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Customizing - User Scripts

Use the following options to specify locations where you can save and archive user scripts.

Parameters are included below with the following_font.

Check for missing user scripts

Parameter: check_user_scripts

This option instructs the Databridge Client to return a warning if the "create table" and "create index" user scripts cannot be found and executed. User scripts are executed after the Databridge Client scripts are used to create tables and indexes during Process and Clone commands.

User scripts directory (192 characters or less)

Parameter: user_script_dir

Specifies the location where data source customizations are saved as user scripts. If a problem occurs, you can use these scripts to restore your Client control table customizations using a Define/Redefine command. This parameter defaults to "scripts", which is a sub-directory of the Client's working directory.

When file security is enabled, the user scripts directory must be inside the Databridge Client's working directory to prevent unauthorized access. If you have common scripts among the various data sources in the working directory you could set the User scripts directory to ..\UserScripts. If this is done, you must manually create the directory.

User scripts archive directory (192 characters or less)

Parameter: user_scr_backup

(Optional) Specifies the location to which archival copies of user scripts are saved when you run the Create Scripts command. If a directory is not specified, scripts are archived to subdirectories of the user script directory.