an encrypted data string.

More information



TransmitToField "Recordset", "Field", "String"


Transmits the string to the specified field of a recordset.

Command Parameters

Recordset Select the defined recordset on which the field exists.

Field Select the defined field on which to copy the string value. Use the Fields tab to add fields to recordsets.

String Argument type: String

Transmits this string to the field location specified above.

More information



TransmitToFieldEncrypted "Recordset", "Field", "String"


Transmits the obfuscated string to the specified field of a recordset.

Strings are obfuscated not encrypted. Obfuscated strings are not as secure as encrypted strings. You should not store host passwords in your model files.

Command Parameters

Recordset Select the defined recordset on which the field exists.

Field Select the defined field to copy the string value to. Use the Fields tab to add fields to recordsets.

String Argument type: String

Transmits this encrypted string to the field location specified above. The value is encrypted with asterisks when it's saved to the model file.

More information



TransmitToLocation Row, Column, "String", Echo


Transmits the string to the specified row and cursor location on the terminal screen. Use the CursorRow and CursorColumn properties to verify the cursor location.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (row 1 is the first row). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal screen the Design Tool is emulating.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (column 1 is the first column). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal screen the Design Tool is emulating.

String Argument type: String

Transmits this string to the row and column coordinates specified above.

Echo If you are modeling a block mode application, select the Don't wait for echo option. If you are modeling a character mode application, select from the following options:

  • Don't wait for echo (Default)—Select this option to transmit the string to the host and immediately move to the next action. Always use this option for block mode applications. For character mode applications, use this option only when you know that data will not be echoed back to the terminal screen. For example, many times alphanumeric keys are used to move between screens and are not echoed.

  • Wait for next tabstop—Select this option to wait for the cursor to appear at the next tabstop after transmitting data. If tabstops have been defined on the Cursor tab, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to appear at one of the defined locations. If no tabstop definitions are applicable, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to be anywhere on the screen that is outside the attribute or recordset field to which the data is being written.

  • Wait for next tabstop or string to echo at cursor —Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen or to wait for it to appear at the next appropriate tabstop. This option is not recommended.

  • Wait for same number of characters to echo —Select this option to wait for the same number of characters to be sent back to the terminal screen after data has been transmitted to the host. To detect the number of echoed characters, Host Integrator transmits the data and waits for the cursor position to move the same number of columns as the length of the data transmitted. For example, if you transmit the name George as your password, a host will often echo six spaces instead of the original text. With this option selected, Host Integrator waits for the cursor to move six columns from the cursor position when the name George was transmitted to the host before moving on to the next command.

  • Wait for string to echo at cursor—Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen after data has been sent to the host. This is the most robust option to select when working with character mode hosts. Note: With character mode applications, the cursor must be wherever characters are being written to the screen. For this reason, use this option to synchronize with the host application.

  • Wait for cursor to arrive at specific location—Select this option to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specified location.

More information



TransmitToLocationEncrypted Row, Column, "String", Echo


Transmits an obfuscated string to the specified row and cursor location on the terminal screen. Use the CursorRow and CursorColumn properties to verify the cursor location.

Strings are obfuscated not encrypted. Obfuscated strings are not as secure as encrypted strings. You should not store host passwords in your model files.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

The row to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (row 1 is the first row). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal screen the Design Tool is emulating.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column to which the cursor is to be moved. The minimum value is 1 (column 1 is the first column). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal screen the Design Tool is emulating.

String Argument type: String

Transmits this encrypted string to the row and column coordinates specified above. Asterisks are used to encrypt the string as you type.

Echo If you are modeling a block mode application, select the Don't wait for echo option. If you are modeling a character mode application, select from the following options:

  • Don't wait for echo (Default)—Select this option to transmit the string to the host and immediately move to the next action. Always use this option for block mode applications. For character mode applications, use this option only when you know that data will not be echoed back to the terminal screen. For example, many times alphanumeric keys are used to move between screens and are not echoed.

  • Wait for next tabstop —Select this option to wait for the cursor to appear at the next tabstop after transmitting data. If tabstops have been defined on the Cursor tab, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to appear at one of the defined locations. If no tabstop definitions are applicable, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to be anywhere on the screen that is outside the attribute or recordset field to which the data is being written.

