!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


C-ISAM file format Administrator's Guide4. ,
dynamic database IMS Option TG3.10
in Assembler debugger User's Guide29.10
CALL Assembler macro Assembler Option TG1.2.3 , 1.2.4
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
Call interface
autoinstall control program Administrator's Guide11.2.4
Data File Converter Administrator's Guide4.2.2.2
IMS Option Administrator's Guide15.3
CALL Linker directive Assembler Option TG1.2.3
CALL linker directive Migration Cookbook16.2.2
Call prototype Language Reference3.4 , , 5.2 , 8.24 , 12.4
example LR - Additional Topics6.1 , 6.1.1
CALL statement Language Reference12.4
User's Guide20.1.1 , 20.3.3
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.4
DG I COBOL LR - Additional Topics12.3.1
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.3.1
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.4
CALL TSO command IDE TG6.2
Call/Perform stack Getting Started13.3.3
Migration Cookbook8.2.2
User's Guide8.7 , 8.10
CALLed program User's Guide8.6 , 8.7
CALLFH Compiler directive Fileshare User's Guide2.1.1
CALLGIO sample program Administrator's Guide15.1
IMS Option TG1.5.4
CALLGIO2 sample program Administrator's Guide15.3
Compiler directive Language Reference16.4
CALLUTIL sample program Administrator's Guide15.1 , 15.3
CANCEL statement Language Reference12.5
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.5
Canceled program
accessing data User's Guide15.1.2
.cap file IDE TG2.1
Migration Cookbook16.1
Case Getting Started4.2 , 5.3.4 , 9.1
CASE Compiler directive Language Reference5.2 , 12.4
Catalog Assembler Option TG3.1
Getting Started5.3.4
Migration Cookbook10.1
User's Guide2.4 , 16.3.1
absolute path Getting Started15.3.3
accessing at run time Assembler Option TG2.2
adding file Getting Started5.3.5
Migration Cookbook3.1.4
and CICS Option Administrator's Guide13.1 , 13.4
backward compatibility Migration Cookbook19.2.2
CICS Option files User's Guide33.2.4 ,
Data Tools Migration Cookbook9.2.1
database catalog type IMS Option TG3.7
distributing to users Administrator's Guide1.3.1
entry User's Guide3.2.4
MVS Workbench Migration Cookbook17.2
ProxDM command Migration Cookbook18.1
PROXMVS Migration Cookbook18.2
use check box User's Guide10.3
VSAM files Administrator's Guide13.1
with CICS Option Migration Cookbook20.2.2
workgroup Administrator's Guide2.2.3.1
Catalog Browser User's Guide39.4.2
Catalog Database tool Host Compat. Option TGCh9
Catalog Server tool Host Compat. Option TGCh8
Catalog View Getting Started5.3.4
User's Guide3.2.3 , 3.2.4
file Getting Started5.3.6
procedure Getting Started7.3.1
User's Guide17.1.1
Category of data Language Reference2.6
.cbl file IDE TG2.1
CBLTDLI routine IMS Option TG1.5.2
CCI Configuring CCICh1
See Common Communications Interface
and Fileshare Configuring CCI7.2
and Mainframe Access Configuring CCI7.1
CICS Option CICS Option TG5.6.3
client protocol Fileshare User's Guide2.1.2.2 , 3.1
communications Fileshare User's GuideCh8
configuration utility Configuring CCI5.1.3
error messages Configuring CCICh10
Fileshare User's Guide9.2
server protocol Fileshare User's Guide3.2
timeout Fileshare User's Guide8.4
trace Fileshare User's Guide8.3
cci.ini file Configuring CCICh9
CCIIPX configuration Configuring CCI3.2.1
CCINAMPU configuration Configuring CCI6.1.3
CCINETB configuration Configuring CCI4.2
CCITCP configuration Configuring CCI5.2.2.2
trace options Configuring CCI8.2.2
CCIAPPC configuration Configuring CCICh2
CCIINST.EXE support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CCIIPX configuration Configuring CCICh3
CCINAMPU configuration Configuring CCICh6
CCINETB configuration Configuring CCICh4
CCITCP configuration Configuring CCICh5
cci.ini file Configuring CCI5.2.2.2
direct connection Configuring CCI5.2.2
environment variables Configuring CCI5.2.2.2
UNIX Configuring CCI5.1.4
CCITCP2 daemon process Configuring CCI5.1.5
debug option Configuring CCI5.2.1
NT service Configuring CCI5.2.1
ccitcp2 daemon process Fileshare User's Guide8.2
CCITCP2 environment variable Configuring CCI5.
