! A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
C-ISAM file format | Administrator's Guide | , |
Cache | ||
dynamic database | IMS Option TG | 3.10 |
Calculator | ||
in Assembler debugger | User's Guide | 28.10 |
CALL Assembler macro | Assembler Option TG | 1.2.2 |
Call convention | Language Reference | |
Call interface | ||
autoinstall control program | Administrator's Guide | 9.2.4 |
Data File Converter | Administrator's Guide | |
IMS Option | Administrator's Guide | 14.3 |
CALL linker directive | Migration Cookbook | 16.2.2 |
CALL prototype | Language Reference | 3.4 , 3.8.1 , , 5.2 , , 12.1.4 |
example | LR - Additional Topics | 7.1 , 7.1.1 |
CALL statement | LR - Additional Topics | 5.15.4 , 13.3.1 |
Language Reference | , 12.1.4 | |
User's Guide | 20.1.1 , 20.3.3 | |
literal in | LR - Additional Topics | 12.3.1 |
CALL TSO command | IDE TG | 6.2 |
CALL-CONVENTION clause | Language Reference | |
Call/Perform stack | Getting Started | 13.3.3 |
Migration Cookbook | 8.2.2 | |
User's Guide | 8.6 , 8.9 |
CALLed program | User's Guide | 8.5 , 8.6 |
CALLFH Compiler directive | Fileshare UG | 2.1.1 |
CALLGIO sample program | Administrator's Guide | 14.1 |
IMS Option TG | 1.5.4 |
CALLGIO2 sample program | Administrator's Guide | 14.3 |
CALLSORT Compiler directive | Language Reference | 16.1.4 |
CALLUTIL sample program | Administrator's Guide | 14.1 , 14.3 |
CANCEL statement | LR - Additional Topics | 5.15.5 |
Language Reference | , 12.1.5 |
Canceled program | ||
accessing data | User's Guide | 15.1.2 |
.cap file | IDE TG | 2.1 |
Migration Cookbook | 16.1 |
Case | Getting Started | 4.2 , 5.3.4 , 9.1 |
CASE Compiler directive | Language Reference | 5.2 |
Catalog | Assembler Option TG | 3.1 |
Getting Started | 5.3.4 | |
Migration Cookbook | 10.1 | |
User's Guide | 2.4 , 16.3.1 | |
accessing at run time | Assembler Option TG | 2.2 |
adding file | Getting Started | 5.3.5 |
Migration Cookbook | 3.1.4 | |
backward compatibility | Migration Cookbook | 19.2.2 |
corrupt | User's Guide | 14.4 |
Data Tools | Migration Cookbook | 9.2.1 |
database catalog type | IMS Option TG | 3.7 |
distributing to users | Administrator's Guide | 1.3.1 |
entry | User's Guide | 3.2.4 |
MVS Workbench | Migration Cookbook | 17.2 |
ProxDM command | Migration Cookbook | 18.1 |
PROXMVS | Migration Cookbook | 18.2 |
use check box | User's Guide | 10.3 |
workgroup | Administrator's Guide | |
Catalog Browser | User's Guide | 36.4.2 |
Catalog Database tool | Host Compat. Option TG | Ch8 |
Catalog Server tool | Host Compat. Option TG | Ch7 |
Catalog View | Getting Started | 5.3.4 |
User's Guide | 3.2.3 , 3.2.4 |
Cataloged | ||
file | Getting Started | 5.3.6 |
User's Guide | 11.3.1 | |
procedure | Getting Started | 7.3.1 |
User's Guide | 17.1.1 |
Category of data | Language Reference | 2.6 |
Category of statement | Language Reference | |
.cbl file | IDE TG | 2.1 |
CBLOPTS language environment | IDE TG | 7.2 |
CBLTDLI routine | IMS Option TG | 1.5.2 |
CCC/LCM data set | Administrator's Guide | 3.1 |
CCI | Configuring CCI | Ch1 |
See Common Communications Interface | ||
and Fileshare | Configuring CCI | 7.2 |
and Mainframe Access | Configuring CCI | 7.1 |
client protocol | Fileshare UG | , 3.1 |
communications | Fileshare UG | Ch8 |
configuration utility | Configuring CCI | 5.1.3 |
error messages | Configuring CCI | Ch10 |
Fileshare UG | 9.2 | |
server protocol | Fileshare UG | 3.2 |
timeout | Fileshare UG | 8.4 |
trace | Fileshare UG | 8.3 |
cci.ini file | Configuring CCI | Ch9 |
CCIIPX configuration | Configuring CCI | 3.2.1 |
CCINAMPU configuration | Configuring CCI | 6.1.3 |
CCINETB configuration | Configuring CCI | 4.2 |
CCITCP configuration | Configuring CCI | |
trace options | Configuring CCI | 8.2.2 |
CCIAPPC configuration | Configuring CCI | Ch2 |
CCIIPX configuration | Configuring CCI | Ch3 |
CCINAMPU configuration | Configuring CCI | Ch6 |
CCINETB configuration | Configuring CCI | Ch4 |
CCITCP configuration | Configuring CCI | Ch5 |