  • Wait for next tabstop or string to echo at cursor—Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen or to wait for it to appear at the next appropriate tabstop. This option is not recommended.

  • Wait for same number of characters to echo —Select this option to wait for the same number of characters to be sent back to the terminal screen after data has been transmitted to the host. To detect the number of echoed characters, Host Integrator transmits the data and waits for the cursor position to move the same number of columns as the length of the data transmitted. For example, if you transmit the name George as your password, a host will often echo six spaces instead of the original text. With this option selected, Host Integrator waits for the cursor to move six columns from the cursor position when the name George was transmitted to the host before moving on to the next command.

  • Wait for string to echo at cursor —Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen after data has been sent to the host. This is the most robust option to select when working with character mode hosts. Note: With character mode applications, the cursor must be wherever characters are being written to the screen. For this reason, use this option to synchronize with the host application.

  • Wait for cursor to arrive at specific location —Select this option to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specified location.

More information



TransmitToOffset Offset, "String", Echo


Transmits the string to the specified offset location. Use the CursorRow and CursorColumn properties to verify the cursor location.

Command Parameters

Offset Argument type: Integer

The row and column coordinates on a terminal screen. See the status bar at the bottom of the terminal screen for the offset value of the cursor position.

The offset is zero-based and is the equivalent of the following formula:

offset = [(row - 1) x width] + (col - 1)

The reverse formulas (offset to row/col) are as follows:

row = (offset / width) + 1, where the division operation uses integer logic (remainder of the division operation is ignored)

col = (offset % width) + 1, where % means modulo (use only the remainder of a division operation)

Example: For an 80-column terminal screen:

row 1, col 1 = offset zero (always true) row 1, col 2 = offset 1 (always true) row 2, col 1 = offset 80 *(depends on the screen width)

String Argument type: String

Transmits this string to the row and column coordinates specified above.

Echo If you are modeling a block mode application, select the Don't wait for echo option. If you are modeling a character mode application, select from the following options:

  • Don't wait for echo (Default)—Select this option to transmit the string to the host and immediately move to the next action. Always use this option for block mode applications. For character mode applications, use this option only when you know that data will not be echoed back to the terminal screen. For example, many times alphanumeric keys are used to move between screens and are not echoed.

  • Wait for next tabstop— Select this option to wait for the cursor to appear at the next tabstop after transmitting data. If tabstops have been defined on the Cursor tab, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to appear at one of the defined locations. If no tabstop definitions are applicable, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to be anywhere on the screen that is outside the attribute or recordset field to which the data is being written.

  • Wait for next tabstop or string to echo at cursor— Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen or to wait for it to appear at the next appropriate tabstop. This option is not recommended.

  • Wait for same number of characters to echo— Select this option to wait for the same number of characters to be sent back to the terminal screen after data has been transmitted to the host. To detect the number of echoed characters, Host Integrator transmits the data and waits for the cursor position to move the same number of columns as the length of the data transmitted. For example, if you transmit the name George as your password, a host will often echo six spaces instead of the original text. With this option selected, Host Integrator waits for the cursor to move six columns from the cursor position when the name George was transmitted to the host before moving on to the next command.

  • Wait for string to echo at cursor— Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen after data has been sent to the host. This is the most robust option to select when working with character mode hosts. Note: With character mode applications, the cursor must be wherever characters are being written to the screen. For this reason, use this option to synchronize with the host application.

  • Wait for cursor to arrive at specific location— Select this option to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specified location.

More information



TransmitToOffsetEncrypted Offset, "String", Echo


Transmits the obfuscated string to the specified offset location. Use the CursorRow and CursorColumn properties to verify the cursor location.

Strings are obfuscated not encrypted. Obfuscated strings are not as secure as encrypted strings. You should not store host passwords in your model files.

Command Parameters

Offset Argument type: Integer

The row and column coordinates on a terminal screen. See the status bar at the bottom of the terminal screen for the offset value of the cursor position.