Fileshare User's Guide8.2
ccitcp2 support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CCITCP2.EXE support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CCITCP32.DLL support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CCITCPS_ environment variable Configuring CCI5.
CCITCPT_ environment variable Configuring CCI5.
ccitrace.log Configuring CCICh8
CCSIDG DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
CCSIDM DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
CCSIDS DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
CDE control block IDE TG5.2.3
Cdlidemo project Getting Started36.3.1
CEDA CICS transaction Administrator's Guide12.3.4
CESN CICS transaction Administrator's Guide10.4
CHAIN statement Language Reference12.6
CHANGE link file command Assembler Option TG1.2.6
Migration Cookbook20.2.1
CHANGED option LR - Additional Topics10.4.4
CHAR function Language Reference11.9.6
CHAR-NATIONAL function Language Reference11.9.7
Character mode tool Migration Cookbook7.4.2
Character representation
selection Language Reference2.6.4
Character set Administrator's Guide4. ,
Getting Started1.2
Language Reference2.1 , ApB
User's Guide16.4 , 27.1 , 33.4
changing User's Guide11.2.3
conversion Administrator's Guide4.1 ,
CICS Option TG9.4
User's Guide27.4
converting User's Guide13.1
data file User's Guide10.3
for command-line utility User's Guide27.4
for DOS applications User's Guide27.1
in database Host Compat. Option TGCh7
source file Migration Cookbook7.5.2
application Migration Cookbook7.2
Character-string Language Reference2.2.2
CHARSET Compiler directive Administrator's Guide4.
Language Reference6.2.3
DB2 ECM Host Compat. Option TG18.1
CHARSUB DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
Check In
source control User's Guide26.2.2
Check Out
source control User's Guide26.2.2
CHECKPOINT statement
EXEC DLI IMS Option TG10.1
CHNG system exit IMS Option TG1.5.8
CI command
Dimensions Administrator's Guide6.3
CICS Option Getting Started1.2
3270 terminal emulator Administrator's GuideCh11
Getting Started19.3.9
User's Guide30.2.3
and Assembler Option Assembler Option TG1.1
Migration Cookbook16.1
and CCI Administrator's GuideCh5
API User's Guide30.2.1 , 33.3
application development CICS Option TGCh2
User's Guide30.2 , Ch33
backward compatibility Migration Cookbook20.2.2
BMS screen painter CICS Option TGCh1
User's Guide30.2.4 , 31.2 , Ch32 , 33.5
BMS-related command CICS Option TG2.4
build settings User's Guide33.6.2
catalog User's Guide33.2.4 ,
CCI CICS Option TG5.6.3
CEDA transaction Administrator's Guide12.3.4
CESN transaction Administrator's Guide10.4
character set User's Guide33.4
CKQC transaction CICS Option TG9.
CKTI transaction CICS Option TG9.3.1 ,
Clear key Getting Started19.3.9
client/server environment CICS Option TGCh9
communications Administrator's GuideCh12
CICS Option TGCh5
User's Guide30.5.1
compiling User's Guide33.6
configuration CICS Option TGCh4
configuration file Migration Cookbook12.2.2
configuration for distributed processing CICS Option TGCh5
CRTE transaction CICS Option TG5.3.1.1
Ctrl key Getting Started19.3.9
database User's Guide30.2.5
DDE CICS Option TG5.6.3
debugging Getting Started19.3.10
User's Guide30.2.2 , 31.5 , 33.7
defining a transaction Getting Started19.3.5
demonstration application CICS Option TG9.3.1.3 , ,
distributed application CICS Option TGCh9
Enter key Getting Started19.3.9
environment variable Migration CookbookCh4
Escape key Getting Started19.3.9
External Call Interface User's Guide30.5.1
External Presentation Interface User's Guide30.5.1
file User's Guide30.2.5 , 33.2.4
Files View User's Guide31.2
Fileshare CICS Option TGCh6
User's Guide30.5.2
installation verification Administrator's GuideCh8
installation verification for communications Administrator's GuideCh9
interface User's GuideCh31
intersystem communication CICS Option TGCh5
intersystem communications User's Guide30.5.1
log Getting Started19.3.9
logical cancel mode CICS Option TG2.2
middleware CICS Option TG9.3
overview User's GuideCh30
preprocessor Migration Cookbook12.1
printer Administrator's Guide11.8
program User's Guide33.2.4
region CICS Option TGCh4
Getting Started19.3.9 , 20.3.1
User's Guide30.3
remote PC Administrator's Guide12.4.3
resource definition Administrator's GuideCh13
User's Guide30.4
resource definition file Administrator's Guide2.