cci.ini file | Configuring CCI | |
direct connection | Configuring CCI | 5.2.2 |
environment variables | Configuring CCI | |
UNIX | Configuring CCI | 5.1.4 |
CCITCP2 daemon process | Configuring CCI | 5.1.5 |
debug option | Configuring CCI | 5.2.1 |
NT service | Configuring CCI | 5.2.1 |
ccitcp2 daemon process | Fileshare UG | 8.2 |
CCITCP2 environment variable | Fileshare UG | 8.2 |
ccitrace.log | Configuring CCI | Ch8 |
CCSIDG DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.3 |
CCSIDM DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.3 |
CCSIDS DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.3 |
CDE control block | IDE TG | 5.2 |
Cdlidemo project | Getting Started | 32.3.1 |
CEDA CICS transaction | Administrator's Guide | 10.3.4 |
CESN CICS transaction | Administrator's Guide | 8.4 |
CHAIN statement | Language Reference | 12.1.6 |
CHANGED option | LR - Additional Topics | 11.4.4 |
CHAR function | Language Reference | 11.9.6 |
CHAR-NATIONAL function | Language Reference | 11.9.7 |
Character mode tool | Migration Cookbook | 7.4.2 |
Character set | Administrator's Guide | , |
Getting Started | 1.1 | |
Language Reference | 2.1 , ApB | |
User's Guide | 16.4 , 26.1 , 32.4 | |
changing | User's Guide | 11.8.2 |
conversion | Administrator's Guide | 4.1 , |
CICS Option TG | 9.1 | |
User's Guide | 12.2 , 26.4 , 29.5.4 | |
data file | User's Guide | 10.3 |
for command-line utility | User's Guide | 26.4 |
for DOS applications | User's Guide | 26.1 |
in database | Host Compat. Option TG | Ch6 |
source file | Migration Cookbook | 7.5.2 |
Character-mode | ||
application | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 |
Character-string | Language Reference | 2.2.2 |
CHARSET Compiler directive | Administrator's Guide | |
CHARSET(EBCDIC) directive | ||
DB2 ECM | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.1 |
CHARSUB DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.3 |
CHECKPOINT statement | ||
EXEC DLI | IMS Option TG | 10.1 |
CHNG system exit | IMS Option TG | 1.5.8 |
CICS Option | ||
3270 terminal emulator | Administrator's Guide | Ch9 |
Getting Started | 17.3.9 | |
User's Guide | 29.2.3 | |
and Assembler Option | Assembler Option TG | 1.1 |
Migration Cookbook | 16.1 | |
and CCI | Administrator's Guide | Ch5 |
and distributed applications | Administrator's Guide | Ch12 |
API | User's Guide | 29.2.1 , 32.3 |
application development | CICS Option TG | Ch2 |
User's Guide | 29.2 , Ch32 | |
BMS screen painter | CICS Option TG | Ch1 |
User's Guide | 29.2.4 , 30.2 , Ch31 , 32.5 | |
BMS-related command | CICS Option TG | 2.3 |
build settings | User's Guide | 32.6.2 |
CEDA transaction | Administrator's Guide | 10.3.4 |
CESN transaction | Administrator's Guide | 8.4 |
character set | User's Guide | 29.5.4 , 32.4 |
Clear key | Getting Started | 17.3.9 |
communications | Administrator's Guide | Ch10 |
User's Guide | 29.5.1 | |
compiling | User's Guide | 32.6 |
configuration | CICS Option TG | Ch4 |
configuration file | Migration Cookbook | 12.2.2 |
configuration for distributed processing | CICS Option TG | Ch5 |
CRTE transaction | CICS Option TG | |
Ctrl key | Getting Started | 17.3.9 |
database | User's Guide | 29.2.5 |
debugging | Getting Started | 17.3.10 |
User's Guide | 29.2.2 , 30.5 , 32.7 | |
defining a transaction | Getting Started | 17.3.5 |
Enter key | Getting Started | 17.3.9 |
environment variable | Migration Cookbook | Ch4 |
Escape key | Getting Started | 17.3.9 |
External CICS Interface | User's Guide | 29.5.5 |
External Presentation Interface | User's Guide | 29.5.6 |
file | User's Guide | 29.2.5 , 32.2.4 |
Files View | User's Guide | 30.2 |
Fileshare | CICS Option TG | Ch6 |
User's Guide | 29.5.2 | |
installation verification | Administrator's Guide | Ch6 |
installation verification for communications | Administrator's Guide | Ch7 |
interface | User's Guide | Ch30 |
intersystem communication | CICS Option TG | Ch5 |
log | Getting Started | 17.3.9 |
logical cancel mode | CICS Option TG | 9.4 |