The offset is zero-based and is the equivalent of the following formula:

offset = [(row - 1) x width] + (col - 1)

The reverse formulas (offset to row/col) are as follows:

row = (offset / width) + 1, where the division operation uses integer logic (remainder of the division operation is ignored)

col = (offset % width) + 1, where % means modulo (use only the remainder of a division operation)

Example: For an 80-column terminal screen:

row 1, col 1 = offset zero (always true) row 1, col 2 = offset 1 (always true) row 2, col 1 = offset 80 *(depends on the screen width)

String Argument type: String

Transmits this encrypted string to the row and column coordinates specified above. As you type the value, asterisks will appear to encrypt the value of the string.

Echo If you are modeling a block mode application, select the Don't wait for echo option. If you are modeling a character mode application, select from the following options:

  • Don't wait for echo (Default)—Select this option to transmit the string to the host and immediately move to the next action. Always use this option for block mode applications. For character mode applications, use this option only when you know that data will not be echoed back to the terminal screen. For example, many times alphanumeric keys are used to move between screens and are not echoed.

  • Wait for next tabstop— Select this option to wait for the cursor to appear at the next tabstop after transmitting data. If tabstops have been defined on the Cursor tab, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to appear at one of the defined locations. If no tabstop definitions are applicable, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to be anywhere on the screen that is outside the attribute or recordset field to which the data is being written.

  • Wait for next tabstop or string to echo at cursor—Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen or to wait for it to appear at the next appropriate tabstop. This option is not recommended.

  • Wait for same number of characters to echo— Select this option to wait for the same number of characters to be sent back to the terminal screen after data has been transmitted to the host. To detect the number of echoed characters, Host Integrator transmits the data and waits for the cursor position to move the same number of columns as the length of the data transmitted. For example, if you transmit the name George as your password, a host will often echo six spaces instead of the original text. With this option selected, Host Integrator waits for the cursor to move six columns from the cursor position when the name George was transmitted to the host before moving on to the next command.

  • Wait for string to echo at cursor— Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen after data has been sent to the host. This is the most robust option to select when working with character mode hosts. Note: With character mode applications, the cursor must be wherever characters are being written to the screen. For this reason, use this option to synchronize with the host application.

  • Wait for cursor to arrive at specific location— Select this option to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specified location.

More information

.SetUpdateOffset command



UpdateAttribute "Attribute name"


Writes cached attribute data to the terminal screen. In an operation, attribute data can be assigned using write commands like DefaultValue or TransmitToAttr. This command is used in conjunction with the Cache all attribute writes check box on the General tab of the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box.


  • By default, an UpdateAttribute command will be inserted into each generated operation when Cache all attribute writes is selected.

  • This feature is specifically designed for character mode applications as a solution for managing the order of screen updates. When attribute data assignments are arbitrarily mixed between an operation and a Host Integrator API, the order in which data is actually written to the terminal can be important to the host application.

Command Parameters

Attribute Select a configured attribute.

More information

*.DefaultValue command





Writes all cached attribute data to the terminal screen. In an operation, attribute data can be assigned using write commands like DefaultValue or TransmitToAttr. An operation can call the UpdateAttributes command for all attributes that have assigned data. This command is used in conjunction with the Cache all attribute writes check box on the General tab of the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box.


  • By default, an UpdateAttribute command will be inserted in each generated operation when Cache all attribute writes is selected.

  • This feature is specifically designed for character mode applications as a solution for managing the order of screen updates. When attribute data assignments are arbitrarily mixed between an operation and a Host Integrator API, the order in which data is actually written to the terminal can be important to the host application.

More information



UpdateRecordsetField "Recordset", "Field"


Writes the specified cached recordset field data to the terminal screen. This command is used in conjunction with the [Cache all field writes] (../entity-recordset-tab/#cache-all-field-writes) option. To globally configure all recordset field data to be cached on new entities, select the Cache all field writes box on the Recordset Preferences dialog box. To cache recordset field data on a selected entity, select the entity in the Entity window and select the Cache all field writes (../settings-menu-preferences/#cache-all-field-writes) box on the Recordset Fields tab.


  • By default, an UpdateAttribute command will be inserted in each generated operation when Cache all field writes (../settings-menu-preferences/#cache-all-field-writes) is selected.

  • This feature is specifically designed for character mode applications as a solution for managing the order of screen updates. When field data assignments are arbitrarily mixed between an operation and a Verastream connector API, the order in which data is actually written to the terminal can be important to the host application.

Command Parameters

Recordset Select the configured recordset that contains the cached recordset field data to be written to the terminal screen once this command executes.