Getting Started19.3.3
running application Getting Started19.3.9
security Administrator's GuideCh10
User's Guide30.5.3
setting up environment User's Guide33.2
shared page CICS Option TG4.2.1
shared storage Migration Cookbook6.3
sharing files CICS Option TGCh6
User's Guide30.5.2
source code User's Guide33.3
starting Administrator's Guide12.3.6
startup list Administrator's Guide13.5.1
Getting Started30.2.1 , 32.2.1
system call User's Guide20.1.1 , 20.2 , 20.3.3
tools menu User's Guide31.4
transaction User's Guide20.1.1 , 20.3.3
tutorial Getting StartedCh19 , Ch20 , Ch21 , Ch35 , Ch36 , Ch37 , Ch38
use of catalog Administrator's Guide13.1 , 13.4
Migration Cookbook20.2.2
using with Component Generator CICS Option TG9.2.1
using with EnterpriseLink CICS Option TG9.1
using with EnterpriseLink Component Generator CICS Option TG9.1
using with Net Express CICS Option TG9.1 , 9.2.2
with other options Getting StartedCh35 , Ch36 , Ch37 , Ch38
workgroup Administrator's Guide2.2.4.1
CICS system definition file Administrator's Guide13.2
CICS View Getting Started19.3.3
User's Guide3.2.7 , 31.3
CICS/ESA API User's Guide30.2.1 , 33.3
Cicsdb2 project Getting Started30.1.1 , 32.1.1
Cicsdemo project Getting Started19.3.1 , 20.2 , 21.2
CKQC CICS transaction CICS Option TG9.
CKTI CICS transaction CICS Option TG9.3.1 ,
Class Language Reference3.6.1
body Language Reference17.4
definition Language Reference17.2
definition syntax summary Language ReferenceA.7.1
extension Language Reference17.3
extension syntax summary Language ReferenceA.7.2
inheritance Language Reference3.6.8
object Language Reference17.5
parameterized Language Reference3.6.10
Class Browser Migration Cookbook7.2
CLASS clause
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
Class condition Language Reference10.4.2.3
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.1.2 ,
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.1
syntax summary Language ReferenceA.8.2
Class Library Migration Cookbook7.2
Class of data Language Reference2.6
CLASS phrase
Repository paragraph Language Reference6.2.4
Class-ID paragraph Language Reference5.3
Class-name Language Reference2.2.3.4
Classification of segments LR - Additional Topics3.1.2
Clear key
in CICS Option Getting Started19.3.9
Click Getting Started4.2
Fileshare CICS Option TG6.3
Fileshare User's Guide1.2
IMS Option TG2.3
MQSeries CICS Option TG9.3.1
remote CICS Migration Cookbook12.2.6
Client communication protocol
Fileshare CICS Option TG6.3.2
Client installation of SNA server Administrator's Guide12.3.2.14
Client/server environment
CICS Option CICS Option TGCh9
Clipboard User's Guide9.2.3
use with Application Output window User's Guide3.3.2
built-in function IDE TG6.5
control variable IDE TG6.7
differences from mainframe User's Guide16.7
distributing to users Administrator's Guide1.3.2
file statement IDE TG6.6
from mfextmap.dat Migration Cookbook11.2
operator IDE TG6.4
running User's Guide16.1.2
special characters in program-names User's Guide16.7
statement IDE TG6.3
to migrate parmpass.dat Migration Cookbook7.4.6
tutorial Getting StartedCh6
CLOSE Assembler macro Assembler Option TG3.2 , 3.3 , 3.4
Close button Getting StartedA.1
CLOSE statement Language Reference12.7
Report Writer LR - Additional Topics1.5.2
RM COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.3.8
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.5.5
Closed fragment Getting Started29.1
User's Guide20.1.1 , 20.2
CLS TSO command IDE TG6.2
Cluster Administrator's Guide13.1
/cm option Fileshare User's Guide3.1 , 3.2 , 8.1
Co-MFS Migration Cookbook7.2
.cob file IDE TG2.1
COBDIR environment variable Fileshare User's Guide2.2