overview | User's Guide | Ch29 |
preprocessor | Migration Cookbook | 12.1 |
printer | Administrator's Guide | 9.8 |
program | User's Guide | 32.2.4 |
region | CICS Option TG | Ch4 |
Getting Started | 17.3.9 , 18.3.1 | |
User's Guide | 29.3 | |
remote PC | Administrator's Guide | 10.4.3 |
resource definition | Administrator's Guide | Ch11 |
User's Guide | 29.4 | |
resource definition file | Administrator's Guide | |
Getting Started | 17.3.3 | |
running application | Getting Started | 17.3.9 |
security | Administrator's Guide | Ch8 |
User's Guide | 29.5.3 | |
setting up environment | User's Guide | 32.2 |
shared page | CICS Option TG | 9.7 |
shared storage | Migration Cookbook | 6.3 |
sharing files | CICS Option TG | Ch6 |
User's Guide | 29.5.2 | |
source code | User's Guide | 32.3 |
starting | Administrator's Guide | 10.3.6 |
startup list | Administrator's Guide | 11.3 |
Getting Started | 26.2.1 , 28.2.1 | |
system call | User's Guide | 20.1.1 , 20.2 , 20.3.3 |
tools menu | User's Guide | 30.4 |
transaction | User's Guide | 20.1.1 , 20.3.3 |
tutorial | Getting Started | Ch17 , Ch18 , Ch19 , Ch31 , Ch32 , Ch33 , Ch34 |
with other options | Getting Started | Ch31 , Ch32 , Ch33 , Ch34 |
workgroup | Administrator's Guide | |
CICS system definition file | Administrator's Guide | 11.1 |
CICS View | Getting Started | 17.3.3 |
User's Guide | 3.2.7 , 30.3 |
CICS/ESA API | User's Guide | 29.2.1 , 32.3 |
Cicsdb2 project | Getting Started | 26.1.1 , 28.1.1 |
Cicsdemo project | Getting Started | 17.3.1 , 18.2 , 19.2 |
Class | Language Reference | 3.6.1 , 5.1 |
body | Language Reference | 17.4 |
condition | LR - Additional Topics | , |
Language Reference | | |
extension | Language Reference | 17.3 |
inheritance | Language Reference | 3.6.8 , 5.3 |
object | Language Reference | 17.5 |
of data | Language Reference | 2.6 |
parameterized | Language Reference | , 3.6.10 |
Class Browser | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 |
CLASS clause | Language Reference | |
Class Library | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 |
CLASS-CONTROL paragraph | Language Reference | 5.3 |
CLASS-ID paragraph | Language Reference | 5.3 , 17.2 |
Clear key | ||
in CICS Option | Getting Started | 17.3.9 |
Click | Getting Started | 4.2 |
Client | ||
Fileshare | CICS Option TG | 6.3 |
Fileshare UG | 1.2 | |
IMS Option TG | 2.3 | |
remote CICS | Migration Cookbook | 12.2.6 |
Client communication protocol | ||
Fileshare | CICS Option TG | 6.3.2 |
Client installation of SNA server | Administrator's Guide | |
Clipboard | User's Guide | 9.2.3 |
use with Application Output window | User's Guide | 3.3.2 |
CLIST | ||
built-in function | IDE TG | 6.5 |
control variable | IDE TG | 6.7 |
differences from mainframe | User's Guide | 16.7 |
distributing to users | Administrator's Guide | 1.3.2 |
file statement | IDE TG | 6.6 |
from mfextmap.dat | Migration Cookbook | 11.2 |
operator | IDE TG | 6.4 |
running | User's Guide | 16.1.2 |
statement | IDE TG | 6.3 |
to migrate parmpass.dat | Migration Cookbook | 7.4.6 |
tutorial | Getting Started | Ch6 |
USERIMS | IDE TG | 6.1 |
USERTSO | IDE TG | 6.1 |
CLOSE Assembler macro | Assembler Option TG | 3.2 , 3.3 , 3.4 |
Close button | Getting Started | A.1 |
CLOSE statement | LR - Additional Topics | 1.5.2 , 12.3.8 |
Language Reference | 12.1.7 |
Closed fragment | Getting Started | 25.1 |
User's Guide | 20.1.1 , 20.2 |
CLS TSO command | IDE TG | 6.2 |
/cm option | Fileshare UG | 3.1 , 3.2 , 8.1 |
Co-MFS | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 |
.cob file | IDE TG | 2.1 |
COBDIR environment variable | Fileshare UG | 2.2 |
COBOL | ||
code compatibility | Migration Cookbook | 7.5.3 |
comment in BMS macro | CICS Option TG | 1.3 |
Compiler | IDE TG | Ch1 |
concepts | Language Reference | Ch2 |
condition | Getting Started | |
dialect | Getting Started | 25.2.3 , 26.1.6 , 28.1.6 |
editing source errors | Getting Started | 5.3.8 |
example | LR - Additional Topics | Ch7 |