Field Select the configured recordset field to be written to the terminal screen.

More information



UpdateRecordsetFields "Recordset"


Writes all cached recordset field data to the terminal screen. In an operation, field data can be assigned using attribute/field input commands like DefaultValue or TransmitToAttr. This command is used in conjunction with the Cache all field writes check box on the Recordset Fieldstab in the Entity window.


  • By default, an UpdateRecordsetField command will be inserted into each generated operation when Cache all field writes is selected.

  • This feature is specifically designed for character mode applications as a solution for managing the order of screen updates. When field data assignments are arbitrarily mixed between an operation and a Host Integrator API, the order in which data is actually written to the terminal can be important to the host application.

Command Parameters

Recordset Select the configured recordset that contains the cached recordset field data to be written to the terminal screen once this command executes.

More information

  • Attribute/field input commands



Wait Duration


Waits the specified period of time before executing the next command in the operation. The operation containing the command is paused until the duration expires.

Command Parameters

Duration Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format.

More information



WaitForCommString "CommString", "Timeout", "Count"


Begins a wait that is satisfied by the reception of the specified string from the host. The operation containing the command is paused until the data communication string is received or the timeout expires.

When connecting to VT and HP character mode hosts, you can wait for datastream sequences that include nonprintable characters. As the terminal processes characters, you can copy and paste text from the Model Debug Messages dialog box into the String box.


  • Using the right mouse button, open the shortcut menu to copy and paste text from the Model Debug Messages dialog box. You can also use the Ctrl-C keystroke to copy the text; however, do not use the Ctrl-V keystroke to paste the text. Instead, use the Paste button provided next to the String box.
  • Often the best synchronization for VT and HP is in the datastream itself. Coupled with the WaitForMultipleEvents command, it will enable you to be very deterministic about synchronization.
  • Use WaitForCommString only if you are connecting to your host using a host application that uses character mode datastreaming rather than block mode. This applies to VT and HP character mode models only.
  • If you are connecting directly to a host, use WaitForDisplayString.
  • You can also record a login command list to determine which command is appropriate for your connection.

Command Parameters

Count Argument type: Numeric

Specifies the number of times a string is received from the host. The default value is 1.

String Argument type: String

The string that can terminate the wait. This string must be received from the host.

Note: Use the right-mouse button menu to copy and paste text instead of the Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V keystrokes. A Paste button appears when the Host Integrator accepts special characters.

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format that can terminate the wait. If this method times out, an error occurs.

More information



WaitForCondition "Entity", "Condition", "Timeout"


Waits for the condition to be satisfied. The operation containing the command is paused until the condition is satisfied or the timeout expires.

Command Parameters

Entity Argument type: String

Specifies the entity on which the condition will be satisfied.

Condition Click the Edit button to open the Condition Edit dialog box for the command argument. Use this dialog box to create a condition that is specific to the entity selected above.

For example, create the following condition that addresses cursor syncing when the cursor is expected to arrive at one of two possible locations:

(Variables.CursorRow = 5 And Variables.CursorColumn = 27) Or (Variables.CursorRow = 24 And Variables.CursorColumn = 1)

Timeout Specifies an interval of time to wait for the condition in seconds.

More information



WaitForCursorAtAttr "Entity", "Attribute", "Timeout"


Begins a wait that is satisfied when the specified attribute data is received from the host. The operation containing the command is paused until the wait expires or is satisfied.

Use WaitForCursorAtAttr only if you are connecting to your host using a host application that uses character mode rather than block mode. (In character mode, incoming characters appear on screen in sequence, and existing lines of text scroll out of sight as new lines appear. In block mode, you see complete screen displays, beginning with the login display screen. You can also record a login command list to determine which command is appropriate for your connection.

Command Parameters

Entity Argument type: String

The entity on which the attribute is defined.

Attribute Argument type: String

The attribute data that can terminate the wait.

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format that can terminate the wait. If this method times out, an error occurs.

More information



WaitForCursorAtLocation Row, Column, "Timeout"


Begins a wait that is satisfied when the cursor is at a position. The operation containing the command is paused until the cursor is at the position or the timeout expires.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

For the wait to be satisfied, the cursor must be at the field at the specified row and column coordinates. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Column Argument type: Integer

For the wait to be satisfied, the cursor must be at the field at the specified row and column coordinates. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. Use the Timeout argument to specify how long to wait for the cursor to be at the specified coordinates. If this method times out, an error occurs.