accessing control blocks IDE TG5.3
code compatibility Migration Cookbook7.5.3
comment in BMS macro CICS Option TG1.3
Compiler IDE TGCh1
concepts Language ReferenceCh2
condition Getting Started29.5.2.3
control block access IDE TG5.3
dialect Getting Started29.2.3 , 30.1.6 , 32.1.6
editing source errors Getting Started5.3.8
examples LR - Additional TopicsCh6
fundamentals Language ReferenceCh3
introduction Language ReferenceCh1
language definition Language ReferenceCh4
object extensions Language ReferenceCh17
object-oriented syntax User's Guide8.13
obsolete elements LR - Additional TopicsCh7
run-time error messages Fileshare User's Guide9.1
source format Language Reference1.2 , 3.10
syntax help Getting StartedCh3
syntax summary Language ReferenceApA
word Language Reference2.2.2.1
COBOL compiler directive
See Compiler directive
COBOL condition
result User's Guide22.2.4
validation User's Guide22.2.3
COBOL for OS/390 Migration Cookbook21.2.1
COBOL Header Bar User's Guide12.6.1.1 ,
COBOL item
finding Migration Cookbook8.2.3
COBOL program
and DB2 ECM Host Compat. Option TG18.4
breakpoint Getting Started13.3.5
User's Guide8.2
called by Assembler Assembler Option TG1.2.4
compiling on the mainframe Getting Started11.3.3
copying to the mainframe Getting Started11.3.2
debugging Getting StartedCh13
User's GuideCh8
editing User's GuideCh6
entry point mapping User's Guide15.2
failed IDE TG1.3.2
finding parts of Getting Started13.3.6
low-memory address emulation IDE TG5.2.1
PPT entry User's Guide33.2.4.3
statistics Getting Started13.3.7
COBOL Source Information Migration Cookbook7.2 , 8.2.3
COBOL system-directing sentence Language Reference3.9.2.4
COBOL system-directing statement Language Reference3.9.2.3
COBOL Workbench
environment variable Migration CookbookCh4
interface to Data Tools Migration Cookbook9.2.2
migrating from IDE TG4.6
Migration CookbookCh7
COBOL370 Compiler directive Language Reference8.25
COBSQL Migration Cookbook7.4.3
COBSW environment variable Migration CookbookCh4
cobtcp.so support module Configuring CCI5.1.1
CODE clause LR - Additional Topics1.4.7
Code compatibility Migration Cookbook7.5.3
Code fragment User's Guide20.1 , 20.1.1 , 20.2
CODE-SET clause Language Reference8.5
Codecomp utility User's Guide27.4
and SQL Option User's Guide39.10
Codepage utility Migration Cookbook14.2.1.2
configuring User's Guide10.4
CODESET EBCDIC location Migration Cookbook14.2.1.2
COL special register LR - Additional Topics10.1
Collating sequence Host Compat. Option TG18.3
Language Reference10.4.2 , ApB
User's Guide27.5
COLLATING SEQUENCE clause Language Reference6.2.2
MERGE statement Language Reference14.1
SORT statement Language Reference16.4
COLLECTION DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
Host Compatibility Option Getting Started39.3.3
3270 terminal emulator CICS Option TG7.2
customizing User's Guide9.1.6
in Assembler debugger User's Guide29.3
in BMS Getting Started21.3.5
Workbench component Migration Cookbook7.2
function Host Compat. Option TG2.4.1
in DDL file Host Compat. Option TG10.7
name format Host Compat. Option TG14.7
selection Migration Cookbook8.2.6
User's Guide6.1
COLUMN clause Language Reference9.8
COLUMN NUMBER clause LR - Additional Topics1.4.13
Columns in list
rearranging Getting StartedA.7
COM-REG special register LR - Additional TopicsCh9
Combined condition Language Reference10.4.3.2
syntax summary Language ReferenceA.8.7
Combined relation condition
abbreviated Language Reference10.4.4
Command code
SSA User's Guide37.5.1.1
Command line Migration Cookbook7.3
compiling from User's Guide9.5
Data File Converter Administrator's Guide4.2.2.1
Migration Cookbook9.2.2