introduction | Language Reference | Ch1 |
language extension | LR - Additional Topics | 6.3 |
object oriented | Language Reference | Ch17 |
object-oriented syntax | User's Guide | 8.12 |
obsolete language element | LR - Additional Topics | Ch8 |
Report Writer | LR - Additional Topics | Ch1 |
run-time error messages | Fileshare UG | 9.1 |
source format | Language Reference | 1.2 , 3.10 |
structure | Language Reference | 2.2 |
syntax help | Getting Started | Ch3 |
syntax summary | Language Reference | ApA |
word | Language Reference | |
COBOL compiler directive | ||
See Compiler directive |
COBOL condition | ||
result | User's Guide | 22.2.4 |
validation | User's Guide | 22.2.3 |
COBOL item | ||
finding | Migration Cookbook | 8.2.3 |
COBOL program | Language Reference | 5.1 |
and DB2 ECM | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.4 |
breakpoint | Getting Started | 13.3.5 |
User's Guide | 8.2 | |
called by Assembler | Assembler Option TG | 1.2.2 |
communications | LR - Additional Topics | Ch2 |
compiling on the mainframe | Getting Started | 11.3.3 |
copying to the mainframe | Getting Started | 11.3.2 |
Debug Module | LR - Additional Topics | Ch3 |
debugging | Getting Started | Ch13 |
User's Guide | Ch8 | |
editing | User's Guide | Ch6 |
entry point mapping | User's Guide | 15.2 |
failed | IDE TG | 1.3.2 |
finding parts of | Getting Started | 13.3.6 |
PPT entry | User's Guide | |
screen handling | Language Reference | 9.1.1 |
segment | LR - Additional Topics | , 4.2 |
sequence | LR - Additional Topics | 4.1.3 |
statistics | Getting Started | 13.3.7 |
COBOL Source Information | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 , 8.2.3 |
COBOL Workbench | ||
environment variable | Migration Cookbook | Ch4 |
interface to Data Tools | Migration Cookbook | 9.2.2 |
migrating from | IDE TG | 4.5 |
Migration Cookbook | Ch7 |
COBSQL | Migration Cookbook | 7.4.3 |
CODE clause | LR - Additional Topics | 1.4.7 |
Code compatibility | Migration Cookbook | 7.5.3 |
Code fragment | User's Guide | 20.1 , 20.1.1 , 20.2 |
CODE-SET clause | Language Reference | |
Codecomp utility | User's Guide | 26.4 |
Codepage | ||
and SQL Option | User's Guide | 36.10 |
Codepage utility | Migration Cookbook | |
Codeset | ||
configuring | User's Guide | 10.4 |
CODESET EBCDIC location | Migration Cookbook | |
COL special register | LR - Additional Topics | 11.1 |
Collating sequence | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.3 |
Language Reference | , ApB | |
User's Guide | 26.5 |
COLLATING SEQUENCE clause | Language Reference | |
COLLATING SEQUENCE phrase | Language Reference | 14.1.1 , 16.1.4 |
COLLECTION DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.2 |
Color | LR - Additional Topics | 11.4.2 |
3270 terminal emulator | CICS Option TG | 7.2 |
customizing | User's Guide | 9.1.6 |
in Assembler debugger | User's Guide | 28.3 |
in BMS | Getting Started | 19.3.5 |
Workbench component | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 |
Column | ||
function | Host Compat. Option TG | 2.4.1 |
in DDL file | Host Compat. Option TG | 9.7 |
name format | Host Compat. Option TG | 13.7 |
selection | Migration Cookbook | 8.2.6 |
User's Guide | 6.1 |
COLUMN clause | Language Reference | |
COLUMN NUMBER clause | LR - Additional Topics | 1.4.13 |
Columns in list | ||
rearranging | Getting Started | A.7 |
COM-REG special register | LR - Additional Topics | Ch10 |
Combined condition | Language Reference | |
Combined relation condition | ||
abbreviated | Language Reference | |
Command line | Migration Cookbook | 7.3 |
compiling from | User's Guide | 9.5 |
Data File Converter | Administrator's Guide | |
Migration Cookbook | 9.2.2 | |
DBUTIL | IMS Option TG | 9.4 |
DDL Processor tool | Host Compat. Option TG | 9.10 |
Export Data tool | Host Compat. Option TG | 11.11 |
Import Data tool | Host Compat. Option TG | 12.12 |
MDECONV | Administrator's Guide | , 4.1.2 |
Command prompt | ||
copying | Getting Started | A.15 |
in Animator V2 | Migration Cookbook | 8.2.7 |
