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Logging/Tracing - Trace

Use this page to configure settings for trace files. To specify activities to trace, use the Default Trace and Log Options dialog box by select the Advanced button on the data sources page and selecting Trace and Log Options.

Both Client programs (DBClient and dbutility) use a trace file (prefixYYYYMMDD*[_*HHMMSS*].log). The time part is only included in the name when a trace file switch occurs and the new and old file names are the same. The DBClntCfgServer program uses a different log file with "_cfg" appended to the prefix. The makefilter utility, also uses a different log file with "_flt" appended to the prefix.

Trace file parameters are included below with the following_font.

Maximum file size**

Parameter: max_file_size

Use this option to specify the size limit of trace files. Enter a number with a suffix of K, M and G to indicate the unit of measure (kilobyte, megabyte, or gigabyte). When enabled, an input field will be available to enter the desired size limit. When the configured size limit is reached, a new trace file is generated with a time part prefix in the file name.

Filename prefix

Parameter: file_name_prefix

Use this option to specify a string (up to 20 characters in length) to replace the default prefix "trace" for future trace files.