DDL Processor tool Host Compat. Option TG10.10
Export Data tool Host Compat. Option TG12.11
Import Data tool Host Compat. Option TG13.12
MDECONV Administrator's Guide4.1.1.3 , 4.1.2
Command prompt
copying Getting StartedA.15
in Animator V2 Migration Cookbook8.2.7
COMMAND-LINE function-name Language Reference12.1 , 12.13
Commands sent to SCM Administrator's Guide6.3
in-line Language Reference3.10.5.1
send to Micro Focus Getting StartedApB
Comment line Language Reference1.2.1.1 , , 1.2.2 , , 3.10.5
User's Guide20.2 , 20.3
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.6 , 5.4
Comment-entry Language Reference1.2.2 , , 5.1
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.6 , 5.4
Commit database
CICS Option CICS Option TG8.2
IMS option IMS Option TG4.5 , 4.6
COMMIT DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
COMMIT statement Fileshare User's Guide4.1
Language Reference12.8
COMMON clause Language Reference5.2
Common Communications Interface Administrator's GuideCh5
CICS Option TG6.1
and Mainframe Access Administrator's Guide3.1
CCI Configuring CCICh1
Fileshare Server CICS Option TG6.2.2
Common program Language Reference3.7.1
Common Source Code Control Interface Getting Started1.2
CommsBufferLth setting in rmtims.ini IMS Option TG18.2.7
CommsDLLName setting in rmtims.ini IMS Option TG18.2.7
CommsProduct setting in rmtims.ini IMS Option TG18.2.7
run-unit Language Reference3.7
Communication vector table IDE TG5.2.3
CICS Option Administrator's GuideCh12
CICS Option TGCh5
Fileshare Fileshare User's Guide2.1.2.2 , Ch8 , 9.2
Host Compatibility Option Host Compat. Option TG8.4
inbound Administrator's Guide12.3.7
PC to mainframe Administrator's Guide12.3
PC to PC Administrator's Guide12.4
Remote IMS IMS Option TGCh25
Communications Module Migration Cookbook7.2
COMP usage Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 8.25
Microsoft COBOL LR - Additional Topics10.3.1
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.2.4
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.1.7.1
COMP-0 usage
Microsoft COBOL LR - Additional Topics10.3.1
COMP-1 usage Language Reference2.6.4.3
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.2.4
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.4.8
COMP-2 usage Language Reference2.6.4.3
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.4.8
COMP-3 usage Language Reference2.6.4.4 , 8.25
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.4.8
COMP-4 usage Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 8.25
COMP-5 Compiler directive Language Reference2.6.4.5 , 8.25
COMP-5 usage Language Reference2.6.4.5 , 8.25
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.1.7.1 , 13.4.8
COMP-6 usage
RM/COBOL LR - Additional Topics11.2.4
COMP-X usage Language Reference2.6.4.5 , 8.25
source control User's Guide26.2.2
backward Migration CookbookCh19 , Ch20 , Ch21 , Ch22 , 22.4
code Migration Cookbook7.5.3
XDB version Migration Cookbook14.2.2
Compilation group Language Reference4.2
Compiler directive IDE TG1.2
Language Reference3.9.2.5 , 18.2
Migration CookbookCh2 , 5.1
User's Guide4.1 , 9.5
ACCEPTREFRESH Language Reference12.1
ALIGN Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 12.4 , 17.1
ALPHASTART Language Reference6.2.3
AMODE Assembler Option TG2.1
CICS Option TG2.1
Migration CookbookCh6
User's Guide15.1.1
APOST Language Reference2.2.4.3
Assembler Assembler Option TG1.1
ASSIGN LR - Additional TopicsCh9
Language Reference6.3.2
AUTOLOCK Language Reference10.6.5.3
BYTE-MODE-MOVE Language Reference14.2
CALLFH Fileshare User's Guide2.1.1
CALLSORT Language Reference16.4
CASE Language Reference5.2 , 12.4
CHARSET Administrator's Guide4.