COMMAND-LINE function-name | Language Reference | 12.1.1 , 12.1.13 |
Comment line | Language Reference | 1.2.3 , , 3.10.5 |
User's Guide | 20.2 , 20.3 |
Comment-entry | LR - Additional Topics | 5.6 , 6.4 |
Language Reference | , 5.1 |
Commit database | ||
CICS Option | CICS Option TG | 8.2 |
IMS option | IMS Option TG | 4.5 , 4.6 |
COMMIT DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.2 |
COMMIT statement | Fileshare UG | 4.1 |
Language Reference | 12.1.8 |
COMMON clause | Language Reference | 5.2 , 5.2 |
Common Communications Interface | Administrator's Guide | Ch5 |
CICS Option TG | 6.1 | |
and Mainframe Access | Administrator's Guide | 3.1 |
CCI | Configuring CCI | Ch1 |
Fileshare Server | CICS Option TG | 6.2.2 |
Common program | Language Reference | 3.7.1 |
Communication | ||
between run units | Language Reference | 3.7 |
device | LR - Additional Topics | 2.2.6 |
in COBOL program | LR - Additional Topics | Ch2 |
Communication Description | LR - Additional Topics | 2.1.2 |
Communication Section | LR - Additional Topics | 2.1.1 |
Language Reference | 3.8.1 |
Communication vector table | IDE TG | 5.2 |
Communications | ||
CICS Option | Administrator's Guide | Ch10 |
Fileshare | Fileshare UG | , Ch8 , 9.2 |
Host Compatibility Option | Host Compat. Option TG | 7.4 |
inbound | Administrator's Guide | 10.3.7 |
PC to mainframe | Administrator's Guide | 10.3 |
CICS Option TG | 5.6.3 | |
PC to PC | Administrator's Guide | 10.4 |
CICS Option TG | 5.6.4 | |
Remote IMS | IMS Option TG | Ch26 |
Communications Module | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 |
COMP format | LR - Additional Topics | 11.3.1 , 12.2.4 |
Language Reference | 2.6.4 |
COMP-0 format | LR - Additional Topics | 11.3.1 |
COMP-1 format | LR - Additional Topics | 12.2.4 |
COMP-3 format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 |
COMP-4 format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 |
COMP-5 Compiler directive | Language Reference | |
COMP-5 format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 |
COMP-6 format | LR - Additional Topics | 12.2.4 |
COMP-X format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 |
Comparison | Language Reference | |
Compatibility | ||
backward | Migration Cookbook | Ch19 |
code | Migration Cookbook | 7.5.3 |
XDB version | Migration Cookbook | 14.2.2 |
Compilation group | Language Reference | Ch3 , Ch4 |
Compilation unit | Language Reference | 4.2.1 |
Compiler directive | IDE TG | 1.2 |
Language Reference | , 18.2 | |
Migration Cookbook | Ch2 , Ch5 | |
User's Guide | 4.1 , 9.5 | |
ACCEPTREFRESH | Language Reference | 12.1.1 |
ALIGN | Language Reference | , 17.1 |
ALPHASTART | Language Reference | |
AMODE | Assembler Option TG | 2.1 |
CICS Option TG | 9.5 | |
Migration Cookbook | Ch6 | |
User's Guide | 15.1.1 | |
APOST | Language Reference | |
Assembler | Assembler Option TG | 1.1 |
ASSIGN | LR - Additional Topics | Ch10 |
Language Reference | , | |
AUTOLOCK | Language Reference | |
BYTE-MODE-MOVE | Language Reference | 14.1.2 |
CALLFH | Fileshare UG | 2.1.1 |
CALLSORT | Language Reference | 16.1.4 |
CASE | Language Reference | 5.2 |
CHARSET | Administrator's Guide | |
COMP-5 | Language Reference | |
CONSTANT | Language Reference | 18.5 |
COPYEXT | Language Reference | 18.1.1 |
COPYLBR | Language Reference | 18.1.1 |
COPYLIST | Language Reference | 18.1.1 |
CURRENCY | Language Reference | |
DATA | Migration Cookbook | Ch6 |
User's Guide | 15.1.1 | |
DATACOMPRESS | Fileshare UG | , 6.3.1 |
DATE | Language Reference | 5.8 |
DB2 | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5 |
DBCS | LR - Additional Topics | 5.1 , 5.8 |
Language Reference | 14.1.2 | |
DBSPACE | LR - Additional Topics | 5.8 , 6.6 |
Language Reference | 14.1.2 | |
DE-EDIT | Language Reference | 14.1.2 |
DEFAULT-BYTE | Language Reference | 5.2 , 7.1.5 |
DG | LR - Additional Topics | Ch13 |
DOSVS | LR - Additional Topics | Ch10 |
EVALUATE | Language Reference | 18.2.5 |
