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Defining Compile Procedures

Compile procedures are required when you stage a like-source package component.

Use this option to enter all the procedures that are needed to stage like-source components in all applications on this ZMF instance.

Application administrators select compile procedures from this list when applications are configured.

Even if your applications do not contain any like-source components, you must enter a compile procedure.

To define global compile procedures, take the following steps:

  1. Select Option 4 from the Update Global Administration Options menu (CMNGAMN1). The Compile Procedure List panel (CMNPRCNM) is displayed.

    The first time you access this panel to define global procedures, the panel is empty. This is an example of the panel after procedures are entered.

    CMNPRCNM              Compile Procedure List               Row 1 to 5 of 5 
    Command ===> ____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
        Language Procedure     Description                                Order
    ___ ASM      CMNASM     Assembler build procedure                     0 
    ___ C        CMNCEE     C build procedure                             0 
    ___ COBOL2   CMNCOB2    COBOL2 build procedure                        0 
    ___ PLI      CMNPLI     PL/I build procedure                          0 
    ___ QL       CMNSQL     Translate compile link SQL Stored Proc        0
    **************************** Bottom of data ******************************

    The following table describes the fields on the Compile Procedure List panel.

    Column Description
    Line Command Type a line command to the left of a panel row.
    I - Insert a blank library type row.
    R - Repeat an existing library type row.
    D - Delete an existing library type row.
    Language Type * to choose a Language from the Language Selection List.
    Procedure Type the procedure name. The procedure must exist in one of the concatenated skeleton libraries. The procedures listed below are delivered in the SKELS library. You can create custom procedures.
    NOTE: If you create a custom procedure, do not use a numeric or special character in the fourth position of the procedure name.

    CMN$$OTH - Stage "Other" library type
    CMNASM - Stage assembler source
    CMNASMOB - Stage assembler source to object
    CMNASM2L -Stage ASSEMBLER source with double link edit (batch / CICS
    CMNCEE - Stage C/C++ (not zFS) source
    CMNCEEOB - Stage C/C++ (not zFS) source to object
    CMNCOBE - Stage IBM Enterprise COBOL source
    CMNCOBE2 - Stage IBM Enterprise COBOL source with double link edit (batch / CICS)
    CMNCOBOB - Stage OS/VS COBOL source to object
    CMNCOBOL - Stage OS/VS COBOL source
    CMNCOB2 - Stage COBOL2 source
    CMNCO2OB -Stage COBOL2 source to object
    CMNDBDGN - Stage IMS DBD source
    CMNJAR - Create Java archive
    CMNJAVA - Stage Java source
    CMNMAPGN - Stage BMS MAP source
    CMNMFSGN - Stage IMS MFS source
    Description Type the skeleton procedure description, which can be up to 44 alphanumeric characters.
    Order Enter a number to determine the order in which this list is displayed to users by default. Valid values are 0 to 65535. The display order option must be enabled in global parameters for the display order number to take effect.


  2. On the Compile Procedure List panel, use a line command to Insert a new procedure row, or update an existing row on the panel.

    1. On the Compile Procedure List panel, type * (asterisk) in the Language column and press Enter to display the Language Selection List panel.

    2. On the Language Selection List panel, type line command S to select one or more languages. Then press Enter to return to the Compile Procedure List panel where the language or languages you selected are added.

    3. On the Compile Procedure List panel, if you know the name of the skeleton that you want to pair with the Language name, type the skeleton name in the Procedure field. Otherwise, type * (asterisk) in the Procedure field and press Enter to display the Procedure Selection List, which is a list of the members in the skeleton libraries concatenated in your ZMF started procedure.

    4. On the Procedure Selection List panel, type line command S to select a skeleton. Then press Enter to return to the Compile Procedure List panel where the Procedure field is populated with your selection.

    5. On the Compile Procedure List panel, type a description for the Language / Procedure combination.

    6. On the Compile Procedure List panel, continue to add or complete Language / Procedure rows until you have defined all procedures that will be needed in all applications.

  3. On the Compile Procedure List panel, press PF3, or type End on the Command line and press Enter, to save your updates.