Language Reference6.2.3
COBOL370 Language Reference8.25
COMP-5 Language Reference2.6.4.5 , 8.25
CONSTANT Language Reference18.5
COPYEXT Language Reference18.1.1
COPYLBR Language Reference18.1.1
COPYLIST Language Reference18.1.1
DATA Migration CookbookCh6
User's Guide15.1.1
DATACOMPRESS Fileshare User's Guide4.6.2.3 , 6.3.1
DATE Language Reference5.9
DB2 Host Compat. Option TG18.5
DBCS LR - Additional Topics4.1 , 4.8
Language Reference14.2
DBSPACE LR - Additional Topics4.8 , 5.6
Language Reference14.2
DE-EDIT Language Reference14.2
DEFAULT-BYTE Language Reference5.2 , 7.5
DEFAULTCALLS Language Reference10.2 , 12.4
DG LR - Additional TopicsCh12
DOSVS LR - Additional TopicsCh9
DYNAM Language Reference12.4
EVALUATE Language Reference18.2.5
FDCLEAR Language Reference16.14
FLAG LR - Additional TopicsCh8
Language Reference3.1 , 10.5.5
FLAGSTD Language Reference5.1
FOLD-CALL-NAME Language Reference12.4
FOLD-COPY-NAME Language Reference18.1.1
IBMCOMP Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 6.2.3 , 8.22 , 8.25 , 12.4 , 17.1
IF Language Reference18.2.6
INTLEVEL Language Reference8.15
JAPANESE LR - Additional TopicsCh5 , 5.6
KEYCOMPRESS Fileshare User's Guide4.6.2.3 , 6.3.1
LITLINK Language Reference13.2
MAPNAME Language Reference5.2 , 12.4 , 17.1
MF-OO Language Reference17.1
MFCOMMENT Language Reference1.2.1.1 ,
NATIVE Language Reference6.2.2 , 6.2.3
NCHAR LR - Additional TopicsCh5 , 5.6
ODOOSVS Language Reference8.14
ODOSLIDE Language Reference8.14
OLDCOPY Language Reference18.1.1
OOCTRL Language Reference17.1
OPTIONAL-FILE Language Reference14.7
OSVS Language Reference2.6.5.5 , 10.4
PERFORM-TYPE LR - Additional Topics11.3.9
Language Reference15.1
PREPROCESSOR Migration Cookbook7.4.1
processing order IDE TG1.2.3
PROGID-COMMENT Language Reference5.2
QUOTE Language Reference2.2.4.3
RDFPATH Language Reference6.2.4
REPOSITORY Language Reference3.3 , 17.1 , 18.2.7
RETRYLOCK Language Reference15.2
REWRITE-LS Language Reference14.7
RM LR - Additional TopicsCh11
RMODE Assembler Option TG2.1
SEQCHK Language Reference3.10.1.1
SEQUENTIAL Language Reference3.5.2 , 6.3.2
setting in IDE IDE TG1.2.1
setting in program IDE TG1.2.2
SOURCEFORMAT Language Reference1.2.2 , 5.1
STICKY-LINKAGE Language Reference10.2 , 13.2 , 16.3
SWITCH-TYPE Language Reference10.4.2.5
SYMBSTART Language Reference6.2.3
TRACE LR - Additional Topics2.3.1 , 2.3.2
TRUNC Language Reference2.6.4.2 , 14.2
VSC2 LR - Additional TopicsCh8
WARNING Language Reference10.5.5
WRITE-LOCK Language Reference15.5 , 16.14
XOPEN Language Reference12.1
Compiler-directing statement Language ReferenceCh18
Compiling Getting Started5.3.7
and DB2 ECM Host Compat. Option TG18.4
order Getting Started5.3.7
Compiling Assembler program User's Guide28.3.3
customizing User's Guide9.5
directive Assembler Option TG1.1
Compiling COBOL program User's Guide4.1
customizing User's Guide9.5
dialect checking IDE TG1.3.1
directive IDE TG1.2
error IDE TG1.4
intermediate code IDE TG1.1
object-oriented syntax IDE TG1.5
optimized code IDE TG1.1
phase IDE TG1.1
setting directive in IDE IDE TG1.2.1
setting directive in program IDE TG1.2.2
Compiling with CICS Option User's Guide33.6
Complex condition Language Reference10.4.3
Component Generator
using with CICS Option CICS Option TG9.2.1
COMPOSITE Linker directive Migration Cookbook20.2.1
Composite of operands Language Reference10.5.4 , 12.2 , 12.14 , 14.3 , 16.8
data and key Fileshare User's Guide6.3
See COMP usage
See COMP-1 usage
See COMP-6 usage
See COMP usage
See COMP-0 usage
See COMP-1 usage
See COMP-2 usage
See COMP-3 usage
See COMP-4 usage
See COMP-5 usage
See COMP-X usage
COMPUTE statement Language Reference12.9
Computer-name Language Reference2.2.2.1
Con special name Migration Cookbook11.2
CONCAT DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
Concatenated search path Migration Cookbook13.2.2
User's Guide5.4.4
IMS Option IMS Option TG1.2
Concatenated segment IMS Option TG6.9
Concatenation expression Language Reference2.2.4.5
Condition Language Reference10.4
evaluation rules Language Reference10.4.4.1