FDCLEAR | Language Reference | 16.1.13 |
FLAG | LR - Additional Topics | Ch9 |
Language Reference | | |
FLAGSTD | Language Reference | |
FOLD-COPY-NAME | Language Reference | 18.1.1 |
IBMCOMP | Language Reference | , , , 17.1 |
IF | Language Reference | 18.2.6 |
JAPANESE | LR - Additional Topics | Ch6 |
KEYCOMPRESS | Fileshare UG | , 6.3.1 |
LIBRARIAN | Language Reference | 18.4.1 |
MAPNAME | Language Reference | 5.2 , 17.1 |
MF-OO | Language Reference | 17.1 |
MFCOMMENT | Language Reference | |
MS | LR - Additional Topics | Ch11 |
NATIVE | Language Reference | , |
NCHAR | LR - Additional Topics | Ch6 |
ODOOSVS | Language Reference | |
ODOSLIDE | Language Reference | |
OLDCOPY | LR - Additional Topics | 7.4 |
Language Reference | 18.1.1 | |
OOCTRL | Language Reference | 17.1 |
OPTIONAL-FILE | Language Reference | 14.1.7 |
OSVS | Language Reference | , 10.1.4 |
PERFORM-TYPE | LR - Additional Topics | 12.3.9 |
Language Reference | 15.1.1 | |
PREPROCESSOR | Migration Cookbook | 7.4.1 |
processing order | IDE TG | 1.2.3 |
PROGID-COMMENT | Language Reference | 5.2 |
QUOTE | Language Reference | |
RDFPATH | Language Reference | |
REPOSITORY | Language Reference | 3.3 , 17.1 , 18.2.7 |
RETRYLOCK | Language Reference | 15.1.2 |
REWRITE-LS | Language Reference | 14.1.7 |
RM | LR - Additional Topics | Ch12 |
RMODE | Assembler Option TG | 2.1 |
SEQCHK | Language Reference | |
SEQUENTIAL | Language Reference | 3.5.2 , |
setting in IDE | IDE TG | 1.2.1 |
setting in program | IDE TG | 1.2.2 |
SYMBSTART | Language Reference | |
TRACE | LR - Additional Topics | 3.3.1 , 3.3.2 |
TRUNC | Language Reference | , 14.1.2 |
VSC2 | LR - Additional Topics | Ch9 |
WARNING"3" | Language Reference | |
WRITE-LOCK | Language Reference | 15.1.5 , 16.1.13 |
XOPEN | Language Reference | 12.1.1 |
Compiler-directing statement | Language Reference | Ch18 |
Compiling | Getting Started | 5.3.7 |
and DB2 ECM | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.4 |
order | Getting Started | 5.3.7 |
Compiling Assembler program | User's Guide | 27.3.3 |
customizing | User's Guide | 9.5 |
directive | Assembler Option TG | 1.1 |
Compiling COBOL program | User's Guide | 4.1 |
customizing | User's Guide | 9.5 |
dialect checking | IDE TG | 1.3.1 |
directive | IDE TG | 1.2 |
error | IDE TG | 1.4 |
intermediate code | IDE TG | 1.1 |
object-oriented syntax | IDE TG | 1.5 |
optimized code | IDE TG | 1.1 |
phase | IDE TG | 1.1 |
setting directive in IDE | IDE TG | 1.2.1 |
setting directive in program | IDE TG | 1.2.2 |
Compiling with CICS Option | User's Guide | 32.6 |
Complex condition | Language Reference | , 18.2.3 |
Components of key | ||
defining | User's Guide | |
Composite of operands | Language Reference | , 12.1.2 , 12.1.14 , 14.1.3 , 16.1.8 |
Compression | ||
data and key | Fileshare UG | 6.3 |
COMPUTATIONAL format | LR - Additional Topics | 11.3.1 , 12.2.4 |
Language Reference | 2.6.4 , , |
COMPUTATIONAL-0 format | LR - Additional Topics | 11.3.1 |
COMPUTATIONAL-1 format | LR - Additional Topics | 12.2.4 |
Language Reference | 2.6.4 , |
COMPUTATIONAL-2 format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 , |
COMPUTATIONAL-3 format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 , |
COMPUTATIONAL-4 format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 , |
COMPUTATIONAL-5 format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 , |
COMPUTATIONAL-6 format | LR - Additional Topics | 12.2.4 |
COMPUTATIONAL-X format | Language Reference | 2.6.4 , |
COMPUTE statement | Language Reference | , 12.1.9 |
Computer-name | Language Reference | |
Con special name | Migration Cookbook | 11.2 |
CONCAT DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.2 |
Concatenated search path | Migration Cookbook | 13.2.2 |
User's Guide | 5.4.4 | |
IMS Option | IMS Option TG | 1.2 |
Concatenated segment | IMS Option TG | 6.9 |
Concatenation expression | Language Reference | |
Condition | Language Reference | 10.1.4 |
evaluation rules | Language Reference | |
