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Installation Guide

Verastream Process Designer (VPD) is an end-to-end Web service composition and orchestration product based on the BPEL standard, consisting of the Process Design Studio and the Process Server. After installing, you can use the Process Design Studio to quickly import Web services, apply logic constructs, test, and execute them as a BPEL process. The process is immediately ready for deployment as a Web service to the Process Server.

System Requirements

These requirements apply to both the Process Design Studio and the Process Server.


In preparing system requirement guidelines, Micro Focus may rely on published claims (that it cannot independently confirm) regarding the capabilities of the non-Micro Focus products. Micro Focus therefore recommends that you contact your suppliers directly with questions or concerns regarding their products.

For the Process Designer (including both the Design Studio and Process Server) you should allow approximately 1 GB of disk space. Additional space for data (such as models, projects, and logging) or if the Windows platform does not have .NET Framework or Microsoft Installer already installed may be required.

Process Design Studio

The Process Design Studio runs on the Windows platform. When User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you must run setup as Administrator.

Operating system Supported versions (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 7 and Windows 10

Other requirements

  • Tutorials

    The Design Studio contains tutorials that walk you through important workflows in the product. These tutorials are in Portable Document Format (PDF) and require Adobe Reader. You can download the reader at To set browser preferences, open Acrobat Reader, go to Preferences, and click on the Internet settings. For example, you can choose to have the Reader always open PDFs in an external window instead of embedded within the browser: just clear the "Display PDF in browser" option.

  • Web Services Explorer

    Web Services Explorer is a browser-based tool for testing SOAP-based Web services that are generated by your project. It is installed with the Design Studio and requires Internet Explorer version 11, Chrome, or Firefox 12.0 or higher.

Process Server

Although the Design Studio is a Windows-based component, the Process Server runs on multiple operating systems.

Operating system Supported versions (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012
Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 7
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
  • SLES 15
  • SLES 12
  • SLES 15
  • SLES 12
  • RHEL 7

Securing files

Preventing tampering, information leakage, and other security vulnerabilities is important. For a list of possible vulnerable files, see the online help topic, How to Work Securely.

Windows Installation

To install the Process Design Studio:

  1. Log into Windows with Administrator privileges and close all running applications.
  2. Run Setup.exe. and then click Continue.
  3. Read and accept the license agreement and click Continue.
  4. Click Install Now to install with the default settings or set the preferences found on each tab.
    • User Information - Technical support uses this information to provide better customer service.
    • File Location - Specify the install location for the product.
    • Feature Selection - Choose the features you want to install on the local machine.


Process Designer is installed using the default password of 'secret' and the default user name of 'admin'. You should use the Process Server command line interface (PSCLI) utility to change this password as soon as possible. The utility is located at install_directory\processserver\bin\pscli.cmd.

Unattended Windows Installation

  • Run the following command to install the Process Server silently: setup.exe/install/quiet
  • You can specify the installation location using the INSTALLDIR command. Execute the following: setup.exe/install/quiet INSTALLDIR= "C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Verastream"
  • The default install directory is C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Verastream\. The install process creates two sub-folders: ProcessDesignStudio and ProcessServer


An unattended install presumes that you have already accepted the software license agreement applicable to this product (most likely, in the course of a software download process, or an initial product installation). A copy of the software license agreement is provided in the root directory of the product in case you want to review it before proceeding with this setup.

Unix Process Server Installation


For zLinux users, you must have Java SE Version 8 installed before running an installation of Process Designer. During installation you will be prompted to specify the location of an existing JDK installation. You must specify the full path before you can continue with the installation.

See Configuring the Process Server to Start Automatically if you want to set the Process Server to start when your system starts.

To install the Process Server:

  1. Log on as root. Change the directory (cd) to the VPD installer directory.
  2. Depending on your operating system, enter:
    • ./vpd-r6.x-prod-linux or sh vpd-r6-prod-linux for Linux systems
    • ./vpd-r6.x-prod-zlinux or sh vpd-r6-prod-zlinux for zLinux systems
  3. To read the license agreement, use the following command: y+ENTER. Enter 'y' to accept the license.
  4. If you want to stop the installation enter n+ENTER. A message displays informing you that the software cannot be installed without first reading and agreeing with the terms.

After accepting the license, navigate the menu using the following commands:

  • Packages - The Process Server is the only package being installed and therefore is required.
  • Options - There are two options; p)installation path and o)installation owner

    Choose this option To do this...
    p) installation path:

    choose another base installation path
    o) installation owner:

    (current owner:current group)
    choose the owner and optional group for all files and directories under the base location where the product is being installed. Specify user or user:group. After installation by root is complete, you can directly log in as the specified user to manage the product. The default installation owner is root:system
  • Actions - Use i) to install, q) to quit the installation, and h) to display the help text.

After you configure the options, enter i and press Enter to finish installing.

Unix Unattended Installation

You may install the Process Server silently by specifying all necessary installation and configuration files in a separate file. Assuming this file is called install-input and you are installing on a Linux system, type this command on the command line: vpd-r6.x-prod-linux --licenseagreed --input install-input.


File install-input (below) contains all previously described options and is a sample delivered with the installation.

If you are installing on zLinux, you need to add the location of a JDK 1.8.0 installation to your input file: # Path to the Java SDK (version jdk1.8.0 or higher) javapath=full path name of the java installation

Sample install-input file:

# Package selection\
              # Installation location\
              # basepath=/opt/microfocus/verastream/\
              # Owner of installation and startup id servers\
              # owner=vpduser:vpdgroup

Uninstalling the Process Server on Unix

  1. Log on as root.
  2. Enter VPD installation directory/
  3. When prompted to remove the Process Designer, enter yes.

You can specify option -yes to answer all uninstall questons, thus setting up an unattended uninstall process.

Upgrading from Previous Versions

The most recent versions (R5, R5 SP1 and R6 SP1 and 2) of Verastream Process Designer are 64-bit products. Previous versions were 32-bit products.

The Process Server supports SHA-256 security certificates with 2048 bits keys. All certificates coming from the server, such as the HTTPS Verastream Web services, use this protocol. SHA-256 security certificates are designed by the National Security Agency and meet the United States information processing standards.

When you upgrade from a previous version, existing certificates (installed with the previous version) are maintained.


If you have made changes to the service-ctx.xml file, located in \ProcessServer/services/composite/META-INF/, you should back up this file before you upgrade. This file is overwritten during the upgrade process. Restore the changes made to this file after the upgrade is complete.

In this version (R6 SP2) of Verastream Process Designer the install path has changed to .../Micro Focus/verastream. If you had a previous version installed in .../attachmate/verastream, it will upgrade there. New installs will be installed to .../Micro Focus/verastream.

This version of Verastream Process Designer supports RESTful services. RESTful services require complex input and output types. If you want to expose your existing projects as RESTful services and you are using simple types for inputs and outputs, you must modify them to be complex. New projects use complex inputs and outputs by default. You can refer to those as an example.

Upgrading on Unix and Windows

  • Install the newest version of VPD. A message confirms that a previous installation has been detected.
  • Depending on whether you are upgrading on a Unix or Windows platform: Enter 'y' to 'Yes' to continue.
  • The upgrade/installation completes with a message indicating success.

If you had processes deployed with persistence enabled, each execution instance was saved in the database. After you upgrade, these instances will no longer be available.

Upgrading from an Evaluation Version to a Production Version

  • Windows - Run evalupgrade.msp
  • UNIX and other environments - Run the standard executable file and follow the instructions.