More information



WaitForCursorAtTerminalField Row, Column, "Timeout"


Waits for the cursor to be at the specified terminal field (as identified by the Row and Column arguments).The operation containing the command is paused until the cursor is at the field or the timeout expires.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

For the wait to be satisfied, the cursor must be at the field at the specified row and column coordinates. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Column Argument type: Integer

For the wait to be satisfied, the cursor must be at the field at the specified row and column coordinates. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. Use the Timeout argument to specify how long to wait for the cursor at the specified coordinates. If this method times out, an error occurs.

More information



WaitForCursorNotAtLocation Row, Column, "Timeout"


Waits for the cursor to be at any screen coordinates other than specified coordinates (as identified by the Row and Column arguments). The operation containing this command is paused until the cursor is no longer at the specified coordinates or the timeout expires.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

For the wait to be satisfied, the cursor must not be at the field at the specified row and column coordinates. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Column Argument type: Integer

For the wait to be satisfied, the cursor must not be at the field at the specified row and column coordinates. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. Use the Timeout argument to specify how long to wait for the cursor to not be at the specified coordinates. If this method times out, an error occurs.

More information



WaitForCursorNotAtTerminalField Row, Column, "Timeout"


Waits for the cursor to not be at the specified terminal field (as identified by the Row and Column arguments). The operation containing the command is paused until the cursor is no longer at the field or the timeout expires.

Command Parameters

Row Argument type: Integer

For the wait to be satisfied, the cursor must not be at the field at the specified row and column coordinates. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Column Argument type: Integer

For the wait to be satisfied, the cursor must not be at the field at the specified row and column coordinates. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. Use the Timeout argument to specify how long to wait for the cursor to not be at the field at the specified coordinates. If this method times out, an error occurs.

More information



WaitForCursorAtRecordsetField "Entity", "Recordset", "Timeout"


Begins a wait that is satisfied when the specified recordset field data is received from the host. The operation containing the command is paused until the wait expires or is satisfied.

Use WaitForCursorAtRecordsetField only if you are connecting to your host using a host application that uses character mode rather than block mode. (In character mode, incoming characters appear on screen in sequence, and existing lines of text scroll out of sight as new lines appear. In block mode, you see complete screen displays, beginning with the login display screen.) You can also record a login command list to determine which command is appropriate for your connection.

Command Parameters

Entity Argument type: String

The entity on which the attribute is defined.

Recordset Argument type: String

The recordset that can terminate the wait.

Field Argument type: String

The record data that can terminate the wait.

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format that can terminate the wait. If this method times out, an error occurs.

More information



WaitForDisplayString "String","Timeout", Row, Column, Relative


Begins a wait that is satisfied by the appearance of the specified string at the specified location on the terminal screen. The string can be received from the host or typed by the user. The operation is paused until the display string is received or the timeout expires.

*Command Parameters

String Argument type: String

The string that can terminate the wait.

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies a time interval in HH:MM:SS format that can terminate the wait. If this method times out, an error occurs.

Row Argument type: Integer

The row in which the string must be received. You can specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

Column Argument type: Integer

The column in which the string must be received. You can specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).


Specifies whether or not the position of the display string is determined relative to the terminal cursor position. The default is No.

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WaitForHostSilence "Duration", "Timeout"


Begins a wait that is satisfied by the absence of data traveling to or from the host. The operation containing the command is paused until the host silence occurs or the timeout expires. By specifying a duration of time, Host Integrator will expect the silence to last that long to satisfy the wait.

Command Parameters

Duration Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. This is how long the period of silence must last.

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. Use the Timeout argument to specify how long to wait for a period of silence. If this method times out, an error occurs.

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WaitForKeyboardEnabled "Duration", "Timeout"


Begins a wait that is satisfied by the keyboard being unlocked for the specified duration. The operation containing the command is paused until the keyboard is enabled or the timeout expires. When you specify a duration of time, Host Integrator will expect the keyboard to be enabled that long to satisfy the wait. This command applies to 3270/5250 models only.