Condition-name | LR - Additional Topics | |
Language Reference | , , 3.8.4 | |
rules | Language Reference | |
Condition-name condition | Language Reference | , |
Conditional | ||
compilation | Language Reference | 18.2.1 , 18.5 |
expression | LR - Additional Topics | 5.15.1 , 6.11.1 |
Language Reference | 10.1.4 , 17.10.1 , 18.2.3 | |
sentence | Language Reference | |
statement | Language Reference | , |
variable | Language Reference | , , 16.1.3 |
Conditional record layout | Getting Started | 12.3.5 |
User's Guide | 13.2 |
Conditional statement | Getting Started | 25.1 , , |
Configuration | ||
3270 terminal emulator | Administrator's Guide | Ch9 |
backward compatibility | Migration Cookbook | 19.2.3 |
BMS screen painter | User's Guide | 31.2 |
CCIAPPC | Configuring CCI | Ch2 |
CCIIPX | Configuring CCI | Ch3 |
CCINAMPU | Configuring CCI | Ch6 |
CCINETB | Configuring CCI | Ch4 |
CCITCP | Configuring CCI | Ch5 |
CICS Option communications | Administrator's Guide | Ch10 |
CICS Option distributed processing | CICS Option TG | Ch5 |
CICS Option security | Administrator's Guide | Ch8 |
CICS region | CICS Option TG | Ch4 |
DataConnect | Getting Started | 10.3.1 |
default terminal | Administrator's Guide | |
distributed program linking | CICS Option TG | 5.4.3 |
distributed transaction processing | CICS Option TG | 5.5.2 |
DLC over 802.2 | Configuring CCI | ApI , ApJ |
Fileshare | CICS Option TG | Ch6 |
Fileshare Client | Fileshare UG | 2.1.2 , 3.1 |
Fileshare Manager | Fileshare UG | 6.6.2 |
Fileshare Server | Fileshare UG | 2.2.1 , 3.2 , 6.8 |
function shipping | CICS Option TG | 5.2.2 |
host communications | Administrator's Guide | 10.3 |
Host Compatibility Option | Host Compat. Option TG | Ch5 |
IMS Option | Getting Started | 22.3.9 |
IMS Option TG | 1.1.2 | |
User's Guide | 34.3 | |
IMS Option supervisor | IMS Option TG | 2.10.1 |
Mainframe Access | Administrator's Guide | 3.1 |
Getting Started | 10.3.1 | |
mainframe for Remote IMS | IMS Option TG | Ch21 |
of interface | User's Guide | 9.1 |
PC communications for IMS Option | IMS Option TG | Ch20 |
PC to PC communications | Administrator's Guide | 10.4 |
peer network | Administrator's Guide | 10.4.1 |
printer for CICS Option | Administrator's Guide | 9.8 |
Remote IMS Requester | IMS Option TG | Ch18 , Ch23 |
Remote IMS Server | IMS Option TG | Ch24 |
SNA Server | Administrator's Guide | 10.3.2 , 10.4.2 |
SourceConnect | Getting Started | 10.3.1 |
SQL Option | User's Guide | 36.8 |
testing Remote IMS | IMS Option TG | Ch22 |
Tools menu | Migration Cookbook | 7.3 |
transaction routing | CICS Option TG | 5.3.3 |
two networks | Administrator's Guide | 10.4.2 |
Configuration file | ||
Assembler Option | Migration Cookbook | 16.2.1 |
CICS Option | Migration Cookbook | 12.2.2 |
dfh3270.cfg | CICS Option TG | 7.1 , 7.2 |
fhredir | CICS Option TG | 6.3.2 |
file handler | Migration Cookbook | 10.2.5 , 10.2.6 |
Fileshare | CICS Option TG | 6.2.1 |
Host Compatibility Option | Host Compat. Option TG | 5.1 |
Configuration Section | Language Reference | 6.1.2 |
Conformance | Language Reference | 5.6 , 10.1.7 |
object-oriented COBOL | Language Reference | 3.6.6 |
Conformance testing | User's Guide | 19.4 , 20.2.2 |
tutorial | Getting Started | Ch25 |
CONNECT DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.2 |
Console daemon | Migration Cookbook | 12.2.3 |
CONSOLE IS CRT clause | Language Reference | |
CONSTANT Compiler directive | Language Reference | 18.5 |
Constant conditional expression | Language Reference | 18.2.3 |
Constant-name | Language Reference | , , |
rules | Language Reference | |
Contents directory entry | IDE TG | 5.2 |
Contents List | ||
returning | Getting Started | 4.3 |
Context help | Getting Started | Ch3 , 5.3.13 |
button | Getting Started | A.1 |
Context menu | Getting Started | A.10 |
Context-sensitive word | Language Reference | |
Continuation of line | Language Reference | 1.2.3 , |
CONTINUE statement | Language Reference | 12.1.10 , 14.1.4 |
Control block | ||
