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Process Server Administration Command Line Tool

You can use this tool to manage all processes,and process instances on the Process Server. This document contains a list of commands and command parameters that can be used to interact with the Process Server.

Each time a BPEL process executes an instance is created on the Process Server. To manage these effectively, it is good practice to periodically delete the executed processes that have been deployed and configured using persistence from the Process Server. To delete instances use the delete [all | completed | failed | terminated | suspended | iid] command.

Tool Location:



The commands below begin with the pscli [flags] command followed by the task command. For example: --pscli [flags] changepassword or --pscli [flags] list. The optional flags on all the commands are:

  • -Server (-s) - The name and port number of the VPD server you want to connect to (for example, hostname:34001). If you do not provide a port number, the default port 34000 is used.
  • -Username (-u) - The username you want to connect with
  • -Password (-p) - The password you want to use when connecting
Command Description
help commands View a list of commands followed by brief descriptions.
help command View help on a specific command.
list [all | processes | instances] Combines results from the following two commands
list processes List all deployed processes on the server and view their status
list instances Generates a list of process instances including their current state, last activity of each instance, and the instance identification number.
info [iid | pid | ProcessNameFilter] Example: pscli info 751 where 751 is the iid or (instance identifier)

Example: pscli info HelloWorld (ProcessNameFilter)

Example: pscli info <pid here> (process identifier)
  1. Process info includes
    • Name of the process
    • Pid of the process
    • Namespace in which the process belongs
    • Status of the process
    • Package name
    • Number of invocation instances
    • Activity breakpoints
  2. Instance info includes
    • Instance iid
    • Process pid
    • Start time and date
    • Time and date of last activity
    • Scope information
deploy packagename PathToDirectory Copies the specified process or package to the server from the specified directory, when deployed a process can be run from the server.

Example: pscli deploy HelloWorld C:\verastream\projects\HelloWorld
undeploy [packagename | all] Undeploy removes specified processes or process packages from the server, they may no longer be run on the server. Example: pscli undeploy HelloWorld where ‘HelloWorld’ is the name of the process.
activate[all | pid | ProcessNameFilter] This action makes the specified process avaialable for use on the server to which it has been deployed. This action can be performed against all processes, against a single processspecified by the pid or by entering the process name.
retire[all | pid | ProcessNameFilter] This action can be performed against all processes, against a single process specified by the pid or by entering the process name to essentially ’deactivate’ the process.
terminate [ all | iid] Stops all running process instances or a single running instance.
delete [all | completed | failed | terminated | suspended | iid] This action deletes information stored about the instance from the database. These status parameters perform the delete action against:
  • all - all instances, including active instances. When you run this command it is good practice to make sure you have no active instances.
  • iid - the instance with this id number completed - all completed instances
  • failed - all failed instances
  • terminated - all terminated instances
  • suspended - all suspended instances
changepassword Changes your Process Server password credentials.

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