Command Parameters

Duration Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. Use Duration to specify how long the keyboard must remain enabled. The specified event must last this long to satisfy the wait.

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. Use the Timeout argument to specify how long to wait for the keyboard to be enabled. If this method times out, an error occurs.

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WaitForMultipleEvents "EventExpression", "Timeout"


Begins a wait that is satisfied by the occurrence of a series of global events. This command enables Host Integrator to rely on an order of events rather than the number of data packets that are sent from a character mode host. Since Host Integrator handles only one command per packet of data, the WaitForMultipleEvents command is designed to encapsulate several global events into one unique command. The operation containing this command is paused until all of the waits expire or are satisfied.

To define global events that can be used with this command on any entity, click Events on the Model menu to open the Event Edit dialog box. To create conditional expressions and sequences using global events, click the Edit button to open the Event Expression Editor dialog box. To view the datastream coming from the host, open the Model Debug Messages dialog box.

Command Parameters

EventExpression Click the Edit button to open the Event Expression Editor dialog box and create conditional expressions and sequences using defined global events. Use the buttons in this dialog box to create a string of global events that is specific to the selected entity.

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. The wait terminates if this amount of time passes without the specified events occurring. If this method times out, an error occurs.

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WaitForNewHostScreen "Timeout"


Begins a wait that is satisfied with a new screen from the host. A new screen is recognized in a 3270/5250 environment by an End of Chain indicator, and by a minimum of 4 bytes of data in a character mode environment. The operation containing the command is paused until the new host screen is returned or the timeout expires.

Command Parameters

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format. The wait terminates if this amount of time passes without the new host screen being returned. If this method times out, an error occurs.

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WaitForUpdate TopRow, LeftCol, BottomRow, RightCol, RegionType, Relative, "Timeout"


Waits for the host to update the specified region on the terminal screen before the timeout expires.

Command Parameters

TopRow Argument type: Integer

The top row of the updated region. The minimum value is 1 (row 1 is the first row). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal screen the Design Tool is emulating. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

LeftCol Argument type: Integer

The left column of the updated region. The minimum value is 1 (column 1 is the first column). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal screen the Design Tool is emulating. You can also specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

BottomRow Argument type: Integer

The bottom row of the updated region. You can specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).

RightCol Argument type: Integer

The right column of the updated region. You can specify Any Column or Any Row (which shows us as -1 in a trace).


Specifies what mode to use for the region selected on the terminal screen. Select either the Linear or Rectangular position. The default is Rectangular.

Relative Argument type: Enumeration

Select whether or not to make this region relative to the cursor's current location by selecting either Yes or No. The default is No.

Timeout Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in HH:MM:SS format that can terminate the wait. If this method times out, an error occurs.

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Wait Duration


Waits the specified period of time in milliseconds before executing the next command in the operation. The operation containing the command is paused until the duration expires.

Command Parameters

Duration Argument type: String

Specifies an interval of time in milliseconds.

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If you select this command as part of an operation, you must map an attribute to a variable on the Attribute Variables tab to enable an API developer to change this value using the Host Integrator connectors.

With this command, the value will always be based on the variable associated with the attribute as shown on the Variable tab in the lower portion of the Attribute tab. This allows you to remap the variable-attribute relationship without making similar changes to the related operations.

Command Parameters

Attribute Select a defined attribute to create a value for the selected variable.


  • This command is only available if you configured the Attribute Variables tab on the Entity window.
  • ReadFromMappedAttr and WriteToMappedAttr commands are disabled in table procedures.

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WriteVarToAttr "Attribute", "Variable"


Writes the value of the variable to the specified attribute.

Command Parameters


Select a configured attribute.


Select a defined variable to be copied to the attribute's location.

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WriteVarToField "Recordset", "Field", "Variable"


Writes the value of the variable to the specified field.

Command Parameters


Select the defined recordset on which the field exists.


Select the defined field to copy the string value to. Use the Fields tab to add fields to a recordset.


Select a defined variable to be copied to the specified field.

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WriteVarToLocation "Variable", Row, Column, MaxLength, Erase, Echo


Writes the value of the variable to the specified row and column coordinates.

Command Parameters


Select a defined variable to be copied to the row and column specifications.