macro | Assembler Option TG | 3.1 |
MVS | IDE TG | Ch5 |
CONTROL clause | LR - Additional Topics | 1.4.8 , 1.4.22 |
Language Reference | , |
Control comparison | User's Guide | 24.2.1 , 24.2.2 |
CONTROL FOOTING phrase | LR - Additional Topics | 1.4.21 , 1.4.22 |
CONTROL HEADING phrase | LR - Additional Topics | 1.4.22 |
Control variable | ||
CLIST | IDE TG | 6.7 |
Controlled extension for Mainframe Access | Administrator's Guide | 3.1 |
Conversational program | ||
SPA size | User's Guide | 35.5 |
Conversion | ||
character set | Administrator's Guide | |
CICS Option TG | 9.1 | |
data file | Administrator's Guide | 4.2 |
floating-point format | Administrator's Guide | |
mainframe print file | Administrator's Guide | , |
source file | Administrator's Guide | 4.1 |
variable-length records | Administrator's Guide | 4.3 |
Conversion utility | ||
MVS Workbench catalog | Migration Cookbook | 17.2 |
PROXMVS catalog | Migration Cookbook | 18.2 |
Convert3 | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 |
Convert5 | Migration Cookbook | 7.2 |
CONVERTING phrase | Language Reference | 13.1.12 |
CONVERTPTRS | Migration Cookbook | Ch6 |
Copy data set utility | IDE TG | 3.3 |
COPY statement | LR - Additional Topics | 13.3.2 |
Language Reference | 18.1.1 | |
changing | User's Guide | 6.3.4 |
DBDGEN | IMS Option TG | 8.3.1 |
example | LR - Additional Topics | 7.4 , 7.5 |
MFSGEN | IMS Option TG | |
PSBGEN | IMS Option TG | 8.4.1 |
Copybook | User's Guide | 4.7 , 6.3 , 36.7 |
Assembler | Migration Cookbook | 16.2.4 |
BMS | User's Guide | 31.7.2 , 32.6.1 |
closing | User's Guide | 6.3.3 |
compiling | Migration Cookbook | 9.2.6 |
creating record layout from | Migration Cookbook | 9.2.6 |
ECI | Administrator's Guide | 12.3.1 |
EXEC SQL | Migration Cookbook | 15.2.1 |
generating | Getting Started | 20.3.6 |
Host Compat. Option TG | 10.6 | |
hiding | User's Guide | 6.3.2 |
IMS source file | IMS Option TG | 1.1.5 |
relocating | IDE TG | 1.3 |
SDF array | CICS Option TG | 1.2 |
showing | User's Guide | 6.3.1 |
structure | Getting Started | 13.3.7 |
COPYEXT Compiler directive | Language Reference | 18.1.1 |
COPYLBR Compiler directive | Language Reference | 18.1.1 |
COPYLIST Compiler directive | Language Reference | 18.1.1 |
Core dump | User's Guide | 8.9 |
in Assembler debugger | User's Guide | 28.7.2 |
CORRESPONDING phrase | Language Reference | , 14.1.2 |
Corrupt catalog | User's Guide | 14.4 |
Corrupt indexed file | Administrator's Guide | |
User's Guide | 14.3 |
COS function | Language Reference | 11.9.8 |
COUNT phrase | LR - Additional Topics | 2.1.2 |
Country code | User's Guide | 26.1 |
CPI-C | ||
blocking | IMS Option TG | 26.6 |
side file | IMS Option TG | 20.1 |
.cpy file | IDE TG | 2.1 |
User's Guide | 27.3.1 |
CR symbol | Language Reference | |
Create Database tool | Host Compat. Option TG | Ch6 |
Criteria | ||
validation | User's Guide | 22.2.3 |
Cross-reference | Getting Started | 4.3 |
CRT STATUS clause | Language Reference | |
example | LR - Additional Topics | 7.6 |
CRT status key | Language Reference | |
CRTE CICS transaction | CICS Option TG | |
CSD | ||
See CICS system definition file |
CSI | ||
See COBOL Source Information |
.ctl file | IDE TG | 2.1 |
CTRACE DB2 directive option | Host Compat. Option TG | 16.5.2 |
Ctrl key | ||
in CICS Option | Getting Started | 17.3.9 |
Ctrl+C | Getting Started | A.12 |
Ctrl+F11 | Migration Cookbook | 8.2.7 |
Ctrl+V | Getting Started | A.12 |
Ctrl+X | Getting Started | A.12 |
Ctrl+Z | Getting Started | 13.3.2 |
CURRENCY Compiler directive | Language Reference | |
Currency sign | Language Reference | 6.1.2 |
CURRENCY SIGN clause | Language Reference | |
CURRENT-DATE function | Language Reference | 11.9.9 |
CURSOR IS clause | Language Reference | |
Custom tool | User's Guide | 9.1.5 |
Customization | ||
IDE | User's Guide | Ch9 |
IMS Option | IMS Option TG | Ch1 |
Cut and paste | Getting Started | A.12 |
CVT control block | IDE TG | 5.2 |
CYCLE phrase | Language Reference | 13.1.7 |