syntax summary Language ReferenceA.8
Condition-name Language Reference2.2.2.1 , , 2.5.1 ,
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics5.11.1.1
Condition-name condition Language Reference10.4.2.4
syntax summary Language ReferenceA.8.4
Condition-name rules Language Reference8.26
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.14.10
segment layout User's Guide38.2
Conditional compilation Language Reference18.2.1 , 18.5
example LR - Additional Topics6.7
Conditional expression Language Reference10.4
constant Language Reference18.2.3
DBCS characters LR - Additional Topics4.15.1 , 5.11.1
Object COBOL Language Reference17.10.1
Conditional record layout Getting Started12.3.5
User's Guide12.2
modifying User's Guide12.9.2
Conditional segment layout Getting Started25.3.11
Conditional sentence Language Reference3.9.2.2
Conditional statement Getting Started29.1 , ,
Language Reference3.9.2.1
Conditional variable Language Reference8.12 , 8.26 , 16.3
3270 terminal emulator Administrator's GuideCh11
backward compatibility Migration Cookbook19.2.3
BMS screen painter User's Guide32.2
CCIAPPC Configuring CCICh2
CCIIPX Configuring CCICh3
CCINAMPU Configuring CCICh6
CCINETB Configuring CCICh4
CCITCP Configuring CCICh5
CICS Option communications Administrator's GuideCh12
CICS Option distributed processing CICS Option TGCh5
CICS Option security Administrator's GuideCh10
CICS region CICS Option TGCh4
Data File Editor User's Guide11.3
DataConnect Getting Started10.3.1
default terminal Administrator's Guide12.3.4.3
distributed program linking CICS Option TG5.4.3
distributed transaction processing CICS Option TG5.5.2
DLC over 802.2 Configuring CCIApI , ApJ
ECI Client CICS Option TG9.3.3.2
Fileshare CICS Option TGCh6
Fileshare Client Fileshare User's Guide2.1.2 , 3.1
Fileshare Manager Fileshare User's Guide6.6.2
Fileshare Server Fileshare User's Guide2.2.1 , 3.2 , 6.8
for MQSeries CICS Option TG9.3.1.1
for Universal Clients CICS Option TG9.3.2.1 ,
function shipping CICS Option TG5.2.2
host communications Administrator's Guide12.3
Host Compatibility Option Host Compat. Option TGCh6
IMS Database Editor User's Guide37.4
IMS Option Getting Started24.3.9
IMS Option TG1.1.2
User's Guide35.3
IMS Option supervisor IMS Option TG2.10.1
Mainframe Access Administrator's Guide3.1
Getting Started10.3.1
mainframe for Remote IMS IMS Option TGCh21
of interface User's Guide9.1
PC communications for IMS Option IMS Option TGCh20
PC to PC communications Administrator's Guide12.4
peer network Administrator's Guide12.4.1
printer for CICS Option Administrator's Guide11.8
Remote IMS Requester IMS Option TGCh18
Remote IMS Server IMS Option TGCh22
SNA Server Administrator's Guide12.3.2 , 12.4.2
SourceConnect Getting Started10.3.1
SQL Option User's Guide39.8
testing Remote IMS IMS Option TGCh23
Tools menu Migration Cookbook7.3
transaction routing CICS Option TG5.3.3
two networks Administrator's Guide12.4.2
Universal Clients CICS Option TG9.3.2.2
Configuration file
Assembler Option Migration Cookbook16.2.1
CICS Option Migration Cookbook12.2.2
dfh3270.cfg CICS Option TG7.1 , 7.2
fhredir CICS Option TG6.3.2
file handler Migration Cookbook10.2.5 , 10.2.6
Fileshare CICS Option TG6.2.1
Host Compatibility Option Host Compat. Option TG6.1
Configuration Section Language Reference6.2
Conformance Language Reference3.6.6
Conformance testing User's Guide19.4 , 20.2.2
tutorial Getting StartedCh29
CONNECT DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
Connect Project to Source Control
source control User's Guide26.2.2
Connecting to source control Getting Started14.3.1
Connection definition CICS Option TG5.6.3
ConnectTimeout setting in rmtims.ini IMS Option TG18.2.8
Console daemon Migration Cookbook12.2.3
CONSTANT Compiler directive Language Reference18.5
Constant conditional expression Language Reference18.2.3
Constant-name Language Reference2.2.2.1 , , 2.5.1
rules Language Reference8.26
Contents directory entry IDE TG5.2.3
Context help Getting StartedCh3 , 5.3.13
button Getting StartedA.1
Context menu Getting StartedA.10
