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IDRARestServerGetIntegrationServersRequest Method

Either gets the properties of the specified integration server or returns a list of all integration servers of the specified type.
UriTemplate: /dra/integrations/{integrationType}/servers/get

integrationType Map:
  • unifiedChangeHistory - Unified Change History
  • worflowAutomation - Workflow Automation

Namespace:  NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary
Assembly:  NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary (in NetIQ.DRA.RestServiceLibrary.dll) Version:
[WebInvokeAttribute(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, 
	RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, 
	UriTemplate = "/dra/integrations/{integrationType}/servers/get")]
Stream GetIntegrationServersRequest(
	string integrationType,
	IntegrationServer server,
	ConnectionParameters connectionParameters


Type: SystemString
A string identifying integration type of the server. For example, 'unifiedChangeHistory' for Unified Change History and 'worflowAutomation' for Workflow Automation.
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModelsIntegrationServer
A IntegrationServer object containing its configuration parameters.
Type: NetIQ.DRA.Common.Rest.DataModelsConnectionParameters
Optional ConnectionParameters to specify a DRA server and Assistant Admin credentials

Return Value

Type: Stream
A GetIntegrationServerPropertiesResponse when the properties of a specific server are requested, otherwise a IntegrationServerListResponse.
See Also