Row Argument type: Integer

The row to which the variable will be written. The minimum value is 1 (row 1 is the first row). The maximum value varies according to the number of rows supported by the terminal model the Design Tool is emulating.

Column Argument type: Integer

The column to which the variable will be written. The minimum value is 1 (column 1 is the first column). The maximum value varies according to the number of columns supported by the terminal model the Design Tool is emulating.

MaxLength Argument type: Integer

The maximum number of characters to write to the terminal.


Represents whether or not to erase the variable contents after navigating to another entity. Select Yes or No.

Note: If you select Yes and the length of the variable contents is less than MaxLength, all other characters up to MaxLength will be deleted.

Echo If you are modeling a block mode application, select the Don't wait for echo option. If you are modeling a character mode application, select from the following options:

  • Don't wait for echo (Default)—Select this option to transmit the string to the host and immediately move to the next action. Always use this option for block mode applications. For character mode applications, use this option only when you know that data will not be echoed back to the terminal screen. For example, many times alphanumeric keys are used to move between screens and are not echoed.

  • Wait for next tabstop— Select this option to wait for the cursor to appear at the next tabstop after transmitting data. If tabstops have been defined on the Cursor tab, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to appear at one of the defined locations. If no tabstop definitions are applicable, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to be anywhere on the screen that is outside the attribute or recordset field to which the data is being written.

  • Wait for next tabstop or string to echo at cursor- Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen or to wait for it to appear at the next appropriate tabstop.

  • Wait for same number of characters to echo— Select this option to wait for the same number of characters to be sent back to the terminal screen after data has been transmitted to the host. To detect the number of echoed characters, Host Integrator transmits the data and waits for the cursor position to move the same number of columns as the length of the data transmitted. For example, if you transmit the name George as your password, a host will often echo six spaces instead of the original text. With this option selected, Host Integrator waits for the cursor to move six columns from the cursor position when the name George was transmitted to the host before moving on to the next command.

  • Wait for string to echo at cursor— Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen after data has been sent to the host. This is the most robust option to select when working with character mode hosts. Note: With character mode applications, the cursor must be wherever characters are being written to the screen. For this reason, use this option to synchronize with the host application.

  • Wait for cursor to arrive at specific location— Select this option to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specified location.

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WriteVarToTerminal "Variable", MaxLength, Erase, Echo


Copies the variable value to the current terminal cursor position.

Command Parameters

Variable Select a defined variable to be copied to the terminal position.

MaxLength Argument type: Integer

The maximum number of characters to write to the terminal.


If you select Yes and the length of the variable contents is less than MaxLength, all other characters up to MaxLength will be erased.


If you are modeling a block mode application, select the Don't wait for echo option. If you are modeling a character mode application, select from the following options:

  • Don't wait for echo (Default)—Select this option to transmit the string to the host and immediately move to the next action. Always use this option for block mode applications. For character mode applications, use this option only when you know that data will not be echoed back to the terminal screen. For example, many times alphanumeric keys are used to move between screens and are not echoed.

  • Wait for next tabstop —Select this option to wait for the cursor to appear at the next tabstop after transmitting data. If tabstops have been defined on the Cursor tab, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to appear at one of the defined locations. If no tabstop definitions are applicable, then Host Integrator waits for the cursor to be anywhere on the screen that is outside the attribute or recordset field to which the data is being written.

  • Wait for next tabstop or string to echo at cursor—Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen or to wait for it to appear at the next appropriate tabstop. This option is not recommended.

  • Wait for same number of characters to echo—Select this option to wait for the same number of characters to be sent back to the terminal screen after data has been transmitted to the host. To detect the number of echoed characters, Host Integrator transmits the data and waits for the cursor position to move the same number of columns as the length of the data transmitted. For example, if you transmit the name George as your password, a host will often echo six spaces instead of the original text. With this option selected, Host Integrator waits for the cursor to move six columns from the cursor position when the name George was transmitted to the host before moving on to the next command.

  • Wait for string to echo at cursor—Select this option to wait for the exact data string to be written back to the terminal screen after data has been sent to the host. This is the most robust option to select when working with character mode hosts. Note: With character mode applications, the cursor must be wherever characters are being written to the screen. For this reason, use this option to synchronize with the host application.

  • Wait for cursor to arrive at specific location—Select this option to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specified location.

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