Context-sensitive word Language Reference2.2.2.1
Continuation of line Language Reference1.2.1.2 ,
CONTINUE statement Language Reference12.10
transferred between segments LR - Additional Topics3.1.1.3 , 3.1.3
Control block
accessing from COBOL IDE TG5.3
macro Assembler Option TG3.1
CONTROL clause LR - Additional Topics1.4.8 , 1.4.22
Language Reference9.9
Control comparison User's Guide24.2.1 , 24.2.2
CONTROL FOOTING phrase LR - Additional Topics1.4.21 , 1.4.21 , 1.4.22
CONTROL HEADING phrase LR - Additional Topics1.4.22
Control variable
Conversational program
SPA size User's Guide36.5
character set Administrator's Guide4.2.3.2
CICS Option TG9.4
data file Administrator's Guide4.2
floating-point format Administrator's Guide4.2.3.1
mainframe print file Administrator's Guide4.2.3.1 ,
source file Administrator's Guide4.1
variable-length records Administrator's Guide4.3
Conversion utility
MVS Workbench catalog Migration Cookbook17.2
PROXMVS catalog Migration Cookbook18.2
Convert3 Migration Cookbook7.2
Convert5 Migration Cookbook7.2
INSPECT statement Language Reference13.12
CONVERTPTRS Migration CookbookCh6
CONVTOD Assembler macro Migration Cookbook20.2.1
Copy data set utility IDE TG3.3
COPY DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
COPY statement Language Reference18.1.1
changing User's Guide6.3.4
DBDGEN IMS Option TG8.3.1
DG I COBOL LR - Additional Topics12.3.2
example LR - Additional Topics6.4 , 6.5
MFSGEN IMS Option TG8.5.1.2
PSBGEN IMS Option TG8.4.1
Siemens BS2000 COBOL LR - Additional Topics13.6.1
syntax summary Language ReferenceA.6.1
Copybook User's Guide4.7 , 6.3 , 39.7
Assembler Migration Cookbook16.2.4
BMS User's Guide32.7.2 , 33.6.1
closing User's Guide6.3.3
compiling Migration Cookbook9.2.6
creating record layout from Migration Cookbook9.2.6
generating Getting Started22.3.6
Host Compat. Option TG11.6
hiding User's Guide6.3.2
IMS source file IMS Option TG1.1.5
naming conflicts with SQL INCLUDE files User's Guide39.12
relocating IDE TG1.3
SDF array CICS Option TG1.2
showing User's Guide6.3.1
structure Getting Started13.3.7
COPYEXT Compiler directive Language Reference18.1.1
COPYLBR Compiler directive Language Reference18.1.1
COPYLIST Compiler directive Language Reference18.1.1
Core dump User's Guide8.10
in Assembler debugger User's Guide29.7.2
CORRESPONDING phrase Language Reference10.5.3
MOVE statement Language Reference14.2
Corrupt indexed file Administrator's Guide4.
User's GuideCh14
COS function Language Reference11.9.8
UNSTRING statement Language Reference16.11
Country code User's Guide27.1
blocking IMS Option TG25.6
side file IMS Option TG20.1
CpicSideFile setting in rmtims.ini IMS Option TG18.2.8
.cpy file IDE TG2.1
User's Guide28.3.1
CR character position symbol Language Reference8.15
Create Database tool Host Compat. Option TGCh7
Create Item command
Dimensions Administrator's Guide6.3
validation User's Guide22.2.3
Cross-reference Getting Started4.3
example LR - Additional Topics6.6
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
CRT status key Language Reference6.2.3
CRTE CICS transaction CICS Option TG5.3.1.1
cs character position symbol Language Reference8.15
See CICS system definition file
See COBOL Source Information
.ctl file IDE TG2.1
CTRACE DB2 directive option Host Compat. Option TG18.5.2
Ctrl key
in CICS Option Getting Started19.3.9
Ctrl+C Getting StartedA.12
Ctrl+F11 Migration Cookbook8.2.7
Ctrl+V Getting StartedA.12
Ctrl+X Getting StartedA.12
Ctrl+Z Getting Started13.3.2
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
CURRENCY directive Language Reference8.15
Currency sign Language Reference6.2
Currency symbol Language Reference8.15
Current Segment Arrow Getting Started26.3.2.1
User's Guide37.3.1.1 , 37.9.2
CURRENT-DATE function Language Reference11.9.9
CURRENT-DATE special register Language Reference2.2.4.6
CURSOR clause
Special-Names paragraph Language Reference6.2.3
Custom tool User's Guide9.1.5
IDE User's GuideCh9
IMS Option IMS Option TGCh1
Cut and paste Getting StartedA.12
CVT control block IDE TG5.2.3

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